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Finlands Winter War 1939-40 - a small correction

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:12 am
by Stellan
I read the very interesting article on Finlands Winter War 1939-40 by Jason Pipes.

There is however a small error in the 1939 OOB. IV.Army Corps was not commanded by MjGen K.A. Heiskanen but MjGen W. Hägglund.

Kaarlo "Kylmä-Kalle" Heiskanen at that time was Colonel and CO JR 7.



Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 10:57 am
by Uli
Good post, Stellan: I, too, read Jason's bit on the Russo-Finnish war, and was impressed. When I was a young boy, I used to venture deep into the winter woods pretending to be a Finnish cross-country ski-sniper. Even fashioned my own winter-white uniform out of my mother's discarded linen.

Years later, in undergraduate school, I countered a Marxist professor's contention that the USSR was a 'victim' during WWII by 'refreshing' his recollections of the Finnish war.

And the man's evasive reply? "Well, the Soviets invaded Finland merely as protective measure...."

Mannerheim doubtless spun in his grave on that one!