Touring Guides for German Troops

General WWII era German military discussion that doesn't fit someplace more specific.
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Touring Guides for German Troops

Post by Wurger »

Does anyone have any information about the touring guides that were published for use by German troops in the occupied territories of western and southern Europe? - I'm not sure if any were released for eastern Europe. Basically, they were like modern tour guides listing sights to see, places to visit etc.

Any information on these guides would be greatly appreciated. Anyone with photocopies, scans or copies of the original documents that they are willing to part with, should contact me privately.

Thanks in advance.

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The Gwerman Army's "Michelin"

Post by joscha »

When I was stationed in a village near Amiens in May/June 1943, I was one of the few lucky guys who were allowed a trip to Paris. We did receive a small booklet with information about the historical sites of Paris, and I remember, the Moulin Rouge was considered a site to see!

This booklet also contained warnings about using only condoms when engaging the "services"of a Paris lady of leisure. It also detailed where we were prohibited to go because of criminal elements being high in numbers in these arrondissements.

I have no idea where this booklet is now, if it exists even. But thanks for reminding me. Joscha
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German "Lonely Planet Guides" to Touring Europe

Post by Wurger »

Thanks for the information Joscha.

Can you recall any of the sites that were recommended for troops to visit? I'm interested in what were considered to be "essential" places to see while on occupation duty.

I had anticipated that there would have been some warnings about the "Ladies of Leisure" (diplomatically put!).


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