U boats in the Baltic 1939.

German Kriegsmarine 1935-1945.
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U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a new topic for sharing......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. Pre-war deployment!

Due to Case White, the small German submarines type II A/B U 5, U 6, U 7, U 14, U 18 and U 22 were deployed to the Baltic; of these U 14, U 18 and U 22 as part of "Transportübung Lubeck" sailed from Kiel to Memel on August 23, 1939. The U boats type II C of the newly created Emsmann Flotilla U 56, U 57, U 58 and U 59 would operate against the Polish coast as part of Unternehmen "Gustav"; later however these crafts would be transferred to the west. On August 26, 1939 the three Polish minelayer submarines ORP Sep, Rys and Zbik had moved to Hela, the boats carryied 20 mines each, half of her capacity.
On August 30, 1939 at midnight the Type IIA U boat U-6 (kplt. Joachim Matz, IWOLt.z.S. Klaus Bargsten) sailed from Kiel together with her twin U 5 (Kapitänleutnant Günter Kutschmann) and the Type IIB U 7 (Oberleutnant zur See Werner Heidel). The mission of these U boats was to patrol the waters of the Kattegat and monitor the maritime traffic out of the Baltic. The conning tower of U 6 only had room for three men, hence were there the Kaleun and two observers to monitor the maneuvers of the other two units. The U 5 is diving told a lookout, Matz looked in that direction and saw the small submarine slowly disappearing beneath the surface, for a moment he saw the conning tower and then it was lost beneath the waves of the Baltic. The kaleun called the lookouts, one last sweep of the horizon, then he ordered dive down. On this day also sailed from Memel the U 14 and U 18.

Kattegat August 31, 1939.

The U 6 was patrolling in Grid AO 4577 as stated in her orders without detecting anything unusual when multiple propellers at high speed were detected, surely warships. The Kaleun ordered to periscope depth to verify, it was around 08:00 hours in the morning. After a sweep to the horizon, Kapitänleutnant Joachim Matz could observe three Polish destroyers sailing at high speed. In effect they were the ORP Blyskawica, Burza, Grom running Operation "Peking" (escape to Britain). But hostilities had not yet opened between Poles and Germans so the potential preys proceed their way and soon the contact was lost. It was the last sighting of the Polish ships by a boat of the Kriegsmarine. The U 5 also detected the Polish ships at 07:40 hours. The war was coming..........................

Sources: http://modelwork.pl/viewtopic.php?f=194 ... 6d7ff9476a

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! :beer:
The U-6 moored with other units of the Flotilla.............................
The U-6 moored with other units of the Flotilla.............................
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

ORP Żbik was one of the three Polish submarines that spent the night before the start of the war in the port of Hela, she were moored with the ORP Sęp and ORP Ryś. As soon as they were ordered to sail, ORP Sęp did so at 05:58 hours (1 September 1939) almost at the same time with ORP Ryś, ORP Żbik departed 10 minutes later. As provided for in the Plan "Worek" ORP Żbik should operate in the waters northeast of Hel; ORP Sęp was to operate in the west sector and east would patrol ORP Ryś. At 10:10 hours they received a communication ordering stay submerged until dusk due to danger of air strikes. Just at 11:00 hours they received the communication on the state of war and the order to attack enemy ships. To avoid detection ORP Żbik dived to 16-18 meters and going to periscope depth detected the presence of minesweepers, two destroyers type Leberecht Maass and a speedboat. The German destroyers sailed in zig-zag over 14 knots at about 4,000-5,000 meters from the Polish submarine. At 15:00 hours the U 6 in her patrol area spotted the Swedish destroyer Göteborg.

At 18:50 hours ORP Żbik reached her operations area as ordered and found some small vessels that did not worth the attack. At nightfall surfaced to recharge batteries and for security moved beyond parallel 55. After an hour or so the ORP Żbik crash dived because she detect an enemy ship which was identified as a minesweeper. Actually it was a Kriegsmarine U boat, the U 18 commanded by kplt. Max Hermann Bauer (27 years). The U 18 also detected the ORP Zbik (02:30 hours) but the kaleun decided to wait until dawn before attacking. However the Polish submarine managed to break contact without being detected and the U 18 continued her barren search until 07:00 hours.

