Kurland Infantry Div StuG III question

German Heer 1935-1945.

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Kurland Infantry Div StuG III question

Post by toby2282 »


I now have 4 StuG IIIG's to build as I'm awaiting delivery of the new Dragon edition to go with my Tamiya, older Dragon StuG and Revell StuG. I want to build my Revell version as a late (not final) version in the Kurland bridgehead between Nov 1944 - March 1945 thision.at was issued to an Infantry Div

1. Can anyone assist with where I can get figures on StuG III in the Kurland bridgehead within this period?

2. Does anyone know which units were issued StuG IIIG's between Oct and Dec 1944?

3. I have the Bridgehead Kurland book which is very informative, but can anyone recommend any other literature for this period that may be of help.

I also have all the normal StuG IIIG references etc but woud like to build an accurate model based on an actual unit that fought in the bridgehead.

Any help will be greatly appreciated


Toby Knight
On my command, Unleash hell.
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