Hello to all ; something more.....................
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
Shortly before daybreak on 7 June additional units of the 2d Infantry Battalion crossed the Somme and the Somme Canal on inflated rubber rafts. Not a shot was fired by the enemy. Apparently the enemy had withdrawn. The bridge, however, was not completed until 8:00 AM.
At this point the 9th Battery was also brought up. It crossed the bridge and went into positilon on the other side. Close to the railroad stop one kilometer southwest of Offoy and on the lane leading past it were craters from the artillery fire of the preceding evening. Directly behind the railway station a French position with field fortifications had been taken. Direct artillery hits had been registered there. A few dead Frenchmen were in the trenches. Articles of equipment, weapons, and rations that had been thrown away showed that the enemy had fled in haste.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
Cheers. Raúl M .
Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Moderator: sniper1shot
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
- Attachments
- A heavy howitzer of 150 mm while unleashing its fire support..........
- image002.jpg (31.99 KiB) Viewed 11136 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more.....................
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
Positions were quickly reconnoitered on the southern side. The batteries crossed the bridge that had just been completed. However, it was no longer necessary to go into position on the south side, because the infantry battalions were advancing without resistance toward Esmery Hallon. Liaison with the commander of the infantry regiment was reestablished.
The batteries advanced at a trot. They received the following verbal order:
“Keep marching ! Pursuit! General direction Esmery Hallon !
“7th Battery will establish liaison with 1st Infantry Battalion; 8th Battery with 2d Infantry Battalion.
In case of new enemy resistance, act independently.”
The foremost (2d) infantry battalion reached Esmery-Hallon and soon left the village at the southern edge in developed order. At this point, it was resisted by enemy machine-gun fire coming from the Bois de l’Hopital, two kilometers south of the town. The 8th Battery, following closely upon the heels of the 2d Infantry Battalion, was at this moment proceeding through the town with its point at the southern exit and rear at the northern exit north of the church. The 9th Battery was a short distance behind the 8th Battery.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
Cheers. Raúl M .
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
Positions were quickly reconnoitered on the southern side. The batteries crossed the bridge that had just been completed. However, it was no longer necessary to go into position on the south side, because the infantry battalions were advancing without resistance toward Esmery Hallon. Liaison with the commander of the infantry regiment was reestablished.
The batteries advanced at a trot. They received the following verbal order:
“Keep marching ! Pursuit! General direction Esmery Hallon !
“7th Battery will establish liaison with 1st Infantry Battalion; 8th Battery with 2d Infantry Battalion.
In case of new enemy resistance, act independently.”
The foremost (2d) infantry battalion reached Esmery-Hallon and soon left the village at the southern edge in developed order. At this point, it was resisted by enemy machine-gun fire coming from the Bois de l’Hopital, two kilometers south of the town. The 8th Battery, following closely upon the heels of the 2d Infantry Battalion, was at this moment proceeding through the town with its point at the southern exit and rear at the northern exit north of the church. The 9th Battery was a short distance behind the 8th Battery.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
Cheers. Raúl M .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more.....................
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
The commander of the 8th Battery was informed as follows by the commander of the 2d Infantry Battalion at the southern exit of the village:
“Enemy machine guns are firing over there at the edge of Bois de l’Hopital. My companies have been held up for the present. The exact location of the individual machine guns has not been established as yet. Take the edge of the forest under fire with your battery".
At this instant a few rounds of enemy artillery proyectiles fell in the village. It was impossible to turn around on the narrow streets. The battery commander decided to go into open position at the southern exit of the town with the foremost platoon.
The two guns were soon in firing position. Their fire was directed against the edge of the forest; at first with percussion fuze, and then with ricochets. The enemy did not take countermeasures and the machine-gun fire subsided. The battery was then ordered into covered position north of tbe village to establisbh an observation post at the southern exit.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
¡Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Cheers. Raúl M .
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
The commander of the 8th Battery was informed as follows by the commander of the 2d Infantry Battalion at the southern exit of the village:
“Enemy machine guns are firing over there at the edge of Bois de l’Hopital. My companies have been held up for the present. The exact location of the individual machine guns has not been established as yet. Take the edge of the forest under fire with your battery".
At this instant a few rounds of enemy artillery proyectiles fell in the village. It was impossible to turn around on the narrow streets. The battery commander decided to go into open position at the southern exit of the town with the foremost platoon.
The two guns were soon in firing position. Their fire was directed against the edge of the forest; at first with percussion fuze, and then with ricochets. The enemy did not take countermeasures and the machine-gun fire subsided. The battery was then ordered into covered position north of tbe village to establisbh an observation post at the southern exit.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
¡Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- A battery of howitzers Le FH 18 in its firing position.
