Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; after a while a new story.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

In the early days of the German invasion of Poland, the parachute tower was used as an OP by elements of the 73 pp; by September 03, 1939 the units of the Army "Krakow", in danger of being encircled, began withdrawing from Upper Silesia. At that time were advancing towards Katowice the 239. ID (Generalmajor Ferdinand Neuling) and border guards regiments 56 and 68 belonging to the Kommando Grenzschutz-Abschnitts-3 under the command of Generalleutnant Georg Brandt.

On September 3, 1939 in the afternoon it was determined that the remnants of the 23 DP had withdrawn from Katowice and therefore the troops of Abschnitts-Kommando Grenzschutz-3 had to occupy the industrial area on September 4, 1939, with this purpose it was attached to that Command the 239 ID.

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
image017.jpg (151.26 KiB) Viewed 11469 times
View of the city of Katowice shortly before the invasion<br />1. Police Building. 2. Stalmacha Street. 3. Kilinski Street. 4. Towards Mikolow Street. X. Supposedly here  German machine guns were stationed.
View of the city of Katowice shortly before the invasion
1. Police Building. 2. Stalmacha Street. 3. Kilinski Street. 4. Towards Mikolow Street. X. Supposedly here German machine guns were stationed.
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

On September 4, 1939 at 04:45 hours the Commander of the 239. ID departed towards Mikolow. According to the story of Gefr . Werner Hauck, the 239. ID started the march at 05:30 hours in the direction of Katowice when shortly after it was reported that insurgent forces, under command of Polish officers, offered resistance in a wooded area located on the route of march(Kosciuszko Park), to clear the road were used anti-tank Platoons and one infantry company.

In this regard the Chief of the 14. / IR 372 (anti-tank Company) reported that at 03:00 hours came the order of marching to Katowice through Panewnik and Ligota. Two anti-tank Platoons (1. & 2. Pl) should ensure to the front and support the entrance to the city, so far it was unknown whether would be resistance in the town or not. At the height of the south park, the anti-tank Platoons received fire from the east, from the parachute tower. Since the platoons were too weak to confront the resistance was decided to await the arrival of the 7th. Company (IR 372?). In the meantime arrived at the scene the Reconnaissance Detachment 239 which in turn received fire also.

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Radfahrschw. (Cyclist Recce Squadron) of the 239. ID marching outside Katowice - September 4, 1939..........
Radfahrschw. (Cyclist Recce Squadron) of the 239. ID marching outside Katowice - September 4, 1939..........
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

Around 08:00 hours the column of the IR 444 (reinforced), with the command of the division marching there, reached a point about 3 km from the southern edge of Katowice. About the same time arrived an officer of the reconnaissance element from Katowice and reported the vanguard Höcker (AA 239?) was engaged in combat with insurgent elements in the South Park and without help could not continue the advance.

He was in fact Leutnant Kania of the 14 . / IR 372 who tell the following: I ordered my men to take a position on the western side of the park and I went to the destroyed bridge in Klodnica and reported personally that the reconnaissance detachment, which was trying to enter Katowice in the south, had engaged on street fighting, it was moving very slowly and needed help.

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Advance of the German division.................
Advance of the German division.................
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

Immediately the IR 444 moved ahead, led by Battalion Metz. Upon reaching the height 334, located 1 kilometer from the south end of Katowice, was found there the command of Grenzschutz-Abschnitts-Kommando 3. Suddenly they receive machine gun fire from the Parachute tower located in the Kosciuszko Park, in response to that action, the German opened fire with anti-tank guns and the first salvo hit the cable of the elevator and the elevator fell down, ceasing the hostile fire.

Following along the way, the German troops got rifle shots and machine gun fire, but an artillery battery came into position and the South Park was quickly cleared; the insurgents suffered several serious wounded, but no mention about prisoners in these actions.

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

An account of the 1. / Pz Abw.Abt. 239 said that they heard gun shots from the city and the South Park. The insurgents wanted to prevent our entrance into the city. The bullets whistled over us. We received the order to deploy an anti-tank gun on a hill near the parachute tower and shoot at there, the slope was very steep and about 2.5 meters high. All these worked and shortly afterwards the gun was in position on the hill. The first shot was in the direction and range, and after a few shots the tower was silenced. A voice behind us said "boys, it has been a very good job".

