Hans Schmidt.

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Helmut Von Moltke

Hans Schmidt.

Post by Helmut Von Moltke »


on the LSSAH reenactment website, they mention a LSSAH veteran named Hans Schmidt who lives in the USA, and wrote an intresting book named 'SS Panzergrenadier". Somehow I came across his website, but before writing, I don't know much about him, does anyone have any more detailed info? I did a google search on him, the results were mainly websties selling his book, some letter he wrote to Speilberg with criticism about "Saving Private Ryan", and that letter on some revisionist website. thanks for any help,

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Post by TimoWr »

He wrote a ridiculous book from an SS appologist point-of-view. He is also a member of an American white power party. A sad person.
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Post by haen2 »

Hoi Timo.
I have not read the book, (can't afford to buy it) but your comment makes me curious.
Could you elaborate a little on that ?
What's an SS apologist point of view ?? what did he apologize for ? ?
Is he really a member of some white supremacist party, or is that some rumor ?
Clue us in if you please.
Thanks in advance.
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Post by TimoWr »

No, he was a close personal friend of the late William L. Pierce - leader of the National Alliance, a member and a frequent speaker at their party meetings.

http://lexikon.idgr.de/s/s_c/schmidt-ha ... t-hans.php
Das ehemalige Mitglied der Hitler-Jugend und der Waffen-SS reist 1949 in die USA ein und gründet im gleichen Jahr bereits die "German-American Anti-Defamation League", 1983 gründet er das "German-American National Political Action Committee" (GANPAC), beide Organisationen bleiben aber sein persönliches Ein-Mann-Unternehmen. 1983 ist er auch Teilnehmer bei der 5. "Revisionisten"-Tagung des Institute for Historical Review (IHR). 1989 erscheint in der Zeitschrift Liberty Bell ein Artikel von Hans Schmidt zu Hitlers 100. Geburtstag. Im gleichen Jahr erneut Teilnahme an der IHR-Tagung, 1995 veröffentlicht er einen Beitrag in den Staatsbriefen. Nach dem Fall der Mauer reist Schmidt wiederholt in die neuen Bundesländer zur politischen Agitation. 1996 kommt es vor dem Landgericht Schwerin zu einem Prozess wegen Volksverhetzung. Wegen seines schlechten Gesundheitszustandes wird Schmidt aus der Untersuchungshaft entlassen, was er zur Flucht in die USA nutzt. Neben der Herausgabe seiner GANPAC-Briefe hat Schmidt mehrere Briefe in der neonazistischen Publikation Sieg des Österreichers Walter Ochensberger veröffentlicht. Für seine deutschsprachige Leserschaft schreibt er die "USA-Berichte". In einem seiner Briefe behauptet er, die US-amerikanische Regierung erhebe für die Kennzeichnung koscherer Lebensmittel eine Steuer, die auf alle Bürger umgelegt werde (Siehe auch: "Kosher Tax").

Im Februar 1992 nimmt Schmidt an der von dem rechtsextremen Afro-Amerikaner Robert Brock organisierten Konferenz in Los Angeles zum Thema "Holocaust Studies and the First Amendment" als einer von drei (inklusive Brock selbst) Referenten teil. In seinem Buch "End Times/End Games" schreibt er von einer "zionistischen Unterwanderung der westlichen Regierungen" und bezieht sich dabei auf das antisemitische Falsifikat "Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion". Seine Veröffentlichungen kreisen immer wieder um die angebliche Dominanz von Juden in den Medien und um "jüdische Verschwörungen". Dabei wird er oftmals offen antisemitisch:

"Was mich am meisten an den Juden stört, ist ihre immer wieder auftretende tiefgründige Unehrlichkeit. (. . .) Ein besonders krasses Beispiel für die tiefgründige Unehrlichkeit der meisten Juden (. . .) ist die ständige Leugnung jüdischer, übergroßer Macht. (. . .) (Es ist) natürlich unabdingbar, daß die Juden in Deutschland gehätschelt und gepflegt werden, eben wie es in der Natur einem Parasiten zusteht."[1]
Anfang 2002 wendet er sich wieder der Rehabilitation der NS-Zeit zu und veröffentlicht ein weiteres Buch, das den Titel "SS Panzergrenadier" trägt. Schmidt bringt es im Eigenverlag heraus und vertreibt es auch selbst. Dieses Buch stellt er bei der Third International Conference on Authentic History and the First Amendment vor, die von der "revisionistischen" Zeitschrift Barnes Review vom 14. bis 16. Juni 2002 in Washington durchgeführt wurde. Herausgeber ist Willis Carto, der nicht nur der Gründer des Institute for Historical Review (IHR) ist, sondern zahlreiche weitere Organisationen formiert hat und andere antisemitische Publikationen herausgibt. In seinem Vortrag macht Schmidt keinen Hehl aus seiner Mitgliedschaft bei der SS und teilt der Zuhörerschaft mit starkem deutschen Akzent mit, er sei stolz darauf, Teil dieser Organisation gewesen zu sein, die in den Nürnberger Prozessen als kriminell eingestuft wurde. Einleitend berichtet er auch, dass er im Falle der Einreise nach Deutschland eine 30-monatige Haftstrafe absitzen müsse. Sein Vortrag hat "Das Ende der Ritterlichkeit" zum Thema, welches für ihn ab 1945 einsetzt. Dieser Vorwurf Schmidts richtet sich an Amerika sowohl als Besatzungsmacht im besiegten Deutschland als auch bei aktuellen militärischen Einsätzen. Die Vereinigten Staaten würden damals wie heute die internationalen Konventionen missachten, so Schmidt.[2] In diesem Zusammenhang verweist er auf das Buch des kanadischen Journalisten James Bacque über die Zahl der Toten in den Gefangenenlagern der westlichen Alliierten nach 1945, vergisst dabei aber zu erwähnen, dass dessen Berechnung der Todesziffern von Historikern als wissenschaftlich völlig unhaltbar zurückgewiesen wurde.[3]
1) USA-Bericht, zit. nach Verfassungsschutzbericht Niedersachsen, 1996, S. 40
2) The Loss of Chivalry, Vortrag als Audio-File, 14.6.02, http://www.barnesreview.org/Conference/
3) Vgl. dazu: Arthur L. Smith, Die "vermisste Million". Zum Schicksal deutscher Kriegsgefangener nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, Oldenbourg, München 1992
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Post by John P. Moore »