- image002.jpg (34.38 KiB) Viewed 11104 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more.....................
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
At the same time the two guns of the 8th Battery had gone into position, the 9th Battery received the following order from the artillery battalion commander:
“Establish observation post on the church spire of Esmery HalIon ! Firing position immediately north of the village, where the battery now is standing. Fire at enemy at northern edge of Bois de l’HopitaI.”
The battery was in firing position in about ten minutes. A telephone wire was laid immediately by motorcycle with side-car from the battery position to the church. Shortly after the two guns of the 8th Battery had opened fire, the projectiles of the 9th Battery whizzed over the village and detonated at the edge of the forest.
The 7th Battery was also ordered to go into position immediately north of Esmery Hallon, establish an observation post on the church spire, and direct harassing fire at the village of Freniches located one kilometer south of Bois de l’Hopital, where the enemy had presumably withdrawn.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
¡Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Cheers. Raúl M .
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
At the same time the two guns of the 8th Battery had gone into position, the 9th Battery received the following order from the artillery battalion commander:
“Establish observation post on the church spire of Esmery HalIon ! Firing position immediately north of the village, where the battery now is standing. Fire at enemy at northern edge of Bois de l’HopitaI.”
The battery was in firing position in about ten minutes. A telephone wire was laid immediately by motorcycle with side-car from the battery position to the church. Shortly after the two guns of the 8th Battery had opened fire, the projectiles of the 9th Battery whizzed over the village and detonated at the edge of the forest.
The 7th Battery was also ordered to go into position immediately north of Esmery Hallon, establish an observation post on the church spire, and direct harassing fire at the village of Freniches located one kilometer south of Bois de l’Hopital, where the enemy had presumably withdrawn.
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
¡Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Cheers. Raúl M .
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; the end.....................
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
The command posts of the infantry regiment and artillery battalion were close together iit Esmery Hallon. The commander of the infantry regiment informed the artillery battalion that he had received orders not to continue the attack for the present. There was a pause in the fighting.
At 5:00 PM there was again a moment of sudden tension: “Enemy tanks !“ From the northern edge of tbe Bois de l’Hopital a few French tanks were approaching at wide intervals across the grain fields. They approached to within 400 yards, of the companies developed south of the village and opened fire with machine guns and Cannon on the infantry lying in the open field, inflicting casualties.
From their observation posts, the battery commanders had seen the tanks approaching. It was scarcely necessary to give the order: "Enemy Tanks! Open fire !“ At the same instant the first rounds left the guns. The impacts were near the tanks which turned and fled. They drove in zig-zag course toward the forest, pursued by artilley fire. It was not possible to register hits by indirect tire. Nevertheless, a few impacts were directly beside the tanks which forced them back into the woods.
Thereupon there was a pause in the fighting for the evening. During the night tbe artillery battalion was regrouped to support the attack of another infantry regiment on the following morning along the highway Guiscard-Noyon.(Guiscard is about six miles southwest of Ham; Noyon about 121/2 miles southwest of Ham.)
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
¡Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year -Felice Anno Nuovo - Gutes neues Jahr - Feliz Ano Novo - Bonne Année - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!.
It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M .
Support of Infantry Regiment by a Light Artillery Battalion.
The command posts of the infantry regiment and artillery battalion were close together iit Esmery Hallon. The commander of the infantry regiment informed the artillery battalion that he had received orders not to continue the attack for the present. There was a pause in the fighting.
At 5:00 PM there was again a moment of sudden tension: “Enemy tanks !“ From the northern edge of tbe Bois de l’Hopital a few French tanks were approaching at wide intervals across the grain fields. They approached to within 400 yards, of the companies developed south of the village and opened fire with machine guns and Cannon on the infantry lying in the open field, inflicting casualties.
From their observation posts, the battery commanders had seen the tanks approaching. It was scarcely necessary to give the order: "Enemy Tanks! Open fire !“ At the same instant the first rounds left the guns. The impacts were near the tanks which turned and fled. They drove in zig-zag course toward the forest, pursued by artilley fire. It was not possible to register hits by indirect tire. Nevertheless, a few impacts were directly beside the tanks which forced them back into the woods.
Thereupon there was a pause in the fighting for the evening. During the night tbe artillery battalion was regrouped to support the attack of another infantry regiment on the following morning along the highway Guiscard-Noyon.(Guiscard is about six miles southwest of Ham; Noyon about 121/2 miles southwest of Ham.)
Source: Fuentes: Battle of the Somme. Maj. Reinicke. Foreign Military Digests. Vol XXI. Nº 83.
