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Lookinf for info on crashed americain aircraft 1945

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:07 pm
by Mike B.
I'm french, leaving 50 miles north of Strasbourg, very close to the german border, in a little town called Bitche... (Yes, the name is true: there even is an american vets association, called "The sons of Bitche"..., regrouping the american vets of the Infantery Division which freed this city 1945...)
As a child, I often played in the nearby forests, and especially on a place where it was known that an american plane crashed, sometime in 1945.
But I had no more information about this. I also remember finding some debris there in the late 1970's.
I recently tried to learn a little more about that event, and I passed an article in a local newspaper to try to find wittnesses.
So I got some more precisions: it happened January 45 during the Nordwind german offensive, it was a bomber with a 4 men crew; the plane was hit by the Flak; apparently 3 mens of the crew were killed, one of them was able to survive 8 days hidden in the woods with two broken legs. He finaly was found by the local forest ranger, and he was evacuated to the military "Legouest" hospital in Metz. Six months later he send a card and a picture to the forest ranger. The pictures shows him with amputated legs; and there is is a signature on the back showing his name" William Barc...." (unreadable). See attached scans.
I have no more information on him, and I'm trying to find some...
So to my question: has someone an idea of how to proceed? Where to search? What kinds of Military archives to consult?
Thanks for all kinds of suggestions or indications!

Sorry, forgott attached pictures

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2002 1:25 pm
by Mike B.
Sorry, I was not able to attach the pictures...

They can be seen at:


Research for crash

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:51 am
by pierre O

Le mieux est de trouver le MACR
s'il y a eu 3 morts ils sont entérrés quelque part.
Trouver des renseignements parmi les témoins.
Voir rapports de gendarmerie aux AD si toutefois la zone n'était pas évacuée.

Contactez moi :
[email protected]

son nom est peut être BARDEN

The best way is to find his MACR, has he survieved his adress at this time may be written at the end of the report.

Best Regards
P.O :idea: :D