SS-Obergruppenführer Leonardo Conti

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lorde darth vader
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SS-Obergruppenführer Leonardo Conti

Post by lorde darth vader »

Hello Again,
Im looking for a list of decorations of Dr. Conti
Thx in advance
Phil Nix
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:35 am

Re: SS-Obergruppenführer Leonardo Conti

Post by Phil Nix »

Here are the Conti ww2 awards. Add Golden Party Badge 1939 and Golden Hitler Youth Honour badge
Phil Nix
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Michael Miller / ABR
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Re: SS-Obergruppenführer Leonardo Conti

Post by Michael Miller / ABR »

Here's a little more info. on Dr. Conti (Source: Miller, Leaders of the SS & German Police, Volume I, R. James Bender Publishing 2006).

~ Mike Miller

Prof. Dr. med.
Leonardo Ambrosius Georges Giovanni Conti

Born: 24.08.1900 in Lugano, Switzerland.
Suicide: 06.10.1945 (hanged himself from the window bars of his cell at Nürnberg Prison, using his towel as a noose).

NSDAP-Nr.: 72 225 (Joined 20.12.1927)
SS-Nr.: 3 982 (Joined 16.11.1930)

ca. 1930 SA-Oberführer
01.04.1933 Ministerialrat
12.06.1933 SS-Standartenführer
ca. 1934 Oberbefehlsleiter der NSDAP
20.04.1933 SS-Oberführer
30.01.1938 SS-Brigadeführer
00.00.193_ Unterarzt d. R.
01.02.1939 Oberarzt d. R.
22.04.1939 Hauptdienstleiter der NSDAP
28.08.1939 Staatssekretär
01.10.1941 SS-Gruppenführer
20.04.1944 SS-Obergruppenführer

