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Top 10 Most unforgettable German military character in movie

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 4:58 am
by panzermahn

Here is my top 10 list of the most unforgettable German character in WW2 movies

1. Feldwebel Johann Sebastian Schulz (portrayed by Sig Ruman in Stalag 17)
2. Fuehrer Adolf Hitler (portrayed by Bruno Ganz in Der Untergang)
3. Standartenfuehrer Hans Landa (portrayed by Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds)
4. Oberst von Scherbach (portrayed by Otto Preminger in Stalag 17)
5. Hauptsturmfuehrer Amon Goeth (portrayed by Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List)
6. Herr Kaleu (portrayed by Jurgen Prochnow in Das Boot)
7. Nazi judge Roland Freisler (portrayed by Andre Hennicke in Sophie Scholl-The Final Days)
8. Dr. Joseph Goebbels (portrayed by Ulrich Matthes in Der Untergang)
9. Unteroffizier Steiner (portrayed by James Coburn in Cross of Iron)
10. Standartenfuehrer Johann Vogel (portrayed by Michael Byrne in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade)


Re: Top 10 Most unforgettable German military character in movie

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:53 am
by Rolf Steiner
Rollo in Stalingrad is pretty good: 'Do you intend to accept the fuhrer's congratulations with your top button undone??' 'Yes...'

Re: Top 10 Most unforgettable German military character in movie

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:39 pm
by panzermahn
Feldwebel Schulz is the kind of German portrayal I grew up watching as a kid. Ironically, the actor Sig Ruman, a former WW1 veteran of a Jewish faith, portrayed the typical Hollywoodian German of the 30s and 40s.

Here are some of his most memorable quotes in the movie Stalag 17

"Aufstehn, pleez gentlemen, aufstehn. You do not want to stay in the bed on such a beautiful morning we are having today, ja?"

"And now Gentleman, we will all go outside for a little gymnastics. We will grab some shovels and we will undig the tunnel you dig"

"It isn't me. It is orders. I am your friend. I am your best friend hier"

"you Americans, you're the craziest people. That's why I like you. Oh I wish I could invite you all to my house for a nice German Christmas. Raus, raus, raus!"

"ah, one Fuehrer is enough. Now pleez gentlemen, take off those moustaches or do you want me arrested by the Gestapo"

<find a radio hidden inside a pail of water> "What is this? This is water? And this? Look at them Lieutenant, everybody is a clown. How do you expect to win a war with an army of clowns?"