Frankreich Fällt. Oswald Zenkner.
Der Kampf in Westen.
end time Sep-24-09 030656 PDT).
Campagne de France du 140e R.I.A. – 1940. 2/24 – Amicale du 140e RIA - ©2010
¡Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year -Felice Anno Nuovo - Gutes neues Jahr - Feliz Ano Novo - Bonne Année - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!.
It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- A howitzer in its fire position.
- image002.jpg (41.06 KiB) Viewed 11056 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; a new story for this thread...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
While in Artois and Flanders in late May (1940) began to decide the fate of the encircled British and French Armies, a strong group of the German Army in the West served a dual combat mission; it was to defend the German front which stretched from the Abbeville bridgehead due east-southeast and meanwhile was to prepare for the new southbound assault. To this group belonged, among the many units of the army, a division that at Amiens in the heart of the German defensive front had the double task ahead: to retain and to expand properly the Amiens bridgehead for the next offensive action to the south; since May 27 of 1940 it saw a fierce pressure from an enemy attack.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
While in Artois and Flanders in late May (1940) began to decide the fate of the encircled British and French Armies, a strong group of the German Army in the West served a dual combat mission; it was to defend the German front which stretched from the Abbeville bridgehead due east-southeast and meanwhile was to prepare for the new southbound assault. To this group belonged, among the many units of the army, a division that at Amiens in the heart of the German defensive front had the double task ahead: to retain and to expand properly the Amiens bridgehead for the next offensive action to the south; since May 27 of 1940 it saw a fierce pressure from an enemy attack.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- Inexorable through the routes of France with its towns and cities, through its heights and streams was marching the unbroken chain of the German army. In the foreground a horse-drawn le. FH 18
- image001.gif (139.09 KiB) Viewed 10701 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
At dawn on June 5, 1940 it was launched the new German attack. Fighting amidst the armored divisions which had the task of breaking through the defensive positions, the infantry divisions had to bear the brunt of the struggle that had become fierce and bloody. After a short artillery preparation the Division launched the attack from the bridgehead of Amiens against the French defense which had adopted a new form of struggle that had to be be overcome by special means. Immediately after starting the offensive, the Division encountered serious resistance in the villages of Dury and St. Fuscien just south of Amiens. The enemy fought with tenacity especially on the south exit of Dury organizing defensive positions with barbed wire, landmines and heavy machine guns flanking fire. These positions had to be defeated in close combat, and assault troops using flamethrowers.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
At dawn on June 5, 1940 it was launched the new German attack. Fighting amidst the armored divisions which had the task of breaking through the defensive positions, the infantry divisions had to bear the brunt of the struggle that had become fierce and bloody. After a short artillery preparation the Division launched the attack from the bridgehead of Amiens against the French defense which had adopted a new form of struggle that had to be be overcome by special means. Immediately after starting the offensive, the Division encountered serious resistance in the villages of Dury and St. Fuscien just south of Amiens. The enemy fought with tenacity especially on the south exit of Dury organizing defensive positions with barbed wire, landmines and heavy machine guns flanking fire. These positions had to be defeated in close combat, and assault troops using flamethrowers.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- The terror of the enemy, our tanks, they broke into the depths of its front, forcing him to escape by the dusty roads of France. It was they who paved the way for the infantry beating the pockets of resistance.
- image007.png (147.42 KiB) Viewed 10671 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
With the order to advance in a southeasterly direction, the division continued with the same task the next day (June 6). The town of Boves with its adjacent forests offered stiff resistance and then around Cambos-Ferme it was developed a fierce struggle; the French ability to organize their strongpoints had increased. Here the French deployed several light batteries in front or behind the villages, well - camouflaged and plenty of ammunition. Due to the well known ability of the French artillery, the German regiments typically had to devote all its energy and coordination to overwhelm these enemy strongholds.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
With the order to advance in a southeasterly direction, the division continued with the same task the next day (June 6). The town of Boves with its adjacent forests offered stiff resistance and then around Cambos-Ferme it was developed a fierce struggle; the French ability to organize their strongpoints had increased. Here the French deployed several light batteries in front or behind the villages, well - camouflaged and plenty of ammunition. Due to the well known ability of the French artillery, the German regiments typically had to devote all its energy and coordination to overwhelm these enemy strongholds.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- Our infantry conducted a unique march through the dust and heat in the footsteps of the tanks and the fast troops.
