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Embassies - Germans in Moscow, Soviets in Berlin

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:46 pm
by Florin
How are you ?

What happened with the diplomatic personnel, people from German Embassy in Moscow and people from U.S.S.R Embassy in Berlin, after June 22, 1941? Were they allowed to return home?

Re: Embassies - Germans in Moscow, Soviets in Berlin

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:52 am
by fridgeman
The german ambassador in moscow 1941 was Friedrich-Werner Graf von Schulenburg,
he was against the war with the soviet union and was informed only 1 day before the attack
started. He was also ordered to destroy the radio equipment and all secret documents.
After the german attack, he was arrested and released at the turkey border one week later,
in exchange for soviet diplomatic personnel. Von Schulenburg was arrested in late 1944, and
executed on 23. october 1944 because he was a supporter of the attempt to assasinate Hitler on 20. july 1944.

The soviet ambassador in Berlin 1941 was Wladimir Georgijewitsch Dekanosow, he was ordered
to meet german foreign minister von Ribbentrop at 4.00 in the morning of 22.6.1941.
At this meeting the soviet ambassador was informed about the state of war. He was told
to leave the country together with all embassy poersonnel, and was released to soviet union weeks later.
(i did not find the information yet, but its probable that he was among the diplomatic staff released at turkey border in exchange for Schulenburg). Dekanasov somehow shared the fate of Schulenburg, he was arrested and executed
in late 1953 together with his friend, former NKWD leader, Lawrenti Beria.

Re: Embassies - Germans in Moscow, Soviets in Berlin

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:09 pm
by Florin
I do not know Russian, but I think that at moments 25:58…26:04 from this video they show few members of the Soviet Embassy in Berlin that went to accompany Molotov when he left in November 1940, from Berlin train station, after his official visit. ... cNL8oj7jgo