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Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:03 pm
by Tom Houlihan
Quite a few people here are members over on

You may not be currently aware of it, but Feldpost was hacked in a major way. If you use the same, or similar passwords anywhere else, you may want to consider changing them. Keep the Feldpost one, but change others. I'm getting ready to do that now.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:29 am
Paßwort changed...
I wish someone would kick this hacker's xxxx once for all...
btw: you were right, my message in the shoutbox was not nice at all :evil:

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 5:29 am
by Tom Houlihan
TPMM wrote:btw: you were right, my message in the shoutbox was not nice at all :evil:
:D :D :D :wink: :beer:

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:02 am
by Michael Miller / ABR

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:46 pm
by John P. Moore
I suspect that it self-destructed, possibly destroyed from within. It's better for people to devote their energies on mainstream forums such as Feldgrau and AHF rather than supporting a site whose purpose appeared to be attacking other persons and forums rather than any serious research. RIP


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:37 am
by Potsdamerplatz
I was directed to Feldpost several months ago by Kim Sung and also later received an invitation to join by Troy Tempest, the forum's administrator.

After taking a weekend to read through some of the threads I decided against joining up for the reasons John P. Moore described above.

The main feature of Feldpost is a section called Spotlight which is dedicated solely to the attacking of all the other military history websites including Axis History, Wehrmacht Awards, Feldgrau and the Militaria Collecting Forum.

I know from personal experience that such a section can only cause problems. There is also a Spotlight forum over at MCF which I foolishly used as a platform to air grievances in public about various issues and people which led to me losing a lot of credibility and alienated a lot of people on Axis History whom I had become friendly with. I came within an inch of being banned from AHF. Luckily enough I came to my senses in time and I am no longer involved with MCF as of last December. What happened there is now in the past and I have gradually begun building bridges again with those I had offended.

I'm not surprised that Feldpost collapsed. When a site attacks so many people it's only natural that someone will come looking for revenge.

I do feel sorry though for Troy Tempest who seems like a nice guy and all the other genuine members who worked hard to build up the site. Not only is the hacker to blame for what happened, but also the instigators who started it by reviving old feuds and arguments.

Kind regards.

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:13 pm
by Troy Tempest
Hello, I take onboard all that has been said for some time about certain directions the site may or may not have taken. I am not blaming anyone else, and accept full responsibility for all the good and bad, whether instigated by myself or not, that has taken place there. The buck stops with me. What I can say is once I sort out the back-up files, there will be some major changes in the tone and direction of Feldpost. Thanks for all your support and kind words, I do appreciate them.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:59 am
by Paddy Keating
John P. Moore wrote:I suspect that it self-destructed, possibly destroyed from within. It's better for people to devote their energies on mainstream forums such as Feldgrau and AHF rather than supporting a site whose purpose appeared to be attacking other persons and forums rather than any serious research. RIP

That's an interesting theory, John! You seem to be suggesting that the management nuked its own website in order to bring about the changes in direction to which Troy is referring.



Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:18 am
by Richard Hargreaves
Tom Houlihan wrote:Quite a few people here are members over on

You may not be currently aware of it, but Feldpost was hacked in a major way. If you use the same, or similar passwords anywhere else, you may want to consider changing them. Keep the Feldpost one, but change others. I'm getting ready to do that now.
Feck. Arse. I use the same password all over the shop. :shock: Being a simple man I can only remember one password. Better start changing. Damn these evil hackers. :evil:

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:31 am
by sid guttridge
Hi Paddy,

I received four semi-literate, mildly abusive, emails purportedly from the administrators of Feldpost. Is this the same experience for everyone?

However, I don't think it likely that the administration was actually involved. I think that their system was being abused by the hacker.



Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:13 am
by Paddy Keating
Everyone received them, Sid, myself included. Did you receive my e-mail to you? Or do you not check the "Paul Jefferson" address? Anyway, I must doff my hat on this occasion to you fellows, meaning your good self, Miller et al. You appear to have achieved your aims. Feldpost is going to change direction following radical surgery. Bravo! But you should remember Charles de Gaulle's comment about battles and wars. :D You're all laughing now about Feldpost but bear in mind that he who laughs last laughs longest!



Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:37 am
by Paddy Keating
John P. Moore wrote:I suspect that it self-destructed, possibly destroyed from within. It's better for people to devote their energies on mainstream forums such as Feldgrau and AHF rather than supporting a site whose purpose appeared to be attacking other persons and forums rather than any serious research. RIP

Would you care to expand on your theory, John? Perhaps not. People in glasshouses and all that...

You're wrong about the aims of Feldpost. Any criticism of the AHF website sprang from Erik's review of the Jens Westemeier Peiper biography - which you complimented - when some members observed that such a review would never have been published or, rather, permitted to remain visible on the AHF website.

It was valid criticism of the kind of censorship that occurs on that website. You then flung gasoline on the embers of residual resentment by barging in and braying about how the AHF was the best site of its kind. You also made some unpleasant and gratuitous remarks about MCF and about me, which was OK. I can take the lumps. What I find hard to take, though, is sanctimonious bull.

I responded by writing short editorial critiques of three AHF articles concerning subjects in which I am generally accepted as being fairly well-versed. The aim was not so much to make an attack on the AHF website but more to disprove your rather extravagant assertions that the AHF website was the non plus ultra.

This prompted a very long thread containing all sorts of trolling attempts by AHF "partisans" of varying levels of intelligence. Predictably, it got nasty. The paradox is that it was kept alive long after it would normally have faded away by the trolling and shilling attempts.

Returning to "sanctimonious bull", your hostility to the Feldpost website is perhaps more rooted in the posting by "Icarus" of the text of an old AHF thread in which you alleged that someone had been illicitly selling your SS officer data and posted screenshots from that person's PC that were clearly obtained through an illicit entry into his computer by you or someone known to you.

Could that possibly be the real reason you get so bent out of shape whenever anyone refers to that episode, John? Hacking into people's computers doesn't sit well with the well-honed image of moral guardian and conscience, does it? Nor does the stroke you pulled on me but, hey, it's all water under the bridge now.

The salient point here is that you should be wary of involving yourself in a discussion about hacking into Feldpost given your publicly aired track record in that department. I'm not accusing you of anything but I am warning you, because we used to be friendly once upon a time when you wanted to run the veterans forum on MCF, that you should be careful of what you say because people might start jumping to conclusions about what happened to Feldpost.

People might start wondering if there was some kind of conspiracy to effect "the change of direction" to which the owner has referred. You know what people can be like, especially in our dysfunctional, nasty little micro-community. :D

After all, whose interests would be served by the disappearance of some of the more pointed critical content in the Spotlight section Troy Tempest and I set up to expose dodginess of various kinds?

I expect you and some of your friends will beating hell out of your keyboards, composing complaints to moderators and webmasters about my latest forum outrage. You might even persuade them to remove or edit this post. They wouldn't want Feldgrau to suffer the same fate as Feldpost, would they?

After all, Feldgrau uses exactly the same software...



Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:12 am
by Michael Miller / ABR
Anyway, I must doff my hat on this occasion to you fellows, meaning your good self, Miller et al.

You're such a colossal, narcissistic Arschloch, Paddy. And no, don't get the idea that I'm fuming with rage that a pompous, pontificating, hypocritical Irish tabloid journalist residing in France has been mean to me on various internet message forums. I don't take you seriously enough for that. And I don't take anything here seriously enough to try to do tangible or even intangible harm to a message forum. Troy Tempest and I are at peace, and I'm confident he is aware that I never intended to, nor moved in the direction of, damaging

It is obvious to anyone possessing a brain that your conduct- clad though it was in the usual, patented Prosper Keating guise of a crusade for justice and rooting out trolls and charlatans and thiefs- led, either directly or indirectly, to the brutal destruction of the site.

