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Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:54 am
by mellenthin
A quote from Panzeroperationen ,Hermann Hoth Scharnhorst Buchkameradschaft 1958 pp61-62 on the decision to put a ring of encirclement around Minsk instead of continuing the pursuit in depth. Illustrates the thinking of Hoth on armoured offensive operations.

'The objectives Molodtschno -Narosch lake which were set by the army group will be reached by the points of both Panzer corps in the course of the day. It is to be decided whether from there a turn has to made to the enemy retreat route Borissov Minsk, or the overtaking pursuit is to be continued in the direction of Vitebsk, or the Duna has to be crossed on both sides of Polozk. The objective of the whole operation,to prevent the enemy from fixing himself behind the Dnjepr and the Duna can best be reached by the fast occupation of the landbridge between Duna and Dnjepr which leads over Glebokie to Witebsk. This action will at the moment probaby frontally only move into weak enemy . In the left flank the advance of the 56 th corps on Dunaburg ,at first offers enough protection. As protection against an enemy retreating from Minsk to the north, enough motorised divisions can be moved up the southwing. If the Panzergruppe turns against the line Borissov-Minsk to put the enemy to battle west of the Beresina, time will inevitably be given away, which will benefit the enemy to bring up forces behind the Duna and the Dnjepr. A crossing over the Duna on both sides of Polozk ,only has sense wenn a coolaboration between PzGr 3 and PzGr 4 north f the Duna is intended. Nothing is known about this. Therefore the commander of PzGr 3 decided to to report the Armygroup as further objective,the overtaking pursuit in the direction of Vitebsk with security against Lida and Minsk and to this end bring forward the four Panzerdivisions on 24th june to the line Dokschizy-Glebokie. For the case this intention was approved,the orders were prepared. 56th corps should as soon as possible reinforce the forces which fought south of Woronow above all with artillery,take into possession the railjunction Molodeschno and bring forward the two Panzer divisions over Wileika and Smorgon on Dokschizy. 39th Panzercorps should force the crossing over the Wileika at Michalischki and Njemenczyn and advancing with both Panzerdivisions north of the Narosch lake, reach Glebokie. Both mot. div.(20 and 14th) were to be made ready at Wilna,to be turned on Woronow or Oschmiana.
While this was going on a radio mesage arrived from AG Center. According to this the proposal was rejected by the commander of the Army.
The Panzergroup should turn southeast from Wilna and to the south of it, and take the heights to the north of Minsk to surround the enemy retreating in front of 4th and 9th Army in close cooperation with PzGr2.
This order was shocking to the HQ of PzGr 3 which was on the verge of moving from Olita to Woronow. All efforts of the troop in the last days,' hastening in front of the leftwing of the Army Group' to gain the area Orscha-Witebsk,seemed to have been in vain.
In the opinion of the AG3 the enemy was still in the neighbourhood of Bialystok and Nowo Grodek with his main forces; he would attempt to escape to the est over the Dnjepr . In case he would also retreat over Minsk to Orscha ,the PzGr 3 had to advance in pursuit against the line Orsha-Witebsk. From discussions before the war the commander of PzGr 3 knew himself to be in agreement with the commander of AG in the idea of a mobile overtaking pursuit instead of a fixing of mobile units in a fixed ring of encirclement.Therefore he made a last attempt,to keep the operations in the direction of Witebsk in flow. On the staff of the Armygroup was an officer of the general staff,subordinated to the OKH as a liaison officer.
The helpfull and circonspect Oberstleutnant took it on himsel to fly to the HQ of the commander of the Army and to submit the opinion of the PzGr3 . The chief of staff of the army to whom he reported himself, had another opinion as that of the commanders of AG Center and PzGr3 . He was afraid that the enemy wuld escape over Minsk to the north and aside from the inner ring by infantry of 4th army and 9th army which included Nowogrodek,he wanted to lay an outer ring of mobile forces around Minsk. '

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:50 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; just a little complement...................

German Pincers up to Minsk!................

Source: Life 14 July 1941. pag 16.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:40 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; a little complement..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.


