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UK Second World War Experience Centre/please support

Posted: Thu May 15, 2003 8:05 pm
by alan newark
Dear All

Based in Horsforth, Leeds, near where I live, the Second World War Experience Centre has just been granted Museum status. Centre has a Library of 3000 books, hundreds of recorded Oral History interviews from the UK and abroad and an extensive Archive of donated personal memorabilia and official wartime documents and artefacts recording all aspects of life in the UK and abroad during WWII.

Centre can only hold information or materials donated by individuals or their families / others but has an excellent new descriptive / [email protected] and welcomes materials about / requests for info from overseas enquiriers. Visits must be arranged in advance.

Centre Journal's most recent edition is devoted to the war at sea and has excellent articles about the Arctic Convoys and the U-boat war....

I hope soon to become a Volunteer at the Centre. WWII devotee's Heaven.

Check it out, give them feedback...?

Scottish Alan
Torwold Press & Media, 34 Rossefield Parade, Leeds, England - UK, LS13 3RW.
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