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A postcard from the manchurian border

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:59 am
by Arne
In my effort to raise more traffic in this forum I will start presenting some items of interrest.

Today I will start my lose series of postings with a postcard from the Hitler-Stalin-pact peace.

During this period from the end of the polish campaing to the the start of Barbarossa, Germany had a direct land conection to it’s ally Japan via the old manchurian branch of the Transsibirian Railway.

The postcard shown is a standart german postcard form but with a sovjet stamp attached. The card is postmarked 19.11.40 at Tchita (Transbaikal), the red mark is from an OKW Censor.

It follows the text of the PC, first in German than my translation of it.

(Note the difference in date of the postmark and date of the message!!! I have not even a theory what happend, maybe just an error by the writter..)

Sibirien?, den 16.10.40

Lieber Bruno!
Einen schönen Gruß von der russisch-manschurischen Grenze. Morgen früh werden wir Russland verlassen. Bis jetzt ging alles gut. Gestern eine herrliche Fahrt am Baikalsee vorbei. Alle ganz begeistert. Hier schon Frost und Schnee. Land (Schnee) See schneebedeckte Berge. Pardon! Der Zug fährt an. Warten bis zur nächsten Station! Nach dem Abendessen: Es wird schon alles gerüstet für den morgigen Abschied von der UdSSR. Ein halbes Brot für 3 Rubel! Das ist jedenfalls mehr als nichts! Der Wirt macht Bombengeschäfte. Lieber hier einige Rubel zahlen als in Manschuria Dollars. Die Rubel müssen wir in Russland ausgeben.
In den nächsten Tagen müssen wir uns auch schon von den „Japanern“ trennen. Viel Freude haben wir zusammen erlebt.
In den letzten Tagen sahen wir schon mehrere Mongolengesichter. Ich bin gespannt auf Manschuria. Bis jetzt hatten wir mit unserm Gepäck noch keine Last. Morgen geht die Schlepperei los. 110 kg!! Das ist keine Kleinigkeit. Die meisten haben die Fahrt sehr gut überstanden. Nur 3 haben sich den Magen verstaucht.
Alles Gute. Hezl. Grüße von uns allen bes. v. ....

Sibiria?, 16.10.40.

Dear Bruno!
Greatings from the russian-manchurian border. Tomorrow morning we will leave russia. Everything went well so far. Yesterday wonderful ride alonge lake Baikal. Everybody was exalted. Here already chill and snow. Land (Snow), Sea and snowcovered mountains. Pardon me! The train is moving again. Wainting for the next station! After dinner: Everything is made ready for tomorrows farwell to the USSR. A half bread is sold for 3 Rubel! That is more than nothing! The shopkeeper is making quite a deal. (But) Better to pay here some Ruble than Dollars in Manchuria. The Rubels must be spend in Russia.
In a few days it is time to say goodbye to the „Japanese“. We had much fun together. (1)
Within the last days we already saw several mongolian-faces. I’m anxious to see Manchuria. Until now we had no trouble with our baggage. From tomorrow we have to carry it all by ourselfs. 110 kg!! That is not a piece of cake. Most (of us) endured the trip well. Only 3 have catched stomach problems.
Greetings etc.

(1) The meaning of „japanese“ in this context is: The part of the traveling group bound for Japan while the writters part of the delegation is to stay in Manchuria.



Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:07 pm
by ramon

Many thanks for your solitary efforts to keep this stamp forum from becoming moribund.

I love the card you illustrated and translated. Kudos to you.

If I could learn how to post illustrations, I would gladly join you in showing some very interesting material from 1933 to 1945 Germany and Occupied territories.

Your efforts are most appreciated.
