translation help - a brief forward

Translation requests of German or other languages.

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translation help - a brief forward

Post by Dale »

Hello --
I could use some help with this info.
It is a short "forward" from a Tiger abteilung officer - He is currently quite old (obviously) and his writing is not necessarily the best - grammatically...
If anyone could give me some help with this I would much appreciate it !!

als junger oblt wurde ich zu der neu aufgestellten schw pz abtlg 5o5 nach iseghem (belgien)kommandiert
kommandeur war maj sauvant,der mich als zgfhr der unter hptm v. riedesel zuwies.weitere zgfhr
waren lt knauth und lt war ein wunderbares verhältnis unter den offizieren. leider konnte ich nicht bis zum schluß in der abtlg.bleiben nachdem meine verwundung am 15.9.43 doch einen doppelten u-arm schußbruch 9monate lazarett dann kam ich über die ers abtlg 5oo als lehroffizier zum kdo tiger paderborn und
übernahm als kp chef die kameraden incl. techn.personal und mediziner waren ein hervoragend eingespieltes
instrument und brachte dem feind hohe verluste zu.die auszeichnungen sind ein beleg hierfür.meine gedanken sind
oft bei den mir lieb gewordenen kameraden und freunden die in pflichterfüllung für ihr vaterland gefallen sind.
dem verfasser dieses buches danke ich für seine bemühungen die geschichte der s pz abtlg 505 so exakt in wort und bild
dokumentiert zu haben,und das als ehemaliger gegner.chapeau- hu majuntke im Mai 2012

Thanks !!
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Re: translation help - a brief forward

Post by hero. »

Hello Dale !

Interesting biography ! Here is the translation :

When I was a young First Lieutenant I was ordered to join the newly formed
schwere Panzer-Abteilung 505 in Iseghem (Belgium). It's commander was Maj. Sauvant,
who appointed me as platoon leader within the first company under Hptm. Riedesel.
Other platoon leaders were : 2nd Lt. Knauth, 2nd Lt. Schlange.
There was a very pleasant relationship among the officers.

Sadly, I couldn't stay with the unit until the end, as on September, 15th, 1943,
I was wounded by a shot. The injury was finally diagnosed as a double forearm fracture.
I had to stay in hospital for about 9 month.

Then I was released to [Pz.]Ers.Abt. 500 and finally joined the Kommando Tiger Paderborn,
to become an officer in the demonstration [training ?!] unit there.
I became Kp.-Chef of the 1. Kompanie.
[I am not sure, if I understand him correctly here. I think strictly :
Lehroffizier = officer in a demonstration unit, Ausbilder = trainer. Was PzLehr-Kp. Paderborn
a demonstration- or a training-unit ?! Or both ?! See attached scan on the Gliederung of that unit.]

All comrades, including the technical personnel and the medics were operating excellent together
and inflicted heavy losses to the enemy. The decorations are a proof of that.
[This most probably refers to schw. Pz.Abt. 505 again.]

My thoughts are often with the much loved comrades and friends, who fell while doing their duty
for their fatherland.

I thank the writer of this book for his efforts to document the history of schw. Pz.Abt. 505
in words and pictures so accurately, and that as a former opponent.

chapeau- hu majuntke im Mai 2012

I indicated the points where I am not 100 % sure. Perhaps someone could improve those parts
of the translation ?! Otherwise no complaints on his grammar :wink: !

Best regards,

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Re: translation help - a brief forward

Post by Dale »

Excellent - thank you very much !!
I'm glad that the grammar was on -- he often responds in e-mails that people have had a difficult time understanding and that was why I presumed it may be the same...
I'm super grateful that he bothers to take the interest and still respond to me when he is in his 90's --
Thanks hero -- for the great translation !

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Re: translation help - a brief forward

Post by Jan-Hendrik »

Hi Dale,

Is it Horst-Ulrich Majuntke?

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