- image012.jpg (56.99 KiB) Viewed 10650 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Through Remiencourt, Dommartin and Moreuil the division broke into the enemy's defensive lines. Finding and beating, again and again, stiff resistance in every village, town and city. One of the regiments of the division, still engaged in the Somme, managed to break the French defensive system between Amiens and Corbie and moving in a southwesterly direction linked with the division. Although the bridges over the waterways had been destroyed, the regiment marched without rest and without vehicles, with its heavy weapons in hand, towards the hot fighting zone.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Through Remiencourt, Dommartin and Moreuil the division broke into the enemy's defensive lines. Finding and beating, again and again, stiff resistance in every village, town and city. One of the regiments of the division, still engaged in the Somme, managed to break the French defensive system between Amiens and Corbie and moving in a southwesterly direction linked with the division. Although the bridges over the waterways had been destroyed, the regiment marched without rest and without vehicles, with its heavy weapons in hand, towards the hot fighting zone.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- Destroyed cities were lying along the whole front of attack. The superior fighting spirit allowed the German Army to win this "struggle in the streets" though the French Army defended their cities and towns until the end.
- image008.jpg (52.81 KiB) Viewed 10610 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
The momentum of the assault of the German regiments, which could not break the desperate resistance of the Weygand line despite the fierce fighting in urban areas, ended wearing up the French troops. Thus began the retreat of the French Army from the Weygand Line, which soon degenerated into flight, while the German artillery beat the rear and the routes of retreat from the villages. Often were found loaded vehicles, material, equipment and weapons abandoned by the enemy.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
The momentum of the assault of the German regiments, which could not break the desperate resistance of the Weygand line despite the fierce fighting in urban areas, ended wearing up the French troops. Thus began the retreat of the French Army from the Weygand Line, which soon degenerated into flight, while the German artillery beat the rear and the routes of retreat from the villages. Often were found loaded vehicles, material, equipment and weapons abandoned by the enemy.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
- Attachments
- Fight in towns and cities. With the experience gained from the struggles during May in Belgium, the French Commander, General Weygand had decided that the fight would be located in towns and against these strongpoints hit the German assault divisions. But despite stiff resistance could not change the fate of France.
- image005.jpg (37.26 KiB) Viewed 10572 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
In endless and long columns of German troops marched to the south and the division reached the following days and the town of Maignelay. Advanced motorized detachments pursued the enemy and after a night fighting house to house captured the important crossing over the river Oise at Creil, establishing a bridgehead there and still reaching the forest of Chantilly. Thus the attacker division had gone from Amiens and after seven days was in front of Senlis, on the defensive positions of Paris.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
In endless and long columns of German troops marched to the south and the division reached the following days and the town of Maignelay. Advanced motorized detachments pursued the enemy and after a night fighting house to house captured the important crossing over the river Oise at Creil, establishing a bridgehead there and still reaching the forest of Chantilly. Thus the attacker division had gone from Amiens and after seven days was in front of Senlis, on the defensive positions of Paris.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
- Attachments
- What remained. Antitank weapons which tried to stop the German tanks were crushed.
- image002.jpg (52.09 KiB) Viewed 10533 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Paris open city!
The effort had been for nothing. The courage of the French soldiers, confirmed in the preamble to the terms of the armistice in Compiegne was great, their strength and resistance had been harshly demonstrated. So it was a mark of distinction for the German divisions which were victorious in this kind of battle "the struggle in the streets." The French had recognized that one thin defensive line was not applicable against the "blitz" and the Luftwaffe air superiority.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Paris open city!
The effort had been for nothing. The courage of the French soldiers, confirmed in the preamble to the terms of the armistice in Compiegne was great, their strength and resistance had been harshly demonstrated. So it was a mark of distinction for the German divisions which were victorious in this kind of battle "the struggle in the streets." The French had recognized that one thin defensive line was not applicable against the "blitz" and the Luftwaffe air superiority.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!.
- Attachments
- Antiaircraft, antitank and field artillery were used to provide coverage of the march route. As in the first moments of the offensive the enemy air power was not totally destroyed several times disrupted the advance of German troops.
- image011.jpg (51.3 KiB) Viewed 10505 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; something more...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Paris open city!
Trying to defend his country fiercely, the French leaders moved the last decisive battle to the streets and villages, and so many sites and villages were burned and left in ruins, bringing only calamities to France. But the High Command and the German troops soon realized the new method of struggle used by the French. With unprecedented power were launched the German infantry regiments, often supported by squadrons of Stukas, which attacked the fortified villages; with high accuracy the artillery fought the nests of resistance; with great courage the shock troops of the infantry and the Pioneers stormed the forts and town after town fell after a fierce urban combat in the hands of the German troops.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo!!!
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Paris open city!
