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Research help, your all experts

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:58 pm
by FK
Hello. I need some assistance. I am looking for information about what unit and service history of some relatives of mine. I found information on 3 of the 5 individuals being researched on the war graves database(Sadly, out of 5 brothers my mother had, 3 were KIA on the Eastern Front). The other two survived the war, but died in the 1970's. Where do i find information on them? I used to know these other two german government websites, but I can no longer find the link on Feldgrau.

Thank you all for your assistance, it means alot to me and my family, who are still recovering from both this war and Vietnam(where me and my brother served, and I was wounded).

Thank you.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 5:24 am
by nathalie
Hi FK,

If it's information on German soldiers. You can contact :
Deutsche Dienststelle für Benachrichtigung der nächsten Angehörigen von Gefallenen der ehemaligen deutschen Wehrmacht
Phone : 0049 3041904156
Fax : 0049 3041904100

By this organisation, I got information in what Regiment my uncle was.

Hope this could be of some help

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 6:19 am
by Annelie

You may try contacting the Dienststelle/wast
by email

( )

also try this link for more information

( )

Good luck