Relatives of Volkssturm members

German unit histories, lineages, OoBs, ToEs, commanders, fieldpost numbers, organization, etc.

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Relatives of Volkssturm members

Post by snafu947 »

First, thank you for deciding to read this.

I am trying to do some research on the Volkssturm, but there is not a lot written about it. I'm wondering if you'd be willing to share some of the information you may have acquired.

If you had a relative that served as a member of the Volkssturm, and you would be willing, please send me a private message. I am looking for "first person" accounts, such as might be found in diaries, family history, photos, that sort of thing.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. I'll gladly go into more detail in my reply to you.

Wm.T. Ripley
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