From 2 till 4 September ORP Żbik remained submerged about 20 meters due to poor operating conditions for the submarine (good visibility and low seas) going to periscope depth every two hours to watch. On September 2, the Commander of the Polish Submarine Force, kmdr por. Aleksander Mohuczy got from Admiral Joseph Unrug the order to lay three minefields in front of the coastal batteries of 152.4 mm defending the port of Hela. Each submarine was carrying 20 mines SM 5 which could only lay on order.

Sources: https://lot-tissimo.com/de/i/3165147/u- ... -s-w-i-ii-
Działania bojowe ORP Żbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. Nº 8 de 2010.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! :beer:
ORP Zbik leaving the port of Gdynia ...................................
ORP Zbik leaving the port of Gdynia ...................................
image002.png (306.72 KiB) Viewed 9138 times
The U 18 sailing at high speed in surface .............................
The U 18 sailing at high speed in surface .............................
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

On 03 September at 00:50 hours the Commander of the Polish Submarine Force issued that order. However the ORP Żbik did not receive it at the time and only two days later, when it was retransmitted reached its destination, by which time the Polish submarine was south of the Swedish island of Gotland, hence when she got the directive put her bow towards the assigned area. While the U 18 continued with the hunting and at 03:55 hours made a crash dive due to a hostile submarine. The ship maintained course east. At 19:51 hours she launched a torpedo to the Polish submarine (probably the ORP Żbik) that yielded no success.

In another important action that took place on this day U 14 commanded by kplt. Horst Wellner, probably attacked the first enemy warship at 20:42 hours when he launched a torpedo against the Polish submarine ORP Sep; based on the observed remains of a shipwreck ??, kplt. Wellner radioed the sinking, but the Polish submersible escaped unharmed because the fuse had detonated prematurely the torpedo. War with the British Empire and France.

On September 05 at 21:26 hours the U 14 started her journey back to the port of Swinemünde where she arrived on September 6 at 19:00 hours. On September 06, the U 18 went back to Swinemünde. During 05 and 06 September, the ORP Zbik was chased three times by German destroyers and attacked with depth charges but without causing damage.

Działania bojowe ORP Zbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. No. 8 of 2010.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The ORP Żbik loading mines before sailing to war............................
The ORP Żbik loading mines before sailing to war............................
image010.png (279.03 KiB) Viewed 9116 times
U 18 moored in harbor before the war..................................
U 18 moored in harbor before the war..................................
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

On September 7, again there was a violent encounter between a Polish and a German U boats, in effect at 23:15 hours there was a violent explosion about 200 meters left of the ORP Żbik which raised a large column of water, immediately the Polish submarine crash-dived without receiving damage, as it was happened with the meeting between the U 14 and the ORP Sęp. The explosion was due to the premature detonation of a torpedo fired from U 22 under command of kplt. Werner Winter. In the War Log of the U 22 the contact between the two boats was described as follows:

At 23:05 hours U 22 was on patrol north of Rozewie when an enemy submarine was detected at about 600 meters. Approximate in position 55° 36 'North, 18° 54' East. At 23:09 hours U 22 fired a torpedo from a distance of about 200 meters which hit the enemy submarine at the height of the conning tower. I verified the destruction of the submarine. After dispersing the water column and clouds of smoke, traces of oil were detected in the water and on this basis the destruction of the target (which was not such) was reported.

On September 8, the German submarines were operating in the area were U-6 in the Kattegat; U 10 had reached the patrol area; U 12 returning to port and U 22 was ordered to return. Fearing another attack and knowing that had been discovered the ORP Żbik spend all day long on September 8, under the surface, emerging only at 23:00 hours to recharge her batteries. Before sunrise she reached the assigned area for launching the mines. The mine-laying operations began at 06:05 hours and ended at 07:15 hours; the submarine layed two barriers, one at 54° 47 'N - 18° 39.5' E, and the second in position 54° 46.3 'N - 18° 45.5' E. On September 5 she had been ordered to go to a new patrol area, in which she arrived on September 10. On this day only the U 10 was operating in these waters, whose crew suffered severe diarrhea (probably due to the bread).

