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Rowno (Rivne), Ukraine 13th July, 1942 - entrance allowed??!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:48 pm
by Albertsen
On this Day The last 5000 Jews in Rowno were liquidated.

I have read private yet detailed eye witness description from an SS Hauptsturmfuhrer (Fachfuhrer employed by RuSHA) who were present this evening. Apparently this officer walked in the Streets of The ghetto while it all happened - entering empty houses and seeing how hiding Jews were discovered by Young boys hired by The nazis for this job.

As per own explanation this SS officer tried to intervene when Jews were beaten by The SS which I assume were men from die Einsatzgruppen and similiar special units incl Ukrainian militsia.

Is it plausible that an SS officer (Fachfuhrer) in full uniform were permitted entrance to The Rowno ghetto this evening just to walk around?? Or is it even more plausible that this person took active part in what was happening? Were SS officers from other units other than die Einsatzgruppen allowed entrance at all during such an aktion??

Finally - does anyone know if pictures material from this evening exist??