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Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:51 pm
by l3w
I have a question concerning SS numbers:

Is there anyway to know from someone's SS number when he joined the SS?

Infos would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:18 pm
by John P. Moore
Not exactly. The lower the number, the longer the person has been a member of the SS. After around 1941 SS numbers were assigned to many officers based on when they received their Untersturmführer appointment if they did not previously have a number. You could tell approximately when one became an officer. In some cases SS numbers changed and lower numbers could sometimes be obtained on request.

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:30 am
by l3w
Thank you very much for the clarification! So the SS-number won't be of much help then.

What about the age of joining? I've been looking quite a long time but I found no information on what the minimal age for joining the SS or Waffen-SS and how it changed in the course of the war.

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:52 am
by Simon H
According to veterans I've spoken to, the Waffen SS accepted men from the ages of 18-45 who were physically fit and had undergone basic miliary training, (Reichs Arbeits Dienst). No doubt younger men did volunteer, there are cases of 16 year olds inducted. But physical fitness always a priority throughout the war.

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:30 pm
by l3w
Thank you Simon!

According to Absolon (Vol. 22) the minimal age for enlisting was 17 (16.5 years for volunteering) (Sept. 1942), in May 1944 it was lowered to 16 years for volunteers (with parents' consent till 16.5 years). In Dec. 1944 the parents' consent wasn't necessary anymore for volunteering.
Does anyone know how it was before that?

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:06 pm
by gerhard2
When about 16 1/2 years old our school principal brought a well decorated Oscha to class one morning. He told us we had the honor of joining a new division (Hitlerjugend) to be assembled. I am not sure but I think the whole class signed up. Almost immediatly we had a physical examination and received a Wehrpass which made us members of the Waffen SS. That was early 1943. On my 17th Birthday I received my call-up orders and a train ticket to report to a Flak Ausbildungs Ersatz Abteilung in Arolsen. After basic, gunnery training a few of us went East (2nd Div) and the rest as I heard went to Belgium to continue training with the 12th Div.
About parental consent, I am certain that was not required as I am sure my parents would have never allowed it as my older brother was killed in the East just a few Month before.
Incidentally I have never met any SS man who was not at least 17 years old.

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:48 am
by l3w
That's very interesting Gerhard, thanks a lot for sharing!
So apart from parental consent (which I assume would occasionally have been handled flexibly) it seems to have been according to rules in 1943 (volunteering at age 16.5, being called up at age 17).

Thanks again for all your replies! :)

Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:08 am
by coburg22

On the subject of SS numbers, they were not always reliable. Himmler liked to inflate the mebership of his SS and they were not always monitored. Like Hitler and the NSDAP, Himmler also gave out lower SS numbers as a sign of appreciation. Martin Bormann is a perfect example with his original SS membership number being 287267, Himmler lowered it to 555 as a sign of favor.



Re: SS-Nummer

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:00 am
by wittmann82
I was wondering what the significance of the letter V after the SS-Nummer of certain individuals? Thanks very much for your assistance.