Sources: http://www.ubootarchiv.de/ubootwiki/index.php/1939
Działania bojowe ORP Zbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. No. 8 of 2010.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The Plan "Worek".........................
The Plan "Worek".........................
image004.png (127.33 KiB) Viewed 9091 times
The ORP Żbik sailing toward his patrol area.....................................
The ORP Żbik sailing toward his patrol area.....................................
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

A brief regression to show other two Polish submarines ..................................

September 1, 1939.

The ORP Sęp was the first submarine to sail on September 1, 1939 at 05:58 hours and as soon as she reached the proper depth ppor. Wladyslaw Salamon ordered to dive. Between 10:10 and 10:30 hours she received a message from the Commander of the Submarine Force stating was forbidden to surface (due to air strikes) and ordered to open the envelope X. The envelope contained instructions to fulfill the Plan "Worek" and authorized the sinking of hostile ships. As the rest of maritime traffic should be deal with as per international laws. While sailing to the patrol area, she observed German destroyers, minesweepers and seaplanes; the assigned area was reached at 20:19 hours and when the sun fell surfaced to recharge batteries. At 22:15 hours the submarine was surprised by a destroyer type Leberecht Maass and crash dived. After the situation clared the boat emerged and remained on the surface until the next day at 04:35 hours.

The war surprised the ORP Wilk moored in the port of Oksiwie, around 05:00 hours the commander Kapitan marynarki Bogusław Krawczyk, received a call from the Commander of the Submarine Force who informed him of the attack on Westerplatte and ordered him to sail at once. The ship cast off at 06:15 hours and half an hour later plunged to 20 meters. At 10:10 hours he received the communication ordering him to carry out the Plan "Worek" and initiate hostilities against German ships. The assigned area was the most dangerous because it was constantly patrolled by ships, aircrafts and monitored from land. In addition meteorological and hydrological conditions were totally adverse (for Polish submarines) with clear and sunny weather, cloudless sky and calm sea. After 11:00 hours and already within her sector, an enemy ship was detected at 6,000 meters, by reducing the distance at 3,000 meters she was identified as a minesweeper type M but the attack failed. Shortly after she noticed a destroyer type Leberecht Maaß at 13,000 meters, but the distance was too great. By nightfall at 20:35 hours she emerged to recharge batteries and headed south of the peninsula Hela.

Sources: Biuletyn DWS.org.pl No. 5 and 6/2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
U Boats of the U-Flotilla &quot;Weddingen&quot; (type IIB) in Swinemünde, several of them saw action in the Baltic ...........................<br />Marine photo U-Boot U-Flottille Weddingen Swinemünde Swinoujscie Eisernes Kreuz. eBay Auction.
U Boats of the U-Flotilla "Weddingen" (type IIB) in Swinemünde, several of them saw action in the Baltic ...........................
Marine photo U-Boot U-Flottille Weddingen Swinemünde Swinoujscie Eisernes Kreuz. eBay Auction.
image040.jpg (23.18 KiB) Viewed 9069 times
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 1, 1939...................................<br />Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater.
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 1, 1939...................................
Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater.
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 2, 1939.

September 2, 1939.

At 08:21 hours the WO at the periscope of ORP Sęp reported a German destroyer type Leberecht Maass sailing alone with speed and bearing variable. The distance was too great for a successful attack and the U boat sought to improve its position. Battle stations were ordered and loading the tubes. Finally, at 12:38 hours, when the opponent passed at a speed of 6-7 knots within 400m aft, kmdr Salamon decided to launch one torpedo with the stern tube. However when 18 seconds passed without an explosion, it was clear that the attack failed. The destroyer counterattacked throwing depth charges and the Polish submarine increased speed and changed course while maintaining the depth to 15 meters. This was beneficial because the charges were graduated deeper. Two minutes later began exploding depth charges to aft and sides, three, then four and then another set of three and five depth charges. This seriously damaged the hull causing leaks but the submarine was not destroyed. The ship sank to a depth of 60-80 meters. To reduce the sounds that could cause the detection of ORP Sęp, most of the mechanisms went off and silence was declared in the ship and the crew remained in their bunks in order not to consume too much oxygen. In the afternoon, when the air became increasingly flawed, refined salt cans were used to breathe through them and reduce the release of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, two R-Boot had joined the hunt. From 17:00 hours ORP Sęp, tried to get away as quietly as she could, but was detected and at 20:00 hours was attacked again with a series of five depth charges. It turned out the last attack. At 21:40 hours, after sweeping the sea surface using a periscope and after been sure that the horizon was clear, the submarine surfaced.

