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Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 4:48 pm
by John Winner
I am working with some Zustandsberichte and am having some trouble with a couple meanings and of the abbreviations that are not in "German Military Abbreviations" Special Series, No. 12

On the Meldung for monthly strength

section 1. Personelle Lage section

a) "Soll" - actual strength
"Fehl" - lacking from actual strength
"kranke und verwundete innerhalb v.8 Wochen" - sick and wounded in the last 8 weeks

d) at the bottom:

Platzkarte im Berichtsmonat zugewiesen (I translate as - passes for leave during the reporting month)

These are just my guesses, if they are wrong can you correct me

section 2. Materielle Lage

Soll (Zahlen) - (allotted strength???)

Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge section:

Schtz.Pz. - Schützenpanzerwagen (armored car)
Pz.Sp. - Panzerspähwagen (armored recon car)
Art.Pz.B. - ??? (i translate as Artillerie Panzer Büsche but that does not make sense to me)
le.Pz.Fu.Wg. - liechte Panzerfunkwagen (armored light radio car)

in the next box:

Pak SF - Panzerabwehrkanone Selbstfahr (is this correct)

Kraftfahrzeug section (also in the "noch Kraftfahrzeug" section)
under Kräder is the abbreviation:

m.angetr.Bwg. - ? (I take this to mean with side car, but do not know the exact long form)

under Pkw. is the abbreviation:

gel. - geländegängig (cross country capable)
O - ???

In the Waffen section:

s.Pak - ???schwere Panzerabwehrkanone??? (is this correct)
Art.Gesch. - Artillerie

Thank you in advance for your help on this, I may e-publish a guide on reading these documents when I have full translation and understanding of them. (I have previously e-published one on reading KStN found here:

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:00 pm
by John Winner
John Winner wrote:Art.Pz.B. - ??? (i translate as Artillerie Panzer Büsche but that does not make sense to me)
le.Pz.Fu.Wg. - liechte Panzerfunkwagen (armored light radio car)
I have just found a clearer image and this actually says:

Art.Pz.B. (o.Pz.Fu.Wg.) my translation: ??Artillerie Panzerbeobachtungswagen?? (oder Panzerfunkwagen)

Do not know if this is correct but it is my best guess.

Also in the section 1. Personelle

It will say something like this:

Offiziere .......18 (1) ....... 2 (-)

What do the numbers in ( ) mean?

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:20 am
by Jan-Hendrik
Platzkarte im Berichtsmonat zugewiesen
Ticket for train home :wink:
Mit angetriebenem Beiwagen
Pak SF - Panzerabwehrkanone Selbstfahr
Selbstfahrlette (sefproppelled Pak)
Art.Pz.B. (o.Pz.Fu.Wg.) my translation: ??Artillerie Panzerbeobachtungswagen?? (oder Panzerfunkwagen)
What do the numbers in ( ) mean?



Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:48 am
by John Winner
Thank you for the help on those Jan-Hendrik, now there are only a couple left.

I am just wondering if these are correct
John Winner wrote: On the Meldung for monthly strength

section 1. Personelle Lage section

a) "Soll" - actual strength
"Fehl" - lacking from actual strength
"kranke und verwundete innerhalb v.8 Wochen" - sick and wounded in the last 8 weeks
And this abbreviation "O"
John Winner wrote: section 2. Materielle Lage

Soll (Zahlen) - (allotted strength???)

under Pkw. is the abbreviation:

gel. - geländegängig (cross country capable)
O - ???

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:30 pm
by John Winner
I think I figured out what the "O" stands for in the Kraftfahrzeuge section. I think it means ordinär (ordinary/standard), which would make a lot of sense. Any other opinions on this?

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:57 am
by John Winner
I have now written a helpful guide to understanding the Zustandsberichte. It is located here: ... dsberichte

Any input is always welcome.


Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:01 am
by hero.
Hello John !

A nice idea to write those guides !
I think you did an excellent Job and I would like to thank you for sharing those guides.
Really appreciated :D !

I see that you have corrected the Translation of "Soll" to authorized, which I think is very important.
(that question was unanswered so far in this thread.)

Otherwise, I would like to make very few suggestions, just for even more clarity :
a) In the KStN guide you might want to consider to include an explanation for the brackets
used in the columns for the number of vehicles, weapons etc. :
E.g., in column k) Krad (Krad mit Seitenwg.) [Kettenkrad]
you could add a sentence, that numbers without brackets refer to Krads, numbers with regular brackets
refer to Krad mit Seitenwagen and number with square brackets refer to the number of Kettenkrad.
Maybe its selfexplanatory, but to newbies this might be helpful !

b) In the Zustandsberichte-guide there is a small typo, which you might want to correct for clarity :
In the Peronelle Lage section you have written :
Example : In the unit there were 233 Uffz. authorized, no shortage, and 28 were sick or wounded ....
But that number of 28 refers to Mannschaften and should be replaced with 13.

c) The last one is really nitpicking :
The correct German word is zahlenmässig, not zahlenmass.
(I think they could have left out the word without loosing anything, but I guess, that's german bureaucracy :wink: !)

Thanks again and best regards,


Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:06 am
by Tom Houlihan
John, that guide is outstanding! Thank you, and WELL DONE!

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:11 am
by John Winner
Thank you for the input. I will correct the typos, and implement the slight changes that have been suggested.


Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:04 am
by andrus
John Winner wrote:I think I figured out what the "O" stands for in the Kraftfahrzeuge section. I think it means ordinär (ordinary/standard), which would make a lot of sense. Any other opinions on this?
How about "offene [Last]Kraftfahrzeuge"?
Sorry, I don't remember from where I got this idea.

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:46 am
by John Winner
I think the report is just stating the difference between gel. (cross country capable) and O. (ordinär) ordinary/standard Pkw. or Lkw. I believe either type could be offene (open [topped]) if that is what you are meaning with that term.

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:14 am
by fridgeman
I agree with John, with just a very little correction. In german, its Original not Ordinär ;)

Re: Zustandsberichte help

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:38 pm
by John Winner
Thank you for the slight correction fridgeman, I will amend the document.