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need help with wwi austrian vet's unit info.............

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:16 pm
by mightythor99
does anyone know how to research a wwi austrian oberartzt, from vienna? his father was the first "plastic surgeon", creating what was later to become known as the first breast augmentation, so maybe medically somehow might be easier then militaraly.
any thoughts or ideas welcome!
i have his wwi photo albums, and would like to know more about him. he fought against the russians in romania, then was pulled back to the alps, for the italian campaign.


Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:30 pm
by Glenn
A good start will be to identify him in the wartime Austro-Hungarian Ranglisten. If you give me his name I will check. If he was an Austrian citizen following the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy his military records should be held at the War Archives in Vienna.


super! here is his information!

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:01 pm
by mightythor99
his name is otto gersuny, and he opened a baby clinic (kinderkrankeninstitut), "gew. Assistent und Leiter der Kinder-Abteilung des Kaiser Franz Josefs-Spitals."

does that mean he was the assistant director of the children brigade for the king, franz josef?

wien, IX;, Horlgasse 7, mezzanin

also listed is wien, IX, alserstrasse 8

and wien, XIX, schegargasse 1

i did a search on google, and i found his father, he was a surgeon, and did the first breast implants in the world!

this man served on the russian front/carpathian mountains and a little farther east, then went to the alps and fought against the italians, trieste, and then west. it looks like he was at least a major rank wise, i am guessing oberartzt or higher.
how difficult is it to get responses from the austrian archive?
do they charge $$?
how would i find them?
thanks for your help!!

Oberarzt Dr Gersuny

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:08 am
by Glenn
Hi Ted,

Oberarzt in der Reserve Dr. Otto Gersuny was a medical officer of the reserve serving in Infanterieregiment Viktor Emanuel III. König von Italien Nr. 28. The rank of Oberarzt was equivalent to that of an Oberleutnant.


01.05.15: Assistenzarzt in der Reserve
01.02.17: Oberarzt in der Reserve

Decorations as at 1918:

Silver Military Merit Medal on the ribbon of the Military Merit Cross
Bronze Military Merit Medal on the ribbon of the Military Merit Cross

The Austrian Archives generally are very good and I believe they charge very little if at all. They have a site at: ... oesta&init

They have a contact page where you can email them directly. An email in English would not be a problem for them.


Children's Department

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:59 am
by Glenn
Leiter der Kinder-Abteilung des Kaiser Franz Josefs-Spitals
Oh and this:

head of the Childrens' Department (ward) at the Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital.



Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:28 pm
by mightythor99
thanks for the information!! it is greatly appriciated!
i have his wwi photos. i will contact the austrian archives, and see what they have! your information was / is very helpful!
thanks a million!!