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Iranians in waffen-ss?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:31 pm
by Henrik Andersson
I finde information about a man Davud Monshizadeh 1914-1989. He was a iranian nationalsocialist and was in Germany 1940. He was fighting in a foregin legion during the battle of Berlin.
It is true? And if so, did any more iranians fight in SS?

Re: Iranians in waffen-ss?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:23 pm
by AHK
No Iranian Legion existed in the Waffen-SS. Earlier in the war, a couple of Arab Battalions were formed under Armee-Abteilung "F" to help overthrow the British controlled regime in Iraq. Not sure if Iranians were in these units.

Re: Iranians in waffen-ss?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:58 am
by Henrik Andersson
All not german legions was trasferd to waffen-ss 1944. So why not the arbian legion.
And if D. M. dont fight in ss. He fight in wermacht?

Re: Iranians in waffen-ss?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:25 pm
by Schultz
Personally i don't think he fought in berlin at all. i think he made that up to strengthen his position with others for power and leadership in the organization. I looked into him a few years ago and there is no proof he was in Berlin in any unit.
However there is listings of him in Munich before Berlin and after so i think he just made up that he fought in Berlin
I am curious if he joined the Party i have yet to see his name on any lists i have seen.

he is a character


Re: Iranians in waffen-ss?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:35 pm
by alan newark

I am intrigued by the Iranian in Berlin story. Anyone supply me with the background information?

Not sure if you must be a relative to access following or if they charge fees for research but the formerly American administered and now German-run Berlin Document Centre had / has had extensive SS personnel files. If your man was in the SS or Waffen SS then maybe the Centre has his file?

Also, if Mark Yerger is still a forum moderator on Feldgrau then maybe he can suggest other sources. Also, WWII veterans are becoming increasingly fewer but there are SS veterans groups and various other special interest authors and researchers who might add be able to put some meat to the bones of the story.

I look forward to receiving your PM replies and to having some more information.
