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Air Raid Wardens

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:07 am
by Jacky

I came across a book entitled The Air-Raid Warden Was a Spy: And Other Tales from Home-Front America in World War II by William B Breuer

During the war Air Raid Wardens were an everyday part of life in Britain making sure no lights were showing and, of couse, assisting the victims of air raids. This is the first time I knew America had them as I had never thought of them being necessary in a land where air raids never existed. What did they do? Or is the title thoroughly misleading?

My local library never had they book so it has to be ordered for me.

Thank you


Re: Air Raid Wardens

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:54 pm
by John W. Howard
Hi Jacky:
We had air raid wardens here in the States too. I suppose the biggest part of their job was enforcing a coastal blackout. In the early part of the war the US did not blackout our eastern coast-line, which made all of the coastal shipping sitting ducks for German U-Boots; they were silhouetted against the back-drop of coastal lights and easily seen from the sea. The U-Boots had a field-day. There were also coast-watchers who kept an eye on the coast lines of the US to prevent enemy landings. Best wishes.

Re: Air Raid Wardens

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:16 pm
by phylo_roadking
The U.S. ALSO had a very comprehensive Home Guard! :shock: A few years ago I was Googling on something to do with the UK Home Guard - manuals I think - and was suprised at the number of AMERCIAN items that showed up!!! I had come across that they were very active in the Oak Ridge area...for obvious reasons!....but it seems the organisation was pretty much country-wide. Far more of a popular militia/Minuteman-type organisation than in the UK though.

Re: Air Raid Wardens

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:12 pm
by Jacky
Hi John and phylo_roadking

Thank you very much for your answers. I didn't expect such an illuminating response.
