hi, as everyone on this forum generally knows, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel was a poor head of the OKW as he submitted to many of Hitler's inane military decisions, so who do you think is the best officer other than Keitel to take the job?
I would say Rundsdedt, as his old age and repsect for him, plus his old sense and diplomacy would work. Plus he was more miltiarily sensible.
Best Staff officer / general replacing Keitel in OKW...
Hi Kevin,
Keitel was "Chef des OKW", Jodl was "Chef des Wehrmachtführungsamts", since 1940: "Wehrmachtführungsstab des OKW". In this function, Jodl was the planning staff officer for Keitel, who was leading the OKW, 1938 following the "Reichskriegsministerium" (ministry of war).
There is a problem in functions: Halder was Chef of the "Generalstab des Heeres" (OKH, under von Brauchitisch, later Hitler himself). During the war, the functions were divided: OKH was leading the eastern front (without Finnland and the Murmansk front), the OKW was the leading organisation for all over aereas.
Halder (general staff OKH) and the OKH were leading the operations in Poland, France, Yugoslawia, Greece.
OKW was leading for Norway, North Africa.
Keitel was "Chef des OKW", Jodl was "Chef des Wehrmachtführungsamts", since 1940: "Wehrmachtführungsstab des OKW". In this function, Jodl was the planning staff officer for Keitel, who was leading the OKW, 1938 following the "Reichskriegsministerium" (ministry of war).
There is a problem in functions: Halder was Chef of the "Generalstab des Heeres" (OKH, under von Brauchitisch, later Hitler himself). During the war, the functions were divided: OKH was leading the eastern front (without Finnland and the Murmansk front), the OKW was the leading organisation for all over aereas.
Halder (general staff OKH) and the OKH were leading the operations in Poland, France, Yugoslawia, Greece.
OKW was leading for Norway, North Africa.
- Robert F. Rojas
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RE: Best Staff Officer - (Replacing Field Marshall Wilihelm Keitel At O.K.W.).
Greetings to both the now former member Helmut Von Moltke and the community as a whole. Howdy Helmut (or Kevin if you so prefer)! Well sir, in respect to your now vintage introductory posting of Thursday - July 20, 2006 - 5:52am, old yours truly will refrain from participating in your poll. Whether you know it or not, you appeared to omit the name of Erich von Manstein from the list of luminaries on your ballot. Without the inclusion of Erich von Manstein, I believe your ballot is incomplete. Have I missed something here? Incidentally, there was more than one occasion when Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel tenured his resignation to the personage of Adolf Hitler. Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel nominated Field Marshall Erich von Manstein as his replacement. Adolf Hitler subsequently turned down all of Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel's letters of resignation. For Adolf Hitler, Field Marshall Wlihelm Keitel was an indispensable figure and for whatever the reason, Field Marshall Erich von Manstein did not quite fit the bill. HOW DOES YOUR POLL LOOK NOW!? Incidentally, during the entire course of the European conflict, there was absolutely NO ONE that vied for Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel's post as Chairman of the High Command of the Armed Forces. Apparently, Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel WAS the right general officer for the job since there was NO ONE else who had the backbone to deal with the machinations of the all knowing Bohemian Corporal. THINK ABOUT IT! Finally, I had to shake my head in absolute disbelief when you nominated Field Marshall Gerd von Rundstedt for the post of Chairman of the High Command of the Armed Forces. Field Marshall Gerd von Rundstedt loathed Adolf Hitler whom he often denigrated as that BOHEMIAN CORPORAL. Enough said! Well, that's my initial two cents or pfennigs worth on this wanting topic of interest - for now anyway. In any case, I would like to bid you a copacetic day no matter what your NEW IDENTITY MIGHT BE or where you just might happen to find yourself on Terra Firma.
Best Regards,
Uncle Bob
Best Regards,
Uncle Bob
It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it - Robert E. Lee
Re: Best Staff officer / general replacing Keitel in OKW...
Keitel was de facto minister of war, a function he exercised not incompetentedly.There were several officers who could replace him,but not Guderian and Manstein who were prima donnas without administrative competence .
- Robert F. Rojas
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- Posts: 23
- Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:08 pm
- Location: Pleasant Hill, California - U.S.A.
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RE: Best Staff Officer - (Replacing Field Marshall Wilihelm Keitel At O.K.W.).
Greetings to both citizen ljadw and the community as a whole. Howdy ljadw! Well sir, in respect to your posting of Saturday - July 21, 2018 - 12:47am, old Uncle Bob was (and is) more than a wee bit surprised to learn that there is at least one other contributor both here and over at the Axis History Forum that has a modicum of charity for the often lambasted Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel. Will wonders never cease! And yes, I must wholly concur with your notation gravitating upon Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel's administrative competence. Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel was a master in the theory and dynamics of military bureaucracy just as Colonel General Heinz Guderian was a master in the theory and dynamics of combined operations. I, for one, cannot envision ANY of the posted luminaries on Helmut Von Moltke's "POLL" ever filling the shoes (or jackboots) of Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel. Finally, I generally see Field Marshall Wilhelm Keitel as something more akin to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff rather than as the successor to Field Marshall Werner von Blomberg as Minister of War. For all intent and purposes, Adolf Hitler took that de facto role unto himself during the Battle of Moscow in December of 1941. Well, that's my latest two cents or pfennigs worth on this now vintage topic of interest - for now anyway. In any case, I would like to bid you a copacetic day no matter where you just might happen to find yourself on Terra Firma.
Best Regards,
Uncle bob
Best Regards,
Uncle bob
It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it - Robert E. Lee
Re: Best Staff officer / general replacing Keitel in OKW...
Which is ridiculous. Manstein and Guderian were extremely competent
Re: Best Staff officer / general replacing Keitel in OKW...
Guderian as minister of war would be a disaster,as the OKW was full of people who did not like him.
The same for Manstein who was fired from the OKH.
The first demand for a minister of war is tact and willingness to cooperate ,something that Guderian and Manstein did not have .
Halder cooperating with Guderian or Manstein was excluded .