Trying to defend his country fiercely, the French leaders moved the last decisive battle to the streets and villages, and so many sites and villages were burned and left in ruins, bringing only calamities to France. But the High Command and the German troops soon realized the new method of struggle used by the French. With unprecedented power were launched the German infantry regiments, often supported by squadrons of Stukas, which attacked the fortified villages; with high accuracy the artillery fought the nests of resistance; with great courage the shock troops of the infantry and the Pioneers stormed the forts and town after town fell after a fierce urban combat in the hands of the German troops.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
Cheers. Raúl M .
Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo!!!
- Attachments
- The war was present along the road, broken supply columns, artillery positions destroyed. Hundreds, thousands of equipments traced the path of the defeated army of a people who had trusted blindly in Britain and duped declared the war against the German Reich.
- image005.jpg (38.76 KiB) Viewed 10420 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; last part...........................
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Beneath the surface hid the death. All roads were strewn with mines of all types and sizes. German engineers cleared the route for horse-drawn and motorized columns and also the infantry could march safely.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M .
Against the Weygand Line - June 1940.
War of movement. Oberstleutnant Matthaei.
Beneath the surface hid the death. All roads were strewn with mines of all types and sizes. German engineers cleared the route for horse-drawn and motorized columns and also the infantry could march safely.
Source: http://klee-klaus.business.t-online.de/ ... erbung.htm
It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M .
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- image005.jpg (44.51 KiB) Viewed 10395 times
- Different types of landmines ... ... ... ... ....
15 Fotoalben mit über 1200 originalen Fotos ! bei eBay_de 1918-1945 (endet 16_08_09 185430 MESZ) - image007.jpg (43.56 KiB) Viewed 10395 times
- Different types of landmines ... ... ... ... ....
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
Re: Incidents from the battle of france 1940.
Hello to all ; a new story in this topic..................
The Attack on Festieux and the March to the Aisne; 20 May 1940.
To secure the right flank of the regiment was the mission assigned the 2d Battalion, 75th Infantry, reinforced by the heavy machine-gun squad and mortar squad of the 8th Company, 19 May 1940. Company orders were to move out to the right, advance through Montaigu, gain the south edge of the woods two kilometers south of Montaigu, and secure the regiment over night in that position. Unnoticed, the company crossed the open plain into Montaigu, despite the fact that six hostile tanks had been observed parked under trees two kilometers northwest of Montaigu. Crossing the densely wooded ridge south of Montaigu under considerable difficulty, the company reached the designated security zone at 2:00 AM, 20 May, after covering a distance of 18 miles.
At 8:00 AM, the company received orders as follows: “The reinforced 5th Company will move on to Courtrizy and establish outposts there. Small security elements will push on south to the Reims road. ”
Area of operations: http://www.maplandia.com/france/picardi ... /festieux/
Sources: Fotoalbum Frankreich 1940 Infanterie Regiment 75. Martes, 19 de Octubre de 2010, 20:42:16
The Attack on Festieux by the 5th Company, 75th Infantry, and the March to the Aisne, 20 May 1940. Foreign Military Digests. Oct 1941.
Private Sales List-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5 - 5. Infanterie-Division. Historical Media. ábado, 20 de Noviembre de 2010, 14:54:38.
Cheers. Raúl M .
The Attack on Festieux and the March to the Aisne; 20 May 1940.
To secure the right flank of the regiment was the mission assigned the 2d Battalion, 75th Infantry, reinforced by the heavy machine-gun squad and mortar squad of the 8th Company, 19 May 1940. Company orders were to move out to the right, advance through Montaigu, gain the south edge of the woods two kilometers south of Montaigu, and secure the regiment over night in that position. Unnoticed, the company crossed the open plain into Montaigu, despite the fact that six hostile tanks had been observed parked under trees two kilometers northwest of Montaigu. Crossing the densely wooded ridge south of Montaigu under considerable difficulty, the company reached the designated security zone at 2:00 AM, 20 May, after covering a distance of 18 miles.
At 8:00 AM, the company received orders as follows: “The reinforced 5th Company will move on to Courtrizy and establish outposts there. Small security elements will push on south to the Reims road. ”
Area of operations: http://www.maplandia.com/france/picardi ... /festieux/
Sources: Fotoalbum Frankreich 1940 Infanterie Regiment 75. Martes, 19 de Octubre de 2010, 20:42:16
The Attack on Festieux by the 5th Company, 75th Infantry, and the March to the Aisne, 20 May 1940. Foreign Military Digests. Oct 1941.
Private Sales List-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5 - 5. Infanterie-Division. Historical Media. ábado, 20 de Noviembre de 2010, 14:54:38.
Cheers. Raúl M .
- Attachments
- Area Laon - Festieux.
- image008.gif (299.21 KiB) Viewed 10315 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.