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The German command post Kosciuszko Park ...................
The German command post Kosciuszko Park ...................
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

At 11:40 hours the 239. ID entered the city after overcoming some resistance nests in the railway station and the South Park; Generalmajor Neuling moved with his car along the streets being warmly greeted by the people. For its part, the Grenzschutz Rgt 68 came from the north linking with 239. IDs in the center of the city. In the afternoon and evening there were still some exchanges of fire between German troops and guerrillas.

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A machine gun position of the 239. ID in a corner of the city .........
A machine gun position of the 239. ID in a corner of the city .........
image008.jpg (28.06 KiB) Viewed 11354 times
Another view of the troops during the occupation of Katowice .....................
Another view of the troops during the occupation of Katowice .....................
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; last part.........................

Occupation of Katowice - September 4, 1939.

Bulletin of the Institute of National Remembrance (Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej), issue:0607/ 2004, pages: 3741, on

It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The people joyfully received the German troops .........................
The people joyfully received the German troops .........................
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a new story here...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

Two days after the outbreak of war, on Septiembre 03, 1939, the war hit hard at the gates of Warsaw. The Luftwaffe, owner of the Polish airspace, bombed the airport and the aircraft factory at Okecie on the outskirts of the capital.

Other five days took Warsaw to feel the near thunder of cannons and the hot breath of war. Is that on September 8, 1939 the first German soldiers, from the armored troops, reached the suburbs of the city.

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. dt. Flieger Anflug Warschau. eBay.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Navidad - Feliz Natal - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas - Wesołych Świąt!. :up:
German planes Approaching Warsaw...........................
German planes Approaching Warsaw...........................
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

On September 9, 1939 through the shortwave's sender GSB (London), the Polish High Command sent: we hope that the battle for Warsaw will be tough, but behind us is not only the army, but any citizen in fitness of carrying a rifle.

And the same night at 20:30 hours the station GSA transmitted to the world and especially in North America: several thousand of men of the civilian population are resisting the German attack.

On September 11, 1939 at 20:41 hours the station Warsaw II spread: during the attack on the city of Warsaw a German tank had an ignominious end, disabled by the civilians........... .

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. dt. Flieger Anflug Warschau. eBay.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! :beer:
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

The German German radio station said: Attention Warsaw, Warsaw Attention! High Command of the German Armed Forces (OKW) issued the following statement: Germany bans the bombing of open cities. The attack on towns and villages by artillery and Luftwaffe depend on the conditions of the fight and the other party will not turn them into points of resistance. The Polish government, without regard to its inhabitants did not fulfill this condition and the German army is forced from now on to break the resistance of the square by all means at their disposal ........... ..

This was the last warning. It was September 16, 1939, last day, last hour to think and reconsider................

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).

Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year - feliz Ano Novo - gluckliches Neues Jahr - Bonne Année - Felice Anno Nuovo - Szczęśliwego nowego roku!! :beer:
A burning town nearb Warsaw.........................<br />Original photo 31. Inf Div brenn bei Warschau. Dorf
A burning town nearb Warsaw.........................
Original photo 31. Inf Div brenn bei Warschau. Dorf
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

More than 2 million of civilians and over 100 thousand soldiers were within the city limits. Warsaw was isolated from the rest of the territory. No water, no gas, no ways out, only has two options, surrender or be destroyed.

On September 17, 1939 at 08:00 hours appeared before the HQ of a Polish regiment in the suburbs of Warsaw a German parliamentarian, in his pocket he carried a letter from the Army Corps Commander directed to the Commander of the City and requesting the surrender of the place. The German officer was told to wait, he sits on a Polish facility and waited, waited and waited .................

After half an hour the Polish liaison returned and announced that unfortunately the General can not receive it. The German officer tried to deliver the letter to a Polish officer, but no one took it, then turned on his heel and returned to the Germans positions.