The 12. Pz was organized on October 5, 1940 from the 2. ID (Mot) composed of the Panzer Regiment 29 and the 12. Schützen-Brigade (SR 5 and SR 25). Its first commander was Generalmajor Josef Harpe. Instead the 19. Pz was organized on November 1, 1940 in Wehrkreis XI, from the 19 ID with Panzer Regiment 27 and the 19. Schützen-Brigade (SR 73 and SR 74). Its first commander was Generalmajor Otto von Knobelsdorff and the first Operations Officer (Ia) was Oberstleutnant iG Sigismund-Hellmut Ritter und Edler von Dawans. The Adjutant or IIa was Hptm Franz v. Mentz. While the 18. ID returned to its garrison on September 1940 and the division was reorganized as motorized as from November 1, 1940. The main force was constituted by the IR 30 (Mot) and IR 51 (Mot). Its first Commander was Generalleutnant Friedrich-Carl, Cranz.

At the beginning of the campaign the PR 29 had 40 Pz Kw I, 33 Pz Kw II, 109 Pz Kw 38 (t), 30 Pz Kw IV and 8 Befehlspanzern 38 (t). The Panzer Regiment 27 (Pz Ers. Abt 11, 25 and 10) had 42 Pz Kw I, 35 Pz Kw II, 110 Pz Kw 38 (t), 30 Pz Kw IV and 11 Befehlspanzern 38(t). The before mentioned divisions were part of the LVII AK (Mot) under General der Panzertruppen Kuntzen within the framework of Generaloberst Hoth's 3. Panzer Group.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:15 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Movement towards the border.

On June 12, 1941 the 12. Pz began moving towards East Prussia, as the marches were carried out only in the night there were some very serious accidents. The march ended in the area of ​​Sensburg - Nikolaiken - Johannisburg. On June 19, 1941 at dusk the division moved to Treuburg, through Arys and Elk. On June 20, the personnel received rationing and live ammunition. Infantry units moved into the woods east of Suwalki.

Until the beginning of June 1941, the components of the 19. Pz carried out exercises in the training field of Senne (Sennelager). This period ended on June 9, 1941 and the formations of the division, were ordered to get ready for future operations. On June 12, 1941 began the displacement of the division to the east and on June 21, 1941 it occupied its readiness area in East Prussia.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:35 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

The operations begin - attack!

The first wave consisted of half of the 18. ID (Mot) to the left and the 12. Pz to the right, the 19. Pz followed in the second wave and during the night from 21 to 22 June 1941 moved by Treuburg toward Lyck and later followed up to Raszki. The frontline troops gained ground quickly. After parts of the 18 ID (Mot), the II. and III./ IR 30 broke resistance at the border at Kuodziai and forced the crossing over the small river there, the Kradsch. Btl 38 reinforced with the 3./ AR 18 pressed toward Merkine having as its mission the seizure ofthe bridge over the Niemen intact, allowing the rapid advance on the eastern bank.

While the 19. Pz in second wave marched behind the 12. Pz Div and at dawn of June 22, 1941 the SR 73 (Oberst Konrad Menkel) reached Richtenberg. The HQ of the Division marched during the night from 22 to 23 June 1941 to Raszki by Suwalki - Krasnopol - Szini - Berzniki on the border where at 10:30 am arrived the Ops echelon (Ia - Staffel).

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:50 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

The operations begin - attack!

Shortly after 03:05 hours on June 22, 1941 without fire support the battle group Erdmannsdorf crossed the Marycha north of Kalety and went into the Soviet Union moving towards Merkine. Its task was to take the bridge over the Niemen intact and establish a bridgehead on the east bank. The Soviet resistance was overrun but then came the report that the bridge at Kulonce had collapsed under the weight of heavy weapons and there was a congestion, the attack stalled. Then Oberleutnant Benack was ordered to proceed with his motorcycle company to Merkine.

Ahead at full speed regardless its open flank, the 1. / Kradsch. Btl 38 proceeded to Merkine; over the wooden bridge some Soviet soldiers were prepared to blow it as the first motorcyclists took the route to the bridge. Ignoring the enemy fire, while crossing the bridge Benack saw a lit fuse and with the last breath he remove the explosive charge, throwing into the river. Meanwhile his motorcyclists hit the town of Merkine in flames and established a bridgehead. The Benack's raid allowed the advance of the 12. and 19. Pz and therefore received the Knight's Cross on 13 August 1941.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:53 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

The operations begin - attack!