On the surface inspection of the vessel was done, detecting cracks in the right engine muffler, loosening the aft bulkhead, through which oil entered into the ship, water leakage through the hull and deformation of the deck's hatches inwards of the ship. The commander sent a message requesting repair at Gdynia or Hela, but getting no answer headed north to recharge batteries. The German units thinking they had sunk the submarine left the search. The attacked destroyer was Friedrich Ihn (Z 14) which detected the torpedo trail and dodged.

At 3:20 hours the ORP Wilk returned to her sector. Around 09:00 hours she detected a German destroyer at 14,000 meters. Stealthily she moved to get within striking distance when it was discovered by two enemy minesweepers that launched the attack. To reduce noise sources that could contribute to the location of the submarine, the ship was silent and plunged to 25 meters. The German ships fired depth charges nearby what damaged the regulator valve. The U boat began to take on water, increasing the weight of the ship which caused her to sink heavy. In the end, the ORP Wilk lay at the bottom at a depth of 60 meters. After two hours, the enemy withdrew. The twelve depth charges explodeding near caused a leak in the fuel tanks and stains on the surface. Seeing the oil slick, the German sailors probably thought that the Polish submarine sank and withdrew. Upon returning to periscope depth the commander noted that the minesweepers joined fast boats and destroyers in an area of ​​shallow waters so she went to northern sector. before midnight began recharging the batteries.

Sources: Biuletyn DWS.org.pl No. 5 and 6/2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 2, 1939...................................<br />Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater.
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 2, 1939...................................
Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater.
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 3, 1939.

On this day ORP Sęp was submerged until 19:15 hours. At that time went to the surface in order to recharge batteries, at 20:40 hours about 200 meters astern there was a violent explosion and the Polish submarine crash dived as fast as she could. As it became known later, the explosion was caused by the premature detonation of a torpedo launched by another submarine, U-14 under Kapitänleutnant Horst Wellner. The kaleun carried out their attack from just 1000 meters, without being detected by watch located on the conning tower of the Polish submarine. When the water column disappeared, the German commander no longer saw the ORP Sęp but stains of oil could be observed, so he reported the sinking of the enemy boat. When the ORP Sęp was a good distance away from the danger zone came to surface; It became increasingly noticeable the loss of technical efficiency of due to the damages sustained so far, she could only dive up to 30 meters. The Polish commander sent another message requesting return to the base but did not receive any answer.

At 00:50 hours the ORP Wilk received a message ordering to put a line of mines from position 54° 31'N and 18° 52 'E to a final position 54° 27' N and 18° 57 'E. At dawn she reached the designated place, but had to suspend temporarily the activity due to the presence of hostile minesweepers; later she began launching mines every 400 meters. After five minutes again appeared enemies minesweepers and Wilk plunged to 30 meters deep and she sat silent. Twenty minutes later resumed the operation, but the mines were manually introduced to the chamber due to a technical failure, it was an arduous task and lengthened the time of the activity. The last mine was launched at 16:30 hours and then the ORP Wilk left the sector. At 19:40 hours emerged. During the night she tried in vain to contact the command of the fleet and other squadron's units.

Sources: Biuletyn DWS.org.pl No. 5 and 6/2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
U 14 moored in harbour before the war...................................
U 14 moored in harbour before the war...................................
image002.jpg (30.69 KiB) Viewed 9010 times
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 3, 1939...................................<br />Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 3, 1939...................................
Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 4-5, 1939.

On September 04 ORP Sęp dived at 04:40 hours; due to failures in some pipes the toilets were out of service, the crew had to use buckets and bilges. Around 06:00 hours about 1,000 meters away from the bow depth charges were heard. At 12:00 hours propellers of an unknown ship over the submarine. At 16:20 hours seven depth charges exploded at the distance. At 19:38 hours the submarine surfaced and due to her commander's decision headed towards the north to the island of Gotland. Upon arriving in a remote area of ​​the Swedish island, new inspection of the boat, without repairs could only navigate with the left engine.