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Polish town destroyed by an aerial attack...........................<br />Original photo 31 . Inf Div poln . vorort Luftangriff
Polish town destroyed by an aerial attack...........................
Original photo 31 . Inf Div poln . vorort Luftangriff
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

Well , the Commander of the garrison of Warsaw wants to fight. And with it the population of Warsaw? To the people of Warsaw said the pamphlet that was launched by thousands on the city that day. His government has made Warsaw a combat zone, depriving it of the benefits of an open city. Your military high command not only wants Warsaw be bombed but has required you to resist the German advance with weapons in hand and with that appeal to the irregular war, the Polish government has violated the international law. Since some people have followed this call, Warsaw is now a war zone .... Today we sent to the Military Commander of Warsaw the following call :

1. From now on it is declares a cease fire of 12 hours and the city as a whole must not fight the German army that surrounds it.
2 . In the same period the Polish defending forces should surrender to the German high command.
3 . If these terms are accepted it must notify the German command.
4 . If the terms are not accepted, the 12 hours run for the civilians to leave the city, after this time Warsaw will be declared a war zone.

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Destruction at Warsaw...............................<br />Original photo 31 . Inf Div zerschoss Warschau . gebäude
Destruction at Warsaw...............................
Original photo 31 . Inf Div zerschoss Warschau . gebäude
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

But nothing was heard from Warsaw, nothing ........ However the Commander of Warsaw had realized the seriousness of the situation, on September 17, 1939 he required a truce in order to evacuate the civilians and the diplomatic corps.

"Uwaga Warszawa! Uwaga Warszawa! Czy slyszycie nas! (Attention Warsaw!, Attention Warsaw! Please hear us) answered the German sender to the Polish request and indicates that the civilians and the diplomats must be conveyed to the German position on the road Warsaw - Prague - Minsk. Confirmation of receipt must be made from Warsaw in the wave of 7,190 Khz . But the station in 7190 Khz remains unresponsive. What's going on in Warsaw?. On the German front, nobody knows.

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Damage in hebuildings of Warsaw........................<br />Original photo 31. Inf Div Massengrab für Polen
Damage in hebuildings of Warsaw........................
Original photo 31. Inf Div Massengrab für Polen
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

Is the civil administration of Warsaw really preparing the population to resist the German attack under the command of the military commander? Are there differences between the civil administration and the military? Perhaps among the military?

For days the Wehrmacht is prepared to defeat Warsaw with all means at its disposal. The bombers and dive bombers, previously used only against military targets, the artillery batteries and the assault companies are ready and waiting.

The Polish Commander is not moving, but suddenly on September 17 reaches through the ether an appeal for a truce. The German stations respond, the parliamentary should approach in a vehicle and properly identified with a white flag. The German response is repeated until midnight but no Polish parliamentary had approached up to the outposts. Who had sent the proposal to air? Why the German will was left unanswered?

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Damage in a street of Warsaw....................................<br />Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. Warschau zerst. Straßenzug.
Damage in a street of Warsaw....................................
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. Warschau zerst. Straßenzug.
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Re: Incidents of the Polish Campaign, 1939:

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

WARSAW ... The fate of a city.

Warsaw wants to fight, and that will get. The foreign diplomats, and this is so far the only concession the commander of the garrison of Warsaw, had passed through the German lines to safety.

"Citizens of Warsaw! On the streets you can hear the artillery fire. Women and children run through the streets of your city and die under fire from those who irresponsibly and blindly shoot from the rooftops of the city. the night of terror has come to Warsaw. We not want to ruin your capital city. We not want the destruction or death! Women of Warsaw! unless you want to throw the people of this city to death, then try that all men lay down their weapons immediately. Those who remain unarmed at home next morning, does has nothing to fear ... "that was the last appeal to the reason of the population of Warsaw.

Sources: Die.Wehrmacht.-.Der.Freiheitskampf.des.großdeutschen.Volkes.(1940)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Distribution of water in Warsaw..............................<br />Original photo 31. Inf Div Wasserverteilung Warschau
Distribution of water in Warsaw..............................
Original photo 31. Inf Div Wasserverteilung Warschau
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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