On June 24, 1941 at 05:30 hours a supply column of Kradsch. Btl 38 was attacked near Plaukaleien. Scattered enemies south of Orany (about 1,000 men) were reported. At 06:09 hours the IR 30 reported 80 dead and 80 prisoners of the enemy. The 12. Pz fighting in Varena. Security along the line Werenow (excl.) - Oszmiana and far to the south up to the Wilja's crossing in Smorgon. Flank's security due north.

At 06:30 hours half of the 18th ID (Mot) continued its march eastwards. Security on the online Ejszyszky - Werenow (incl.) to the south. Prevent hostile actions toward Panzerstraße 1. At 12:30 hours LVII AK (Mot) announced its intention to move quickly towards Minsk in order to establish an encirclement together with troops of Guderian's Armored Group.

The Görlitz Group secured the southern flank of the Corps in the sector: Radun - Zyrmuny against enemy from Grodno - Lida and eastwards. Marching Route: Kolesniki - Ejszyszki - crossroads northeast of Radun to Zyrmuny. Panzerstraße 1 available for 19. Pz.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:54 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

The operations begin - attack!

On that very June 24, 1941, the SR 74 (19. Pz) crossed the international border by Berzniki and had his first contact with the enemy when a group of scattered Soviet soldiers attacked the 6. / SR 74 during a break; in the action were taken several Soviet prisoners.

While carrying out the orders received, the 18. ID (Mot) set up the following sectors:

A. Berger Sector: HQ, III. / AR 18 (less one battery), sArt Abt 427 with sK 10 cm (less one battery), I. / IR 30 (ref), Kradsch. Btl 38.
Security line: Bierciski on route to Lida- Zyrmuny - Height 206 (6 km southeast of Zyrmuny).
Task: prevent the enemy from crossing the security line. Provide heavy artillery fire missions. Distant fires on Lida. Expect orders.
B. Sector v. Erdmannsdorf: IR 30 (minus the I. Battalion), I. / AR 18 (minus 3. Battery).
Task: to secure the Radunka lowlands.
C. Sector Schmeling: Pi Btl 18 (minus the 3. Company), 1. / Kradsch. Btl 38, a battery of the III. / AR 18.
Task like Sector B. Detail reconnaissance 10 km due south. Armoured Patrol assigned. If contact with the enemy, was to attack immediately. Assembly area for vehicles at Perjola.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:25 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

As the 3. Armored Group was moving deep into enemy territory came reports about large concentrations of hostile troops on the southern flank in the region of Bialystok - Kovno; these troops marched eastward trying to escape the German encirclement. On June 25, 1941 morning hostile air strikes on Panzerstraße 1 on the columns of 19. Pz; the division moved towards Minsk in a long column with Pz AA 19 (Rittmeister Hans-Jürgen v. Engel) securing the right flank and the Kradsch. Btl 19 (Maj. Gustav-Adolf Bruns) as the vanguard; Here marched the divisional commander. The march began on a good road network, however later it went on very sandy secondary routes.

The advance of the 19. Pz continued from Wiedzieniance by Ejszyski - Bastuni - Werenow - Uthany - Dnieziewieniszki, after reaching the latter place at noon, it was received the Pz AA 19's report (Reinforced with te 2. / Pz Jäg Abt 19) that in D. Zemloslav it had engaged in combat with strong enemy elements which sought to break the lines from south to north. The divisional commander ordered the Kradsch. Btl 19 march to Minsk by D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:29 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

The commander of the 19. Pz went to the AA 19 sector and found the following scenario: the recce detachment deployed west of D. Zemloslaw, between that town and Kudysce, was under attack along the whole front by a superior enemy which had forced the detachment to organize a defensive line. Therefore the AA 19 deployed in wide front with little depth. However it had succeeded in repelling the opponent and conquer D. Zemloslaw. The detachment was ordered to hold its position until the arrival of the infantry and artillery coming to its help.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:08 pm
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

In turn the Kradsch. Btl 19 had engaged in combat in the woods west of Traby with elements of Soviet infantry advancing northward. Besides reported that large numbers of Soviet tanks had been detected south of Traby. The enemy had infiltrated between the vanguard, marching toward Bogdanow, and the bulk of the division. Hence the vanguard was surrounded by hostile troops in the area of Bogdanow, these troops were reinforced by paratroopers and could hold the position. Later it was ordered to break northwards to join with the division. The Russians sought to break into broad front between Gieradowy and Wiesniew due north to Wilna - Podolsk, ie towards the 19 Pz.

