Don't buy Peter Padfield's trash bios

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Paper backs.

Post by behblc »

I bought the "trashy" hardbacks do they count ?
Never made any claims to be either semi-literate or literate but its best to see facts used correctly rather than misquoted or used in part to support conclusions which have no basis in fact.
For my part I prefer to read something which I can trust to be both fair and accurate.
When you knocked another author published by this same firm you neglected to see that he used almost entirely primary papers from both germany and the PRO along with Stadt Archives and accounts from both those who saw and took part in events.
Seems that its hard to win with you Heinz...or do you have some bone to pick with the publisher , wonder what that might be about ?
Last edited by behblc on Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" Life , to be sure is nothing much to loose ; But young men think it is , and we were young . "
A.E. Housman.

" The old lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori. " Wilfred Owen (M.C.).
heinz kling

Peter Pestfill

Post by heinz kling »

In his Dönitz biography, he claims that the SA is a Freikorps! And that from a self proclaimed/annointed expert on German history. More likely a fraudster masquerating as a historian, which is a phenomenon apparently quite prevalent in the Cambridge (like Trevor Roper who authenticated the fake Hitler diaries, wrote a book on Hitler yet who can hardly read or speak any German, a la our current day con artists Robert Errvans and Ian Koscher).
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Post by nczempin »

I'm eagerly awaiting more book recommendations by Heinz, so I can put them on my wishlist.

His balanced thoughtful reviews really work for me.
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Its called the broken recod technique.

Post by behblc »

The broken record technique...Heinz this is an assertiveness technique whereby the message is repeated until the recipients of the message give up questioning it and accept what is told. In this case , a lost cause.
You might call it "psychobabble " but I will pardon your lesser knowledge of the terms.
1. As I said to you before its not necessary to be able to read German , for a moderate cost it is possible to employ one of many excellent translators to ensure the documents are ACCURATELY translated and no part of the script is lost or WRONGLY translated so the use of the documents is accurate and error free. You understand what I mean , if not please refer again to Professor Evans book "Telling lies about Hitler".
2. Regarding the Hitler Diaries.
I believe I am correct in saying that H.T.Roper was given only a very short time with the papers and was under some pressure to give an instant answer , the people who controlled them allowed few to see or examine them in conditions not directly under the control of the owners of the diaries.
Roper changed his mind about them almost at once by which time everyone knew what a con they were. The provider of the books did not allow paper to be tested for age etc , and given close examination they were not going to fool anyone.
The exposing the nature of the diaries was not the sole work of Mr. Irving.
Selling Hitler by Robert Haris tells a complete tale of these copies.

3. Your continued scorn on Messers Evans and Kershaw , why did D.I. ask Kershaw to appear as an expert wittness if Sir Ian was not an expert , if he is an expert why do you call him a con artist ?
4. Professor Evans work was considered good enough by a judge , and the 40 assistants were needed to work within the time frame of a legal case for submission of evidence.
I believe that right of appeal was denied and that had there been any legal grounds for it it would have been allowed.
I say this only to underline the standard of an example of the work you are venting your spleen on.
Your spelling of Evans is incorrect "Err (ing)" there , and I refer you to D.I's. site for the letter requesting Professor Sir Ian Kershaw to apear as an "expert" .

Back to the record deck heinz, did you ever consider being a D.J. like Judge Jules or "Boy George" now there is a man who could teach you a thing or two....about records :wink:
Do you have any old "Culture Club" LP's ?
Last edited by behblc on Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" Life , to be sure is nothing much to loose ; But young men think it is , and we were young . "
A.E. Housman.

" The old lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori. " Wilfred Owen (M.C.).
heinz kling

Pull your head out of Evans arse

Post by heinz kling »

You have not answered my point about the crap that Pestfill has written. As for the trail, all serious historians beleive that it's a miscarriage of justice and a gross indeceny on the part of those who piled on irving.
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Nice one Heinz.

Post by behblc »

Keep on going Heinz, what did you post about "an educated mind"..."ever been to school" etc.
To begin with "what serious historians" , seems that few spoke in favour of Mr. Irving and which serious historians do you mean.
Point is Heinz, you don't have any reply to make apart from your stock in trade " BS." :oops:
If you check your shoes you will find your initials stamped on the soles , and on each toe cap a "L" and a "R" to help you put them on the correct feet. :D
The name tag on the soles will help identify you as you usually inhabit the nether regions of "revisionist , serious historians". :( :?
There I think I put that a little better than you did .
Should apologise at this point for the childish reply to you Heinz , but your reference to my head being anally engaged . :shock: :( :?
My observation was that you have your own agenda when attack authors and rubbish them. :oops:
Padfields book I will make an effort to get a copy and will make my own mind up , if I agree with you I will let you know. ( Seriously).
I know you enjoy reading D.I. but do question things occasionally , for my part I would have some reservations.
" Life , to be sure is nothing much to loose ; But young men think it is , and we were young . "
A.E. Housman.

" The old lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori. " Wilfred Owen (M.C.).
heinz kling

No agenda excpet busting your pathetic pseuco historians

Post by heinz kling »

They are a disgrace to historographical researches.
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Pseudo ?

Post by behblc »

Seriously , with a view to Padfields book I have read a review of it on U-Boat net which does mention some of the same problems you do reagrding expresion by the author.
I will try and get it and will get back to you regarding the book.
On Evans and Kershaw , Heinz you have yet to produce facts , they may not be saying what you want to hear , but that does make them wrong.
To date Evans has been tested , ( not wanting go in the D.I. case ) and found to be above board , Ian Kershaw likewise.
Facts are what count Heinz.
" Life , to be sure is nothing much to loose ; But young men think it is , and we were young . "
A.E. Housman.

" The old lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori. " Wilfred Owen (M.C.).
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