00.00.19__ - Summer 1918 Attended the humanistic Mommsen-Gymnasium and the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Berlin (passed his Notabitur [wartime emergency Abitur]).
00.00.1918 – 00.00.19__ Entered service as Kriegsfreiwilliger, assigned as Kanonier to (brandenburgische) Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 54 (Base: Küstrin).
00.11.1917 Cofounder of the antisemitic “Kampfbund für Germanische Kultur” (Fighting League for Germanic Culture; later absorbed into the deutsch-völkischen Schutz- und Trutzbund).
00.11.1918 – 00.00.19__ Studentenführer (student leader) of the “Völkischer Kampfbundes.”
00.12.1918 – 00.00.1919 Co-founder and lead writer of the anti-semitic Kampfbund “Deutscher Volksbund.”
00.01.1919 – 00.03.1920 Assigned to Garde-Kavallerie-Schützen Division. Involved in suppression of
the Spartakists in Berlin, and in the Kapp Putsch of 03.1920).
00.00.1919 – 00.00.1922 Member of the “Deutsche National Volkspartei” (DNVP). He left this party as
he did not agree with its stance on the Jewish question. Given his propensity for anti-semitism, it is probable that he found the DNVP too tolerant of the Jews.
00.00.1919 – 00.00.1923 Studied medicine at the Universities of Berlin and Erlangen. He was simultaneously employed as a Technischer Nothelfer (member of the Technische Nothilfe / Technical Emergency Corps) in the Gasanstalt Berlin and as an active leader of the völkisch student movement.
00.00.1919 – 00.00.1919 Chairman of the “Berliner Studentenvertretung” (Berlin Student Agency). In
this capacity, using the alias “Curt Wetzel”, he infiltrated and acted as an informer against communist organizations.
00.00.1921 – 00.00.1923 Service with Freikorps “Ehrhardt” (2.Marine-Brigade; later renamed “Wiking
Early-1920’s Director of the underground, anti-Weimar Republic “Organisation Consul” in
00.00.1923 – 00.00.1923 Joined the SA, assigned as SA-Mann in Erlangen.
00.00.1923 – 00.00.1923 Assigned as Chief SA Physician in München.
00.11.1923 Passed state medical examinations (magna cum laude) at the University of Erlangen.
24.04.1924 Joined the “Deutsch-völkische Freiheitspartei” (DVFP / German-folkish Freedom Party).
00.00.1924 – 00.00.1926 Ortsgruppenführer of the DVFP in Berlin.
00.00.1924 Awarded his doctorate (Dr. med.) by the University of Berlin.
00.00.1925 Received Approbation (license to practice medicine), München.
00.00.1925 – 00.03.1925 Voluntary physician at the “Berliner Kinderkrankenhäusern” (Berlin Childrens’
Hospitals). Because of his völkisch views, he was disqualified from appointment to the post of Assistenzarzt (assistant physician) of these hospitals.
00.04.1925 – 00.00.19__ General practitoner in the Social Hygiene Academy and as pediatrician in München.
00.00.1927 – 00.00.1930 Assistenzarzt of the “Säuglings- und Kinderfürsorgestelle” (Infants’ and
Childrens’ Welfare Agency), Berlin-Tiergarten. He was also employed as a sports physician during this period.
20.12.1927 Joined the NSDAP.
00.00.1927 – 00.00.1929 Physician of SA-Standarte V in SA-Gruppe Berlin-Brandenburg.
00.00.1928 – 00.00.19__ Physician with the “Deutschen Roten Kreuzes” (German Red Cross) in Berlin-
00.00.1928 – 00.00.1929 Organizer of SA-Sanitätswesens (SA medical services) in Berlin.
01.08.1929 – 04.08.1929 Senior physician of the “Sanitätsdienstes der SA” (SA Medical Service) for the
“Reichsparteitag der NSDAP” in Nürnberg.
03.08.1929 – 00.00.1939 Cofounder and Leiter of the NSD-Ärztebund (NSDÄB / National-Socialist German Physicians League) in Berlin.
Autumn 1929 – 00.00.1930 Coordinator of the “NSDAP-Verwundetenhilfe” (assistance organization for wounded Party members) in Berlin.
00.00.1929 – 00.00.1931 “Chef der Sanitätswesens der SA” (Head of SA medical services). Succeeded
by Dr. med. Paul Hocheisen.
00.00.1929 – 00.09.1930 SA-Oberarzt “Ost” (Senior physician of SA-Gruppe “Ost”).
00.09.1930 Expelled from the SA. This presumably resulted from his warning against the ulitimately abortive Stennes SA putsch. On 08.09.1930, he stated: “Under his [SA-Gruppenführer “Ost” Walter Stennes] leadership, the SA is turning into a force owing no real allegiance to the Movement or its ideals. Stennes himself takes no stock of National-Socialist ideology and deliberately refuses to study it; he is capable of letting his troops loose at any moment..”
00.00.1930 – 00.00.1933 Physician of the “Hilfskasse der NSDAP” in Berlin.
16.11.1930 Joined the SS.
02.12.1930 – 09.04.1933 SS-Oberarzt “Ost” (Senior physician of SS-Gruppe “Ost”). Succeeded by Dr.
med. Ernst-Robert Grawitz.
00.12.1930 Founder of the Gauorganisation Berlin of the NSDÄB (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Ärztebund / National-Socialist German Physician’s League).
00.12.1930 – 00.05.1945 Gauführer of the NSDÄB Gau Gross-Berlin.
17./18.10.1931 Participated in the SA Rally at Braunschweig.
00.12.1931 – 00.05.1945 Member of the Ärztekammer (Physicians’ Chamber) of Berlin.
24.04.1932 – 14.10.1933 Member of the “Preussischen Landtag” (NSDAP Faction).
Summer 1932 – 00.00.1933 Member of the “Preussischen Landesgesundheitsrates” (Prussian State Health Council).
00.00.19__ - 00.05.1934 Gauführer for Berlin-Brandenburg of the “Deutschen Sportärztebund” (German
Sports Physicians League).
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Member of the “Medizinischen Gesellschaft” (Medicinal Society).
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Member of the “Allgemeinen Deutschen Tierschutzvereins” (General German
Animal Protection Organizations).
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Member of the “Staatsmedizinischen Akademie” (State Medicinal Academy),
13.02.1933 – 00.04.1933 Honorary Kommissar z.b.V. in the “Preussischen Ministerium des Innern”,
charged with the “Säuberung des Gesundheitswesens” (cleansing of health services).
01.04.1933 – 01.11.1934 Assigned to Abteilung IIIa (Medizinalabteilung) in the “Preussischen Ministerium des Innern” and deputy Chairman of the Committees for Testing of Physicians and Dentists.
09.04.1933 Expelled from the SS.
20.04.1933 – 08.05.1945 Preussischer Staatsrat.
