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Searching for German Wehrmacht and O.T. members

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 5:25 am
For years now I'm searching for Germans who saved my granddad during his escape from the U-boat harbour of Lorient where he was employed as a labourer. (he is 90 and still alive today)
As these Germans were from the O.T. as well as from the Wehrmacht I was wondering if their is anybody who can help me to identify them.
Which O.T units were stationed at Lorient as well as in Belgium. Has anybody knowlidige of names of O.T-members stationed in Lorient and in Belgium .
Which Wehrmacht-units were stationed in Lorient :?: Whre can one find the names of the German POW 's who surrenderd in Lorient in May 1945 :?:

Any information is welcome
Stefaan Calus
[email protected]

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:51 pm
by Alex Dekker
For OT-Members: look for EG West, they had their HQ in Paris.

Good luck,