I sincerely wish a full recovery, which- of course- can only be accomplished by a massive infusion of antibiotics. :wink:

~ Mike

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:20 am
by Michael Miller / ABR
your hostility to the Feldpost website is perhaps more rooted in the posting by "Icarus" of the text of an old AHF thread in which you alleged that someone had been illicitly selling your SS officer data and posted screenshots from that person's PC that were clearly obtained through an illicit entry into his computer by you or someone known to you.

I'm not sure how much relevance the following might have, but this Feldpost PM from "Icarus" to myself provides, I think, some interesting background to the "posting by 'Icarus' " cited above:

From: Icarus
To: Michael Miller / ABR
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:15 am
Subject: I am outta here
You don't have to worry about me anymore. I am done with this stupid site. The latest Roger Honts affair is the last straw. This forum is finished IMO. It has become MCF-2 just like I predicted weeks ago.

I don't have anything against you, just mad that Wendel banned me from his forum unfairly. This was when the Holocaust section was full of trolls and bandits, guess I just got thrown out with Scott Smith and the rest of the idiots because of ONE slightly over the top post. Anway I am over that now.

This will be the last contact I have, just wanted to let you know it was Paddy keating who sent me the stuff about Timo Worst by e-mail. He told me to post it, sit back and watch the fireworks. He used his alternative username The Loafer but signed his post PK, which I thought a bit strange at the time til I realised they were one and the same. Think he also has another 2 or 3 different username on this forum. What kind of Administrator is that........ ?

Take my advice and leave this shithole, this forum has no future.


And this too:

From: Icarus
To: Michael Miller / ABR
Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:51 pm
Subject: Re: Hello, thanks, etc.
Hello Mike,

Yes it was Paddy Keating who sent me all the links (GAMF, Mansson, Timo Worst) and I posted them. He said it would be fun to sit back and watch the fireworks. He sent me screenshots from MCF to confirm some of what he said was true.

I have decided to stick around here. I'm no collector so WAF/GMIC are out and I have already been banned from AHF as you know.

You are better off at Axis History, there are some good folks over there.


If the above proves anything, it's the obvious fact that you used Troy's well-intended research forum to further your own agenda- to serve as a "bully pulpit" with the aim of airing your thousand-and-one grievances.

~ Mike

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:44 am
by Troy Tempest
Paddy Keating has just banned me from my own site until I prove to him that I didn't delete it all myself! I guess everyone was right all along, it's 04.38 here, I'll have to wait till the ISP opens and see if they can let me into my own site that I pay for. Apparently that is of no relevance to Paddy.
Sometime, somehow, between this PM from you and now, you were got at. It’s as clear as daylight. And I am beginning to think that John Moore put his finger on it with his remark about sabotage from within. If it was an inside job, who would have a motive? Not me! Why would I want to remove criticisms of websites and individuals I despise from the public domain? It’s not looking good for you, mate. In fact, it’s looking pretty grim. Even your faithful Pole, TPMM, is asking pointed questions about John Moore’s remarks.

The best change you could make right now is to shut the @#% up about all of this and let us fix things because you’re clearly incapable of handling the problem. In fact, it’s worse than that: you’re looking very like the cause of the problem at the moment. For that reason, I have taken the step of shutting you out of your own website until you can prove to me that you didn’t delete everything.

This goes beyond questions of ownership. A forum webmaster has a duty to members. You can rant at Erik, myself and anyone else about how we have “steered” you – which is not true, as the attached PM shows - into turning FP into something youo didn’t want it to be until the cows come home and the moon turns blue but from where I am sitting, your website and its members need protection not from us but from you!

Paddy, you are clearly in error, why would I possibly delete my own forum, after all the work I put into it and the money I spent on it? All the messages I received from people warning me about you, and I repeatedly stood by you publicly, and you have now banned me from my own forum. I guess that says it all.