12.05.1933 Restriction on his membership in the SS lifted.
12.06.1933 – 13.06.1935 Assigned as SS-Führer z.b.V. to SS-Gruppe “Ost” (redesignated SS-
Oberabschnitt “Ost”, 16.11.1933).
00.00.1934 – 00.05.1945 Gauamtsleiter of the “Amt für Volksgesundheit” (Office of Public Health), Gau
00.00.1934 – 00.00.1939 Gauobmann of the Gaugeschäftsstelle (Regional Business Office) of the NSD-
Ärztebund in Gau Gross-Berlin.
00.05.1934 At the recommendation of the SA-Stabschef (Röhm), charged by a court of honor of the SA. This resulted in his removal from the post of Gauführer for Berlin-Brandenburg of the “Deutschen Sportärztebund” by the Chef des Sanitätswesens der SA, Dr. med. Emil Ketterer.
00.05.1934 – 22.04.1939 Deputy Leiter of the “Amt für Volksgesundheit in the “Reichsleitung der NSDAP” (upgraded to Hauptamt status in 1937).
00.11.1934 – 00.02.1937 Specialist in matters of youth and sports in the “Reichs- and Preussischen
Ministerien des Innern.”
02.05.1935 – 29.05.1935 Army reserve training with Sanitäts-Staffel Döberitz.
13.06.1935 – 01.04.1936 Assigned as SS-Führer z.b.V. to the Stab Reichsführer-SS.
01.04.1936 – 00.05.1945 Assigned to the Stab Reichsführer-SS.
00.00.1936 – 00.00.1936 Leiter of the “Gesundheits- und Sanitätsdienst” (Health and Medical Services)
for the XIth Olympic Games in Berlin.
03.11.1936 – 00.00.19__ “Lehrbeauftragter für öffentliches Gesundheitswesen an der Universität Berlin”
(Instructional Representative for Public Health Matters at the University of Berlin).
08.12.1936 – 00.04.1939 Stadtmedizinalrat (City Medical Counselor) for Berlin.
01.04.1937 – 28.04.1937 Army reserve training, attached to Sanitäts-Staffel Berlin.
13.07.1937 – 00.00.19__ Präsident of the “Internationalen Sportärzteverbandes” (International Sports
Medicine Association).
00.00.193_ - 00.00.19__ Schiedhelfer (Arbitration Assistant) of the “Grossen Schiedhofes” (SS Court of
Honor for trial of SS-Standartenführer and above) assigned to the Reichsführer-SS.
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Preussischer Provinzialrat (Prussian Provincial Councilor) for Berlin.
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Member of the Arbeitskammer (Chamber of Labor), Berlin.
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Gauehrenrichter and Beisitzer (Associate Judge) of the “Ehren- und
Disziplinarhofes der DAF” in Gau Berlin.
00.00.19__ - 00.00.19__ Member of the “Preussischen Instituts für Infektionskrankheiten” (Prussian
Institute for Infectious Diseases) “Robert Koch” in Berlin.
17.09.1938 – 17.10.1938 Army reserve training with attachment to Sanitätsstaffel Berlin.
22.04.1939 – 00.08.1944 “Reichsgesundheitsführer” (Reich Health Leader). Succeeded Dr. med. Gerhard
22.04.1939 – 00.08.1944 Leiter of the “Hauptamtes für Volksgesundheit der NSDAP” (Main Office for
Public Health of the NSDAP); Reichsärzteführer (Reich Physicians Leader); and Führer of the NSDÄB.
20.06.1939 – 00.00.19__ Member of the “Sachverständigenbeirates für Bevölkerungs- und Rassepolitik”
(Council of Experts for Population and Racial Policy) attached to the “Reichsministerium des Innern.”
00.07.1939 – 00.00.19__ Founder and Leiter of the “Reichsstelle gegen die Alkohol- und Tabakgefahren”
(Reich Bureau against the Dangers of Alcohol and Tobacco).
28.08.1939 - 08.1944 “Staatssekretär für Veterinärwesens, Gesundheitswesens und Volkspflege” (State Secretary for Veterinary, Health, and Social Welfare Matters) in the “Reichs- und Preussischen Ministerien des Innern”, responsible for Abteilung III (Veterinärwesens / Veterinary Services) under Prof. Dr. med. vet. Friedrich Weber and Abteilung IV (Gesundheitswesens und Volkspflege / Health Services & Public Welfare) under Dr. med. Robert Cropp. Succeeded Dr. med. Arthur Gütt.
28.08.1939 - 8.05.1945 Leiter of the “Reichszentrale für Gesundheitsführung” (Reich Central Office for
Health Leadership) and Leiter of the “Staatlichen Gesundheitswesens” (office of Government Health Matters).
00.00.1939 Chosen by Hitler to head the “euthanasia” program. Upon receiving this assignment, he promptly went to the head of the Reichskanzlei, Dr. jur. Hans-Heinrich Lammers, to get the post legalized. This infuriated Hitler, and Conti was immediately replaced by Philip Bouhler. Conti was still involved because the medical work was carried out by Dr. med. Herbert Linden, who was head of Unterabteilung IVc (Erb- und Rassenpflege) in Conti’s office in the Interior Ministry. The institutes used also came under Conti’s department.
00.10.1939 – 00.06.1942 Member of the Präsidium of the “Reichsforschungsrat” (Reich Research Council).
27.08.1941 – 08.05.1945 Member of the Reichstag (representing Land Österreich). Succeeded Josef
Leopold, who was killed in action on the Eastern Front.
00.11.1939(?) – 00.05.1945(?) Member of the “Obersten Prüfungshofes für Volkszugehörigkeitsfragen in der eingegliederten Ostgebieten” (Supreme Examination Court for Ethnic Group Membership Questions in the Annexed Eastern Territories) attached to the “Reichskommissar für die Festigung deutschen Volkstums – Stabshauptamt.”
00.06.1942 – 08.05.1945 Member of the Präsidialrat of the (reorganized) “Reichsforschungsrat.”
00.11.1942 – 08.05.1945 Chairman of the “Reichsgesundheitsrat” (Reich Health Council).
30.11.1942 – 03.12.1942 Participant in the “2.Arbeitstagung Ost der Beratenden Ärzte” (Second Eastern
Working Conference of Consulting Physicians) at the “Militärärztlichen Akademie” in Berlin.
24.05.1943 – 26.05.1943 Participant in the “3.Arbeitstagung Ost der Beratenden Ärzte” (Third Eastern
Working Conference of Consulting Physicians) at the “Militärärztlichen Akademie” in Berlin. Conference chaired by SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS Prof. Dr. med. Karl Gebhardt, who presented the results of his experiments in treating wounds (inflicted on concentration camp inmates) with sulfanilamide.
03.03.1945 Appointed Honorary Professor of Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin.
00.03.1945 Issued a decree to German doctors giving them permission to carry out abortions of German women who had been raped by Soviet soldiers.