On September 05 she received an order to all the squadron regarding the allocation of new areas in the south of the Baltic; starting from the west at the level of Kołobrzeg between 15 and 16 ° longitude for ORP Sęp, the next sectors for ORP Żbik, Wilk y Ryś, while between 19 and 20º for the ORP Orzeł. New positions were to be occupied at 04:00 hours on September 7.

After midnight the ORP Wilk went to their sector but on his way found four minesweepers, two of which converged on the submarine. The Wilk dived trying to escape but without success. Throughout the day exploded several depth charges as the submarine remained seated in seabed. At 19:42 hours the commander ordered to the surface and charging batteries.

On September 05 was the worst day for the crew of the ORP Wilk while trying to reach her sector and away from the danger zone, near Hela about 5 miles north of Góry Szwedów, at 06:45 hours she was detected by four minesweepers M and aircrafts. The hunting of the Polish boat lasted more than twelve hours and 32 depth charges exploded in the vicinity of her, which damaged the aft depth planes, magnetic compass and caused leaks in pipes and valves. The submarine settled in the bottom at 87 meters. When the air became very stale the crew used breathing masks. Luckily for the Poles the oil stains in the surface convinced the German ships that the submarine had been sunk.

Sources: Biuletyn DWS.org.pl No. 5 and 6/2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 4, 1939...................................<br />Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater
Actions of the ORP Wilk - September 4, 1939...................................
Continuous Arrow surface - broken underwater
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by lwd »

Very interesting material. Thanks for posting it.
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Thanks to you for joining :wink:. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 7-10, 1939.

On September 07 at 08:17 hours kmdr Salamon sent the following message to the Commander of the submarine fleet: "I was attacked with 14 bombs [were actually 34], the hull is weakened, failure of the periscope and mast, leaks in the hull. Immersion in combat and loading almost impossible". He received a reply indicating that approaching and entering Hela was impossible, and if it was necessary, proceed to Sweden. After that the ORP Sęp put her bow toward the island of Oland.

On September 10 the ORP Sęp received a message from the Submarine Force asking position and to report on enemy naval traffic in the Puck area. That day there was a storm in the sea and due to sailing with one engine and the large waves it became difficult to stay on bearing and charge batteries.

Meanwhile the ORP Wilk just after midnight on September 8, after great efforts of the radio operators, they managed to capture radio Hela. The ship was ordered to go at once to a new sector, which was between 17 and 18 degrees of longitude, north of Stilo lighthouse. Given the severe damage the boat only reached the new sector next day at 04:00 hours; in the area she detected a small German convoy composed of a merchant ship and two surface ships. When the ORP Wilk approached 3,000 meters and was prepared to launch tube # 4, it was detected and rejected. The technical condition of the boat worsened every day.

So on the night of 10 to 11 September, kpt. Krawczyk contacted the Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Joseph Unrug, asking for a date and place of repairing and refueling the units. The answer was: try to reach England, if it is not possible stay at sea as long as possible and then go to a Swedish port.

Sources: Biuletyn DWS.org.pl No. 5 and 6/2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Actions of ORP Wilk - September 7-12, 1939 .........................................
Actions of ORP Wilk - September 7-12, 1939 .........................................
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 11-13, 1939.

On the night of September 11, 1939 the ORP Sęp intercepted a message to the ORP Wilk stating "Try to reach England. If this is not possible, operate as long as possible, then go to a Swedish port. Report the decision "

On September 12 and 13, no ship was found , while there was a tense and depressing atmosphere among the crew because of the continuing struggle to keep the boat afloat, the lack of success and the conflicting information about the situation in Poland; the German psychological warfare intensified.

For years the naval history regarding to actions of Polish submarines mentioned that on September 11, the ORP Wilk was in the waters of the Bay of Mecklenburg, where she spotted the German heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper and kpt. Bogusław Krawczyk was prepared to launch, however it is likely that this has never happened, taking into account the position of the submarine as she emerged on September 10, 1939 at 19:30 hours (before receiving the message to go to England ).

