Pre-war Estonian fortifications used by Germans in 1943-44?

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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sid guttridge
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Pre-war Estonian fortifications used by Germans in 1943-44?

Post by sid guttridge »

Before the war the Estonians employed German engineers to design and oversee the construction of 50 reinforced concrete bunkers along the river running northwards from Lake Peipus, via Narva, to the Baltic.

Were these fortifications of any particular significance during the German defence of this same line in 1943-44.

Many thanks,

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Re: Pre-war Estonian fortifications used by Germans in 1943-

Post by andrus »

sid guttridge wrote:Before the war the Estonians employed German engineers to design and oversee the construction of 50 reinforced concrete bunkers
any sources for such a bold statement ?

or do we want to turn this forum into another "i have longest dick because my favourite unit is <insert another ss-panzer-unit> and my nickname is <insert highest claiming tank commander/fighter pilot>" ;)
sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Andrus,

What is bold about this statement? It seems pretty uncontentious to me.

I have two sources. What put me on to this was the fact that this was one of the accusations made against Estonia by the USSR in order to justify the "Mutual Assistance" agreement.

I followed it up and found another reference in "Acta Baltica" (I think it is called) - a post war German academic periodical publication. If I remember correctly, this article took much of its information from exiles and US National Archives.

If you have a serious interest I would be happy to dig out more precise details.

Whilst I fully sympathise with your last paragraph, I think you should have done a little more research before addressing it to me. There are others far more deserving.


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Post by andrus »

ok, what I have about building of these fortifications:

from magazine ‘tehnika ja tootmine’ 8,9/1992 Eesti piirikindlustused (Estonian border fortifications), author Toe Nõmm. As sources he uses primary documents from ‘Eesti Riigiarhiiv’ (Estonian State Archive)

First concrete bunker built: 1931 at Keldrimägi in Jaanilinn/Ivangorod (in 1944 there was so-called Narva-bridgehead).


Third plan for border fortifications was made in year 1932. Fortifications were to be made in Narva-sector and in southeast Estonia. Measures to be made: building concrete bunker line and preparations for demolishing work. Also building of reinforced gun positions in Narva was required according to this plan.

First bunkers were built according to this plan in 1934. One (blockhaus) was near Narva river in Riigiküla and 4 in Agusalu, beside Jõhvi-Vasknarva road. Next year they were tested by fire from light and heavy guns. Bunkers got small damage. They were repaired, but it was decided to build following bunkers more sturdy. Next, there was break in build work, only preparations for wartime demolitions were made.

In 1938 reinforced gun positions were build in Narva area (11 concrete ones in Narva (4 for 229mm gun model 1878, 7 for 152mm gun model 1877) and 3 wooden ones in Narva-Jõesuu (for 152mm gun model 1877)). Also on north side of Narva 4 concrete ammunition shelters and single machine-gun bunker (caponier) were built.

Building of bunkers started in only in July 1939 instead of 1938 (reason given in article: betrayal of Konstantin-Nikolai Trankmann, local leader of fortification works). On 1st september there were ready concrete bodies of 5 bunkers, other 5 bodies were ready on 21st Sept. And this was all. According to mutual-help pact (and secret addendum) with soviets all fortification work was stopped on 1–2nd October.

Only german ‘help’ mentioned in article was breaking of supply contract for 435 tons of steel for reinforcement of concrete by ‘Mannesmann Export’ (steel was bought from local companies). There is remark in article: bunkers were projected and mix of concrete was developed in Estonia. Testing was carried out in Technical university of Tallinn and in field.

Article says ‘in 1944 bunkers were used by Estonian and german soldiers’, also there is remark that at least some of these bunkers are preserved (in year 1992).

so total numbers:
2 'blockhaus'
10 'caponier'
4 munitions shelters

little less than 50, eh ?
sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Andrus,

Thanks very much for that. Excellent sourced information.

Do you know what material the forward infantry positions were constructed of? The reinforced concrete emplacements you mention are mostly artillery positions, presumably somewhere to the rear of the front line.


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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Andrus,

One more thing.

The Russians accused both the Lithuanians and Latvians of kidnapping Soviet soldiers from the "Mutual Assistance" garrisons in order to justify moving into those countries in June 1940.

Was a similar accusation of kidnapping Red Army men made against the Estonians at the same time?


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Post by Peeter »

Actually, russians kidnapped and murdered Estonian border-guards and fishermen several times, later claiming that or they crossed the border or nothing happened.
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Peeter,

Thanks for that. At least the Russians had the imagination to use the same story everywhere!


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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Peeter,

Of course, my previous post should have read:

"At least the Russians had the imagination NOT to use the same story everyehere!"


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Post by Jacky »

Hi Sid

I don't know if this is any use to you but while looking for something else I found an internet site for 'fortifications, bunkers, building sites etc' on

sid guttridge
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Post by sid guttridge »

Hi Jacky,

Thanks. A very promising site. I shall go through it at more leisure in the next few days.


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