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Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:18 am
by TimoWr
Cott Tiger wrote:However, as a note of caution, you should be aware that the man is white-supremacist
Kevin/HvM, you're Asian, correct? Would it make sense for you to write to somebody who believes you're less than him due to race? If that doesn't trouble you, then go ahead and write him. But if your focus is on his military career then why don't you simply get yourself a copy of his book?
Cott Tiger wrote:Also, his association with the National Alliance seems to have been questioned on this thread. Well just to clarify he was a keynote speaker for them as recently as 2002 during the Georgia chapter’s state wide conference.
Like I said: a close friend of Pierce, a member and a frequent speaker. There is absolutely no reason to question his link with the white-supremist National Alliance. I think it makes more sense to question those who still question that :?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:20 am
by pzrmeyer2
Do you believe that Hans Schmidt is not a racist, anti-Semitic, Holocaust denier with proven links to white-supremacist organisations?
no, no heavens no. Obviously, the man has been painted by members here to be those labels. I don't know the man, in fact, I never heard of him until this thread. I'll take your word for it. I just wanted factual explanations as to what was "wrong" or untrue about his views.

Obviously, his views may be offensive and distasteful, but as to their "rightness" or "wrongness", that can be debated.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:26 am
by pzrmeyer2
Holding up one single line of argument, which cannot even be discussed on here while glossing over the argument as a whole, seems weak to me.
No, whats weak is trying to stifle the man's arguement by throwing out the debate-ending "racist, sexist, homophobe, nazi, etc" label and discouraging others to contact him and form their own opinions. Obviously, the man is way, way to the far end of the political spectrum. People should keep that in mind when they contact him.

Just as some of our so-called experts represent the other end of the spectrum. One shouldn't take any of it as Gospel...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:48 am
by Cott Tiger

You obviosuly believe there is credible debate in Holocaust denial and racial supremacy. I believe there is none. Luckily we live in a democracy and we have the right to hold our own opinions.

As for discouragig others to contact him I think you will find that I suggested no reason NOT to contact him (about his WWII service) but to be cautious because of his extreme political nature. Is that not sound advice to give to an impressionable youngster? You obviously think not.

Hans Schmidt

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:42 am
by snafu947
Interesting to see this posting.

I have had some dealings with this gentleman. He is very generous with his newsletters, as he sent me quite a few over our about year's time correspondence. Even when I didn't ask for them...

If you try to ask him about his military service, he won't tell you. To be fair, he was at that particular time writing his book, so I'm guessing he didn't want to "spill the beans" as it were. That may be different now.

Coming from the experience I've had with him, if you are trying to learn about his WWII experiences/stories, you probably won't get them by writing to him. Just his newsletters.


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:56 am
by pzrmeyer2

I beleive that you are (deliberately?) distorting my position. I have stated previously I am NOT a Holocaust denier.

I am however, someone, who is not naive, ignorant, or deliberately apathetic enough to consider that the grossly disproportional, highly overrepresented power and influence of a tiny minority in the fields of politics & policy, lobbying, law, communication, written, visual, and audio entertainment, higher education, industry, banking, white collar crime, and organized crime, and the highly toxic reactions to this influence and power, may be more than just sheer coincidence.
Luckily we live in a democracy and we have the right to hold our own opinions.
As long as they're not expressed...look what happens to those who even question certain aspects of the holocaust. Jail, blacklisting, etc.

Is that not sound advice to give to an impressionable youngster? You obviously think not.
where have I suggested or thought that? I have stated that obviously Herr Schmidt represents an extreme point of view, based on your and Timo's comments about him. I also think that after the first post in the thread that warns Hvm about this was sufficient. I simply asked for someone to tell me what was "wrong" about his alleged views. I don't purport to know if they are "right" or "wrong". But who is the judge? Isn't it sufficient to let others form their own opinions as to how valid or invalid they are?

I can't see HvM launching a pogrom against the Jews of Taipei or shaving his head for the next Stormfront concert if he contacts the man on specifics of his (alleged) WW2 service.

Now, again, I do not wish to violate any forum rules and go into topics that are verboten here. But, I am leery of those who throw out toxic labels that discourage discourse. And everyone knows that the mere label of someone as a denier, neo-nazi, etc does just that.

I have not attempted to put words or thoughts in anyone else's mouth. Please don't put any in mine, ok?.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:09 am
by Achilles
I am however, someone, who is not naive, ignorant, or deliberately apathetic enough to consider that the grossly disproportional, highly overrepresented power and influence of a tiny minority in the fields of politics & policy, lobbying, law, communication, written, visual, and audio entertainment, higher education, industry, banking, white collar crime, and organized crime, and the highly toxic reactions to this influence and power, may be more than just sheer coincidence.
That you even think that Jews - that's who your personal problem is with isn't it? - actually fit the above description shows your true position on Holocaust denial. You don't deny the Holocaust happened...but you reckon they got what was coming to them didn't they? Hitler was right all along...there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the world.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:12 am
by pzrmeyer2
That you even think that Jews - that's who your personal problem is with isn't it? - actually fit the above description shows your true position on Holocaust denial. You don't deny the Holocaust happened...but you reckon they got what was coming to them didn't they? Hitler was right all along...there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the world.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:17 am
by pzrmeyer2
I said "consider" and "may".... You obviously don't wish to open your mind to think about things. And I have never alleged a conspiracy. Do you deny that Jews, ARE highly over-represented in those fields, given that there are only approx 15 million in a world of 5+ billion? Is it anti-Semitic to say that??? You prove my point about the supression of honest, open debate.

And I have NEVER advocated, supported, or apologized for killing anyone or group on this forum.

I am not getting into a "flame war" over this.

Topic Covered

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:19 pm
by John W. Howard
Hello Gents:
I think this topic has been covered sufficiently and the temperature is rising!! I think this might be a good time to lock the thread before someone says something we will all regret. I think all of you stated your case well.