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1. Korps-Sicherungs-Kp. Gen.Kdo. III. SS-Pz.K.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:46 pm
by Jebir
Hello there

I've been tracing a familymember who fought in the german army during WW2, and found this unit;

1. Korps-Sicherungs-Kompanie General-Kommando III. (Germanisch.) SS-Panzer-Korps

Can anyone tell me anything about this unit?

I know it's part of III SS Panzerkorps, as it says, but I'm looking for it's history, whereabouts etc - generally during the war, but more specifically I would really like to know what they were doing around Jan. 30. 1945 - they were in Courland /Libau at this time.

Thanks in advance,

Re: 1. Korps-Sicherungs-Kp. Gen.Kdo. III. SS-Pz.K.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:07 am
Hi Jebir
As you know the name of the unit, I supose you've found it through its FPNr.
FpNr 57575 as of Febr 1944 Stab u. Einheit / III. SS-Korps.
I'm going through my Vermisstenbildliste Band WA where under this FPNr 42 missing are listed.
Of course these include members of staff and not only of the "Sich.Kp." but as the staff and the Coy were linked; the place where the missing wrote their last letter "could give" information on the wherabouts of the Coy.
For Jan/Feb 1945 these were the "letter-locations"
- Pommern II
- Stettin II
- Freienwalde
- Hammerstein IIIIII
- Königsberg
- Schneidemühl
- Naugat

So after Hammerstein it realy went bad ...

Re: 1. Korps-Sicherungs-Kp. Gen.Kdo. III. SS-Pz.K.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:57 am
by Jebir
Hi there Peter

Thank you very much.

As a matter of fact, I did not know the FPNr - as the mention I have of the company is from an Urkunde from a Kriegsverdienstkreuz. So I do not have a lot of info about them other than the name. Thank you very much for the post-nr. - any other info will be appreciated greatly!!!