I have had some telephone conversations with Hans Schmidt from over 10 years ago when he was living in Virginia and was referred to me by the head of the HIAG in Rheinland Pfalz. Schmidt was/is head of GENPAC, a political action committee in the USA whose membership was mainly US citizens of German decent. He sent me some of his newsletters and told me a few war stories. I have also seen copies of the GENPAC newsletter in the homes of veterans in Germany which they received unsolicited. He did me put in touch with several scientists in the USA who have helped me with technical translations. While I have not read his book, his thinking was clearly to the right.

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Post by derGespenst »

I, too have been on the GANPAC mailing list and have been reading Schmidt's diatribes for many years (like most, he's not ALWAYS wrong). However, while he is an "unreconstructed Nazi" he is not, as far as I can tell, a "white supremacist". Non-American might wonder at the difference, but there is a substantial one. The long quote that TimoWr provides is quite complete and accurate about Schmidt's politics and activities and does not mention white supremacists in it.
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Post by TimoWr »

TimoWr wrote:No, he was a close personal friend of the late William L. Pierce - leader of the National Alliance, a member and a frequent speaker at their party meetings.

Post by pzrmeyer2 »

I, too have been on the GANPAC mailing list and have been reading Schmidt's diatribes for many years (like most, he's not ALWAYS wrong).
can you define what you mean by "wrong"?
Helmut Von Moltke

Post by Helmut Von Moltke »

thanks guys, but is it possible to write to him and get a reply, without his political newsletters? Since I'm not really intrested into getting political..... :roll: btw, what does Timo's linked article about Herr Schmidt say in English? thanks. 8)
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Post by haen2 »

Thanks Timo , for your response.
Frankly I had never heard about the guy until now.
As far as he is off to the far right or not, from your quotation I got the imprssion that is was indeed "to the right", but not "far off to it".
Nor did I see anything White supremacist in it.
He was a close friend of ".." I have a close friend who is a jew; another in Holland a dyed in the wool communist; and yet another is an unreconstructed Nazi. So ? what does that make me ?
Just an observer, listenening to some dialog that once in a while makes sense, and other time does not.
Who was it that said: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Peace !

p.s. off topic, I heard that the oranje "nazi" helmets with on either side "Hup Holland Hup", now are forbidden in Holland.

Oh well, so much for openmindedness.
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Re: Schmidt

Post by TimoWr »

haen2 wrote:He was a close friend of ".." I have a close friend who is a jew; another in Holland a dyed in the wool communist; and yet another is an unreconstructed Nazi. So ? what does that make me ?
HaEn, like I said above, the guy was a close personal friend of the leader of a white supremist party, is a member of that white supremist party and a frequent speaker at the meetings of that white supremist party.
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Post by derGespenst »

Yes, but you posted that long quote in German which does not substantiate any of what you just said.

Post by pzrmeyer2 »

Still waiting to see what he was "wrong" about....
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Post by derGespenst »

What he's wrong about depends upon your point of view. He is somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, for which I have small tolerance. His view of history is highly biased and he sees himself as a predictor of future events. He questions the given history of the holocaust, which is a legitimate pursuit and I have never heard him mention the National Alliance or William Pierce - strange if he's such a close friend. I actually harbor a little affection for Hans, but he's just too shrill for my liking.
Helmut Von Moltke

Post by Helmut Von Moltke »

here is an attempt to translate that article, via internet translator:
The former member of the Hitler Youth and the Waffen SS entered in 1949 into the USA and creates in the same year already the "German American anti- Defamation League", 1983 creates it the "German American national Political Action Committee" (GANPAC), both organizations remains however its personal one-man enterprise. 1983 he is also participant with the 5. Revision" conference the institute for Historical Review (IT). 1989 appear to Liberty Bell in the magazine an article of Hans Schmidt to Hitler 100. Birthday. In the same year participation in the their conference, 1995 it publishes an article in the state letters again. After the case of the wall Schmidt travels repeated to the new Lands of the Federal Republic for political agitation. 1996 come it before the regional court Schwerin to a process because of incitement of the masses. Because of its bad state of health Schmidt will dismiss from the remand, which he uses to the escape into the USA. Beside the publication of its GANPAC letters Schmidt published several letters in neo-Nazi tables the publication victory of the Austrian walter Ochensberger. For its German-speaking readership it writes the "USA reports". In one of its letters maintains it, the US-American government raises for the marking of koscherer food a tax, which is put down on all citizens (see also: "Kosher Tax").Im February 1992 takes Schmidt to from the right-wing extremist the Afro Americans Rober
hmmm..... :?