Panzer IV at 3rd Battle of Kharkov OOB

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Panzer IV at 3rd Battle of Kharkov OOB

Post by willypete2171 »

Hello All - first time poster here! Fantastic website, I'm happy to be onboard! I'm doing some research on the 3rd Battle of Kharkow. I'm having a difficult time finding the right info I need.

I'd like to get a rough idea of how many Panzer IVg's the SS divisions and also the GD division had on hand from Feb 2nd to March 18th.

Did any if the these PZ IVgs have the 75mm L/48? It's seems every source I come across has conflicting dates on when the L/48 on the PZ IV actually hit the field replacing the L/43. Any info would be much appreciated!
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Re: Panzer IV at 3rd Battle of Kharkov OOB

Post by Panzeralex »

Hi Willy
It's not a simple question for me, because my interests cover a period from the summer 1943 till the spring 1945.
I have a few info about February 1943 or spring 1943.
I know else, for example on 30.4.1943 GD had
55 Pz IV lg L/43 - combat ready
9 Pz IV lg L/43 - in repair
1 Pz Iv lg L/43 - in transit (new panzer)

on 30.6.43 GD had 63 Pz IV lg L/43 (combat-ready and in repair) and 0 Pz IV lg L/48.
Also I have information about chassis number GD's panzers on 30.6.43 and can tell you, that all Pz IV lg were Pz.IV Ausf G.
And how can you understand most of these Pz IV lg were with the GD in February 43.

About LAH, DR. T all these divisions during February 1943 had only Pz IV lg L/43 (Pz.IV Ausf G),
first new Pz IVs L/48 these divisions received only in the begining of June 1943. New Pz IVs were Pz.IV ausf H equipped with 7.5 cm KwK L/48.

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Re: Panzer IV at 3rd Battle of Kharkov OOB

Post by willypete2171 »

Than you very much, Alex! I know this information is very difficult to find, so I thank you for your time to research this. So it's safe to say that there were no PZ IV with the L/48 caliber gun in combat during the 3rd Battle of Kharkov. That's a big help for me to understand this battle in more detail. I've read from many sources that they L/48 started to arrive at units in March 43', but realistically, I doubt if any saw combat until May or June of 1943.

Alex, I wonder if you or anyone else here would have information about what type of StuGs served with the GD and the SS units during the 3rd battle of Kharkov. I do remember reading a while back that the StuG III F/8 and StuG IIIG mounted the longer L/48 during this time period, but again I can't seem to find definitive info on what units had what.

Also, I wonder if the good people on this forum could recommend to me some books with information on unit AFV OOBs. Thanks!
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Re: Panzer IV at 3rd Battle of Kharkov OOB

Post by Eugene76 »

The three SS-PzGrDiv have brought with themselves: LAH 52 x Pz.IVG; DR 21 x Pz.IVG and Tk 22 x Pz.IVG. PzGrDiv GD according to G. Nipe "Last Victory in Russia" on the January 28 1943 had in possession 13 tanks ready for battle, 18 in short term repairs + 2 in long term repairs. Later she has been taken away in a reserve and reequipped by additional Panzer battalion, which also was equipped by three companies of Pz.IVG, and company of heavy tanks "Tiger".
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