Still in the afternoon and evening the PR 27 (Oberstleutnant Walter Spannenkrebs) went on the attack south of Traby in support of the Kradsch. Btl 19 and with great effort managed to stop the Russian Progress and inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy. However the German division could not continue the advance east of Traby. The division's HQ reached Surwiliski. The rear-most parts of the division could get back on track. The night of 25 to 26 June 1941 was uneasy because the Soviets tried to break out continuously.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M .

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:14 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

While in the 18. ID (Mot), were received reports about fighting noises around Bastony (Bastuni?). The Kradsch. Btl. 38 headed towards Sokoli. At 14:10 hours the LVII AK (Mot) tasked the 18. ID (Mot) to prevent the escape of the enemy to the north and east; the division commander decided to carry out the order on the line Iwje - Lipniszki.

At 15:30 hours a report was received that a recce party of the 18. AR received fire (one dead, one wounded, five missing). At 17:00 hours the IR 30 committed in the vicinity of HQ of 18. ID (Mot) in Zyrmuny. At 17:15 hours Army Group Center order: the 3. Pz Gr (Reinforced) must seize Minsk and the railroad Minsk-Borissow. New order for the 18. ID (Mot) it was to prevent the escape of the enemy to the north. Commander's directive: The Kradsch. Btl 38 should immediately recognize the path to Lipniszki, surpassing Bastony and was to take the crossing of the Zyzma in Gilwince. In case of weak enemy resistence was to reach Col. Trokiele before nightfall. In this case parts of IR 30 were to head to Gilwince. Security in Siorowieke (III. / IR 30) will be assumed by the I. / IR 30 (Berger Sector). Pi Btl 18, Tutanka, shall be employed west of Zyrmuny.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:12 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

Still on June 25, 1941 at 21:40 hours the Sector Berger reported that the enemy also attacked the left wing of the it and was dispatched a company of the IR 30. At 22:25 hours message of the AR 18 reporting that were blocked repeated attacks from the south and northeast. Displaced from Lida reported about 3000 Russian with tanks in the city. The Sector Berger received another company of IR 30.

At 22:30 hours the Ia reported that Kradsch. Btl 38 established a bridgehead in Gilwince. The division commander ordered the withdrawal of the Kradsch. Btl 38 to the west bank of the Zyzma and securing due north and east. Night attacks were repelled. The west bank of the Zyzma free of enemies. The night in Sector Berger passed without incidents.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesolych Swiat!. :up:

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:20 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

At dawn on June 26, 1941 and supported by armored vehicles, the Soviets resumed the attack with great intensity on both sides of D. Zemloslav. It pressed directly into the LVII AK (Mot)'s HQ, which was in danger of being wiped out. At the last moment the III. / PR 27 (Maj. Schmidt) ran a counterattack and rejected the enemy, though suffering heavy casualties due to anti-tank guns emplaced in the wooded ground.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:

Re: Pursuit or encirclement- The Minsk pocket 1941

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:46 am
by tigre
Hello to all :D; more follows..................

With the LVII AK (Mot) from the border to Minsk.

Fighting in the area of D. Zemloslaw - Surwiliski - Traby.

In these struggles was seriously wounded the escort officer of the Commander of the 19. Pz, Leutnant Krappe of IR 73 and was lost the important height 166.1. The 3. / Pi Btl 19 suffered significant casualties when, contrary to the orders, continued the attack with inadequate support from Pw Pz II; the company commander, Oberleutnant Schroeder fell in action.

However, the break by the Soviets was avoided, although a large gap was generated in the lines of AA 19. On orders from the division, the Commander of the Rifle Brigade, Oberst Schmidt, took over the defense from Gieradony to D. Zemloslav with AA 19, IR 73 and part of the artillery; the Commander of the division took over the sector to Traby.

Sources: Original Nachlass 137 Fotos der 19. Panzer Division 2.WK eBay_files ... n/12PD.htm ... 18ID-R.htm
Sammlung Rolf Hinze: Geschichte der 19 Panzerdivision. MSg 185. BA-MA.
Fotoalbum-Bilder-19_Panzer Division -Feldeinheiten-TOP - eBay (item 370270550587 end time Oct-15-09 113026 PDT)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up: