Brit Royalty in nazi uniform shock horror!

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sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Stefan,

Wasn't Hitler the result of a Republican system?


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Post by Stefan »

If we assume that Hitlers character was already formed when he became 30, he was a result of monarchy. But on second thought ... if we compare Prince Harry with George Bush, things look quite favorable for the noble class.
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sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Stefan,

But if we look at the system of government that allowed Hitler to power, it was republican.

I, personally, am in favour of a functional constitutional monarchy for pragmatic reasons. It separates the affection of the population from the seat of power. Hundreds of thousands of people will spontaneously turn out for a royal wedding or jubilee, even though the monarchy has almost no power in practice. By contrast, the Prime Minister, who has the power, is widely reviled, lampooned and cartooned in the press. As long as the focus of the affections of the population and the reins of power are separate a Hitler cannot arise. He had both absolute power and the absolute adoration of tens of millions. We know the result.

I don't recommend other countries should revert from republicanism to constitutional monarchy, but I do recommend that as long as the monarchy has a pragmatic use it should be retained. The British monarchy makes no rational intellectual sense, but it has a pragmatic value that far outweighs this.



P.S. The monarchy is also egalitarian. Where else can a house wife of limited abilities be head of state?
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Post by TheFerret »

Its all an over reaction. When I was a kid his age I knew kids who dressed like Hitler for Halloween. Nobody really cared that much.

Maybe its a bit tasteless, him being royalty and all, but I think the press should give this kid some slack. Boys will be boys.
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Walter Wulfsen
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Post by Walter Wulfsen »

TheFerret wrote:Its all an over reaction. When I was a kid his age I knew kids who dressed like Hitler for Halloween. Nobody really cared that much.

Maybe its a bit tasteless, him being royalty and all, but I think the press should give this kid some slack. Boys will be boys.
I wholeheartedly agree Ferret. :D If people really want to focus on evil, they should focus on the holocaust of abortion mills [millions of human lives snuffed out annually] promoted in, and by, "liberal democracies" around the globe. :evil: Also, so-called gay marriage is an abomination of unprecedented proportions. Why, you may ask? This "ideology of evil," promotes the deterioration of both morals and physical health, wherever it is tolerated and accepted. :evil: In just the past week I have read about a new and much more virulent and deadly strain of AIDS spreading in New York City, among, who else but, the gay community. You, will, no doubt, be reading a great deal about this new disaster in the coming months, especially as it spreads to London, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, etc. Instead of requiring years to cause death, the new strain kills in months (from initial infection). 8) Cheers, Walter
Rolf Steiner
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Post by Rolf Steiner »

The British tabloids are no strangers to queer bashing either, but it's been a while since I've noticed any on feldgrau. Saddening, but I can't say surprising.
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Post by Walter Wulfsen »

Rolf Steiner wrote:The British tabloids are no strangers to queer bashing either, but it's been a while since I've noticed any on feldgrau. Saddening, but I can't say surprising.
Rolf, I hardly see where it is necessary to use such a hateful term as "queer," which you seem bent upon using to slander a whole group of people who have made a choice to behave in a certain way. I was, and am, writing about facts. When I mentioned that so-called homosexual marriage, and the lifestyle (by implication), is an,"ideology of evil," I was referring to the Pope's soon to be released new book in which he discusses with philosophers and friends the nature of evil. Surely, Rolf, you are not calling one of the most decent Popes and human beings a bigot. It is so easy to name-call, but I wouldn't know. Cheers, Walter
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Post by Hans »

Bloody hell, havn't you guys anything better to do. Harry wore this rubbish as a joke and thereby reduced it to what it should be, unintentionally to be sure. I'm probably one of the few on this forum that is sworn to defend the Queen and her descendants, being a naturalised British subject, and I get a bit cheesed off when people take cheap potshots, that the Family can't respond to. Also remember that the British Royal family is related to all the others (in Europe) and therefore if you want to call them inbreeds, do the same to the others. If you come from European stock, there's every likelyhood that the same applies to you, I'm pretty sure that in most rural communities cousins married cousins. :shock:
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Post by Paulus »

Why is he wearing an Afrika Korps shirt with SS collar tabs? Is it me or does that mkae no sense? :?
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Post by Jez »

He wasn't wearing SS collar tabs.

Regards, Jez,
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Post by Stefan »

I hear that Britain has voted against a ban of Nazi symbols in the European Comission. Now I wonder who is behind this - the Royal family (because they want Harry to wear an outfit of his choice) or Rupert Goebbels-Murdoch (because he needs Hakenkreuze in The Sun whenever an English football team plays a german one) or Tony Bliar (because he is mulling a change of national insignia on his planes for the next war of aggression against Iran). :D
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Post by Zebedee »

..... or was it because of the large Hindu community within Britain?

P.S Not read or heard anything about banning the swastika Europe wide but I'll assume it is correct. Although an AM did try to drum up support for banning it in Wales. He didn't get very far with the idea though.
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Post by Rolf Steiner »

Walter Wulfsen wrote:Rolf, I hardly see where it is necessary to use such a hateful term as "queer," which you seem bent upon using to slander a whole group of people who have made a choice to behave in a certain way. I was, and am, writing about facts.
No Walter, that would make ME a queer-basher. I grant you it's not the most delicate expression, but it's generally understood as shorthand for the activities of homophobes, not as a slur to gay people per se. In any case, if it's ok to rubbish those same people's partnership rights and and make sweeping judgements on their morality, who's counting?
Walter Wulfsen wrote:When I mentioned that so-called homosexual marriage, and the lifestyle (by implication), is an,"ideology of evil," I was referring to the Pope's soon to be released new book in which he discusses with philosophers and friends the nature of evil. Surely, Rolf, you are not calling one of the most decent Popes and human beings a bigot. It is so easy to name-call, but I wouldn't know. Cheers, Walter
I don't remember mentioning the pope at all. I'm not acquainted with all his views, not being catholic myself, but for all his qualities, I don't feel obliged to agree with the man's every utterance. Or those of any other leader, religious or otherwise.

Hmm, this is an interesting and unforseen strand of discussion from Harry's dressing-up box mishap!
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Post by Ciaran Byrne »


:D :D :D
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Walter Wulfsen
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Post by Walter Wulfsen »

"No, here I am partying with the Hitler Jugend."-Adolf Hitler :D 8)

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