Postwar Confinement:
Arrested by Allied authorities in Flensburg, 19.05.1945. Witness before the International Military Tribunal, Nürnberg, 1945. In custody at Nürnberg Prison until his suicide. He left the following suicide note:

“I depart this life because I said under oath something untrue. I was not quite all here. I have had heaviest depressions, thoughts of death, and sense of fear and visions for months, although I was never cowardly.”

Conti’s estate was fined 3,000 Deutschmark by the Berlin Spruchkammer (de-Nazification court) on 01.05.1949.

Published Work:
Gerhard Wagner: Reden und Aufrufe (Editor, 1943)

Decorations & Awards:
00.00.1941 Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse ohne Schwerter
00.00.194_ Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse ohne Schwerter
00.00.1940 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen
00.00.19__ Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
00.00.19__ Danzig-Kreuz II. Klasse
00.00.19__ Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der NSDAP
11.02.1944 Goldenes Hitler-Jugend Ehrenabzeichen
00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Silber
00.00.194_ Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP in Bronze
00.00.19__ Gau-Traditionsabzeichen Berlin in Gold
00.00.1929 Nürnberger Parteitagsabzeichen 1929
ca. 1931 Abzeichen des SA-Treffens Braunschweig 1931
00.00.1932 Frontbann-Abzeichen
00.00.193_ Deutsche Olympia-Ehrenzeichen I. Klasse
00.00.1944 Ehrenzeichen für Deutsche Volkspflege 2. Stufe
00.00.19__ Abzeichen der Deutschen Lebensrettungsgesellschaft- DLRG- in Bronze
[01.12.1937] SA-Sportabzeichen in Bronze
[01.12.1937] Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS
[01.12.1937] Totenkopfring der SS
00.00.19__ SS-Zivilabzeichen (Nr. 1 342)
00.00.193_ Ehrenwinkel für alte Kämpfer
16.12.1935 Julleuchter der SS
00.00.1942 Grand Officer Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy
00.00.1941 Order of the Cross of Liberty of Finland
00.00.19__ Royal Order of St. Sava (Yugoslavia)

* Son of the Swiss-Italian postal official Silvio Conti and his German wife, Hanna (“Nanna”), née Pauli. His mother divorced his father in 1915, and Leonardo was naturalized as a German citizen the same year. Nanna Conti went on to become Reichsführerin of Nazi Germany’s primary midwife association (“Reichsfachschaft der Deutschen Hebbamen”) and member of the governing board of the German Anti-tobacco League.
* Religion: Protestant until 18.02.1943, then declared himself “gottgläubig.”
* Married on 22.08.1925 to Elfriede Freiin von Meerscheidt-Müllgasern (born 27.07.1902 in Berlin; NSDAP-Nr. 90 829; holder of the Golden Party Badge). One son (born 26.07.1926) and three daughters (born 07.02.1928; 26.04.1932; and 21.07.1935 [deceased as a child]).
* Wrote several books on racist medicine and once stated, in an interview following the 1938 decree which forbade Jewish physicians to practice their profession except among Jews: “It is only the elimination of the Jewish element which provides for the German doctor the living space due to him.”
"I am a historian before I am a Christian; my object is simply to find out how the things actually occurred."

~Leopold von Ranke, 19th Century German Historian
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