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Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 5:00 pm
by D.W.
I noticed the thread I started entitled Man this place is dead.... has just been removed. I'm just wondering why. Considering that it just had a new post by Einsamer Wolf I was wondering if the title was deemed offensive to the webmaster and that is the reason for its deletion. :? :?

This place is indeed dead.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 5:30 pm
by MCO
I miss the offensiveness.


Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 6:26 pm
by Commissar D, the Evil
I miss the offensiveness
Me Too! (But don't tell anyone!)

Cheers, D

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 6:33 pm
by Einsamer_Wolf
DW and David--

If you missed the action, what happened was I digressed concerning some unsettling rumors that my ueber pin up girl and hearthrob, Gillian Anderson, was lesbian. I expressed annoyance with the aggressive lobbying of the gay and lesbian community. Then, some fellow made some comments about Gillian being straight, and his supposed firsthand knowledge.

Best Wishes,


Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 7:52 pm
by Jason Pipes
err, um, the thread basically got a little too sexual for this site. Graphic mention of female anatomy, sexual acts, etc, etc. The messages may have been posted in the off-topic area, but they were still readable to any and all that came to the site. They were a little offensive and certainly not something I think should be discussed here. Post on whatever you want, but please be a little more conservative when talking about sexual matters, etc... :oops:

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 8:37 pm
by D.W.
Oh, I see.

Einsamer, another graphic expose'?

Come on now, this is a family friendly site! :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 3:34 am
by Einsamer_Wolf
Fine and good--but I dont think it was I who went over that line, but that Craig fellow who purported to know about GAs heterosexuality first hand.
On the other hand, I suppose I did set myself by bringing up the subject.
By the way, neither of you fellows think this is true, do you?

Warm Regards


Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:33 pm
by D.W.
I have never been a fan of the X-Files, and I know little about the woman. She very well may be a switch hitter, but my guess is she likes to play on the home team.

But I don't keep track of celebrity gossip and innuendo because it does not interest me in the least bit.

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:41 pm
by Jason Pipes
:?: :?: :evil: :?: :?:

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 2:00 pm
by D.W.
Okay folks, enough of this type of talk. Let's get on to something else.


How about a Pornaheim portion of Feldgrau?

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 5:07 pm
by MCO
How about a Pornaheim section of Feldgrau?


Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:22 pm
by D.W.
In that case why don't you and Einsamer exchange private messages?

It seems you two are the only ones interested in such exchanges.

He can tell you about his teenage girlfriends and you can talk about your strip clubs!


Last comment--then I am done

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:34 pm
by Einsamer_Wolf

I do not really keep track of celebrity gossip either, at least not as a general matter. But Gillian is an exception, precisely because I find her so incredibly attractive on a number of different levels, including her natural beauty, her demeanour, her sophistication, her intelligence, her style, her dress... Need I continue about how infatuated I am with dear Scully?
In short, as I have told friends, who always react witha sense of bewilderement and astonishment to this statement, this woman "represents everything I am fighting for." Sometimes I even say that in German "Sie vertritt alles, nachdem ich kaempfe". This invariably provokes an even greater sense of astonishment. But it's true. I suppose that, at the deepest level, what she represents--in a woman and a lover--is why I strived and continue to strive to excel in areas where I think it counts--from weight lifting, to dress, to general erudition about classical literature and history, to my efforts to excel in more risque endeavors, to attending and graduating from a top ten law school. (Chicks dig lawyers). I realize, alas, I may never have the oppurtunity to be with her, or even meet her, but there are other G.A.L.s (Gillian Anderson League--copyright pending)--and my great fondness, admiration, and even adoration of her reminds me of that even when I feel otherwise discouraged or dejected.
So naturally I took this rumor with more than a grain of salt. It had been playing on my mind for a while. So when the discussion of tattoos came up, and I mentioned the fact that my pin up girl has a couple to illustrate that I think tattoos can be tasteful, stylish, and attractive, it broguht to mind these rumors, and the rest is history. If anything I said was vulgar or offensive, I apologize. But it seems to me our lieber Webmaster did not take real umbrage till that Craig fellow posted that especially racy posting. Anythow, I do apologize, and hope this final post explains where I am coming from on this. I am still at war with Ellen if this serious piece of dirt were true, however.

Best Wishes

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:48 pm
by D.W.
Well said my good man, well said. You have raised the level of discussion a notch or two.

MCO, you would do well to strive for such penmanship and literary content as exhibited by that post.

As far as the somewhat delicate nature of the previous posts concerning material inappropriate for this forum I now fully understand the parameters established for Soldatenheim and wish to volunteer my services as a forum moderator if needed.

In fact, I can even come up with a catchy name if required. 8)

Oh the humanity!

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:48 pm
by MCO
Speaking of strip clubs - I was devastated to learn today that they're putting me on NIGHT SHIFT for this upcoming exercise (close to three weeks long, too). Don't they know that's my strip clubbing time? Some people can be so inconsiderate.

D.W., come to town and I'll have some my "friends" show you something that you've never seen before. 8)