On September 12, 1939 ORP Żbik kept close to the coast of Oland, there the bad weather reduced the technical condition of the submarine for several days. Leaks in hatches and torpedoes locks were found and also through the hatch on the boat conning tower.

Meanwhile in the German side on September 11, 1939, the U 6 remained on patrol in the Kattegat and the U 10 in the Baltic Sea, but only detected the presence of Swedish vessels on patrol. The U 59 arrived at Kiel. On September 12 the U 6 sailed back to port, the U 10 continued her patrol without incident and at 10:00 hours sailed toward the Baltic U 56 (Kapitänleutnant Wilhelm Zahn) and U 57 (Oberleutnant zur See Claus Korth) reached the Kattegat. On September 13 at 14:00 hours U 6 arrived into Kiel; operating in the Baltic were U 10 and U 56, and U 57 in the Kattegat.

Sources: http://www.ubootarchiv.de/ubootwiki/index.php/1939
Działania bojowe ORP Żbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. Nº 8 de 2010.
Biuletyn DWS.org.pl Nº 5 y 6/ 2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Actions of ORP Wilk - September 7-12, 1939 .........................................
Actions of ORP Wilk - September 7-12, 1939 .........................................
image006.png (538.52 KiB) Viewed 8853 times
U 10, a boat Type IIB, before the war........................................<br />http://www.ebay.de/itm/WKII-Marine-Kriegsmarine-U-Boot-Besatzung-14-Foto-fur-Fotoalbum-Top-selten-/321997776664?hash=item4af8902718
U 10, a boat Type IIB, before the war........................................
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 14-16, 1939.

On 14 September, five commercial vessels (sailing without flag) and a Swedish torpedo boat were spotted. another telegram from fleet command was received, this time addressed to all submarines with the guidance given before to ORP Wilk and announcing the conquest of Gdynia. Therefore, Commander Salamon chose a course towards the Danish straits, but the ORP Sęp was getting worse. The pumps could not keep up with the ingress of water, which constantly broke into the interior of the boat. In this state, the ORP Sęp had no chance to go unnoticed at sea, which was full of enemy units.

At the request of the commander, after a detailed examination of the ship, captain of the navy Justin Karpinski (second commander) and Lieutenant José Minkiewicz (first engineer officer) developed a protocol for damages, which ruled out any activity without repair in a shipyard. Therefore, kmdr ppor. Salamon sent a telegram to the command of the fleet:
"In view of the possibility of flooding of the diesel engines. More actions impossible. I will go immediately to Stockholm" and put his ship into Swedish territorial waters.

On September 14 at 21:40 hours the ORP Wilk past Falsterborev lighthouse, anchored at the entrance of Oresund and then headed north to enter the channel Flintrinne, the narrowest part of the Sound. Given the possibility that the enemy could attempt to take the boat, the submarine commander gave instructions for scuttling the ship by placing explosive charges on the head of torpedoes and other critical parts of the ship. After entering the channel Flintrinne the ORP Wilk detected two unidentified warships sailing in the dark from the opposite direction; only when the ships passed about 60 meters, it was confirmed that they were a destroyer Type Leberecht Maass and a torpedo boat Type Wolf (they were the Richard Beitzen and T 107).

After successfully passing the Sund Cpt. Krawczyk sent on 15 September a telegram to the commander of the fleet with the following content: "I crossed the Sound, where I see two destroyers I go to England. Long live Poland."

On September 15, 1939 U 56 sighted a Estonian steamer; trip to England was suspected but was not stopped. On September 16 at 02:35 hours U 56 spotted a suspicious ship which go away (possibly detected the submarine). Strong commercial traffic in the territorial waters. At 21:00 hours a shadow was seen and the immersion alarm was given but it turned out to be land.

Sources: http://www.ubootarchiv.de/ubootwiki/index.php/1939
Działania bojowe ORP Żbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. Nº 8 de 2010.
Biuletyn DWS.org.pl Nº 5 y 6/ 2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Several U Boats Type IIC, among them the U 56........................<br />Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer U-boat U-Boot, KM Bau.
Several U Boats Type IIC, among them the U 56........................
Fotoalbum Kieler Woche, Zerstörer U-boat U-Boot, KM Bau.
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

September 17-21, 1939.

After four days of sailing through the Kattegat, Skagerrak and the North Sea the ORP Wilk contacted the British Admiralty. The destroyer HMS Hardy was detached to welcome the Polish submarine and the meeting took place on September 20, about 30 nautical miles east of the Firth of Forth. Later the British ship escorted the ORP Wilk to Rosyth. This submarine was the first to reach a British port starting from the Baltic.

On September 17 at 03:40 hours the ORP Sęp reached Swedish territorial waters, entering the islets nearby Landsortu, southwest of Stockholm. At 04:45 hours the submarine turned on her navigation lights and called the pilot. Shortly afterwards came the Swedish torpedo-boat K 75, which escorted the Polish ship into the Swedish navy base of Stavnas. Shortly after Cmdr Salamon met with the Swedish commander and the Polish representative to Stockholm, Gustav Potworowski. At 10:00 hours the government decided the internment of the crew and to disarm the submarine. The ORP Sęp was the first Polish submarine to be interned in Sweden in September 1939.

On September 17 at 03:20 hours again storm, high waves, again water entered by the shafts and reached batteries creating a high concentration of chlorine. The crew worked with masks to repair the damage. After ten hours, the ORP Żbik regained the ability to go to dive. At 16:00 hours a destroyer of unknown nationality was detected and the submarine dived. Because the storm in the surface the boat remained under water until sunset on September 19. The commander directed the ship north in hopes of finding calm and to be able to repair the damage. While sailing along the west coast of the island of Gotland on September 20 he saw two German ships - at 09:45 hours the cruiser Köln and at noon a steamer from the Oldenburg Portuguese Line. On September 21 she found three other boats.

On September 20, 1939 the U 7 stopped and controlled two steamers (Maria Esti from Estonia and Norma from Finland).

Sources: http://www.ubootarchiv.de/ubootwiki/index.php/1939
Działania bojowe ORP Żbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. Nº 8 de 2010.
Biuletyn DWS.org.pl Nº 5 y 6/ 2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The OPR Orzel and behind the ORP Wilk in the port of Rosyth................
The OPR Orzel and behind the ORP Wilk in the port of Rosyth................
image043.jpg (39.23 KiB) Viewed 8757 times
The ORP Wilk and the ORP Orzel moored in row.........................
The ORP Wilk and the ORP Orzel moored in row.........................
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: U boats in the Baltic 1939.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little more......................................

Submarine warfare in the Baltic 1939. War!

Like the other four commanders of the Polish submarines, Commander Zebrowski of the ORP Zbik, had received on September 15, the order to cause maximum damage to the enemy until exhaust all possibilities and then sail to England or Sweden. After consulting with his officers, he took the decision to cross the straits, but this was shelved due to damage of the boat and the inability to prevent the ingress of water into the craft whenever she submerged beyond the periscope depth.

On September 25 and after four weeks of patrol he decided that to stay at sea was totally useless. The boat lost her hydrophones and due to the condensation the periscope became almost unusable. Considering the poor state of the submarine and the low fuel, the commander decided to sail to a Swedish port. Therefore orders, codes, tables and a book of cipher were cremated and then informed the Polish diplomats in Stockholm about the arrival of the ship.

The ORP Zbik was taken to the base of the Swedish Navy in Stavanas and subjected to identical procedures carried out with that submersibles which had arrived before (ORP Sęp and ORP Ryś). This was the last Polish submarine which reached Sweden.

Sources: http://www.ubootarchiv.de/ubootwiki/index.php/1939
Działania bojowe ORP Żbik we wrześniu 1939 roku. Biuletyn DWS.org.pl. Nº 8 de 2010.
Biuletyn DWS.org.pl Nº 5 y 6/ 2009.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The ORP &quot;Ryś&quot; and ORP &quot;Zbik&quot; guarded by a Swedish sentry after his internment ............................... ......<br />http://fora.toniemy.eu/watek-210-post-862.html#pid862
The ORP "Ryś" and ORP "Zbik" guarded by a Swedish sentry after his internment ............................... ......
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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