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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:04 pm
by Stefan
I beg your pardon, but what do these pictures prove? Nothing at all. No one of us was around when these people were killed, so claiming that they have been executed would be pure speculation. As Baltasar said, an Arab could take the following picture and add the caption: "Oops, they had a white flag? Heheheheh!" I don't know how those Americans died, and I don't know how those Iraqis died, and there may be a plausible explanation to both incidents.


Stefan, the soldiers shown are British

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:27 pm
by heinz kling
And they have never complained about being tricked by white flag waving Iraqi soldiers. So we are looking possibly at a war crime scene here, executing surrendering soldiers in contravention of the Geneva convention.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 5:47 pm
by Somosierra
heinz kling wrote:And they have never complained about being tricked by white flag waving Iraqi soldiers. So we are looking possibly at a war crime scene here, executing surrendering soldiers in contravention of the Geneva convention.
So, you even have knowledge of the Geneva convention, you are so wise…

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 6:30 pm
by Benoit Douville
Those pictures proved that the Iraqi are not respecting the Geneva convention. The Iraqi put the white flag up and than decided to shoot at U.S. soldiers. What a bunch of cowards and losers.


Excuse me

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:19 pm
by heinz kling
Where in the picture you see the arms that the surrendering Iraqi soldiers were supposedly firing?


Re: Excuse me

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:04 pm
by Guillermo

Re: Excuse me

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:07 am
by Somosierra
heinz kling wrote:Where in the picture you see the arms that the surrendering Iraqi soldiers were supposedly firing?

Yes, they did not fire; they were innocent pigeons of the right and true holy war of the green flag…

I think I do know your opinion on war of Clinton-Lewinski in 1999…

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:13 am
by Henrik Krog
Given that none of you apparently have followed the news, let me clarify: the Iraqis ran up the white flag to surrender, but the US or British planes that blasted the area were too high to see the flag. As simple as that.

A thing that amused me about the same foxhole, however, was that a journalist used the fact that the soliders were carrying gas-masks as proof that the Iraqis wanted to use chemical weapons.

As if the US and British troops dont carry gas masks......

Benoit Douville wrote:Those pictures proved that the Iraqi are not respecting the Geneva convention. The Iraqi put the white flag up and than decided to shoot at U.S. soldiers. What a bunch of cowards and losers.


Re: Photos

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 6:14 am
by Henrik Krog
Cant remember whether it was mentioned on BBC World or CNN yesterday, but the guys who ran up the white flag to surrender were apparently killed by "Allied" planes too high to see the flag.

Tom wrote:As regards the bodies near a white flag, could that have something to do with the reports of Iraqis indicating a desire to surrender, then ambushing the troops coming to collect them? We all know that you can't tell the whole story from one photo. We ought to withhold judgement until we know the entire context of the story, eh?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 7:17 am
by sid guttridge
Hi Guys,

The speculation about the cause of death of the dead Americans at present remains exactly that: speculation.

Secondly, our side is being insufficiently rigid in its application of the Geneva Convention. In one of our British papers the other day there was a picture of a US Marine giving a bound and kneeling Iraqi POW water. Whilst this was a humanitarian act, to show a prisoner in such a situation is degrading and therefore contrary to the Geneva Convention. If we cut corners on the Geneva Convention, you can bet the Iraqis will feel free to treat it even more casually.



The report about being killed from the air is bull

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:55 am
by heinz kling
Where around the foxhole have you seen bomb craters or any evidence of strafing? These Iraqi soldiers were killed in close quarters unarmed.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 7:44 am
by Dasbootz
Baltasar wrote:I'm not an expert, but the wound on the first picture looks do big to be a result of a projectile. May be a grenade fragment?

Dear Baltasar,

You are quite observant in noticing the size of the wound but I'm afraid that it might not have been caused by a hand grenade, not unless the victim was intended on seeking suicide instead of being captured alive by those damned Iraqis bastards. (sorry if I sound offensive...) I have good reason to suspect that those Iraqis bastards might have shot the GIs from behind their head after thier capture.

Forensic studies indicate that exit wound for gun shot victims are generally smaller than the entry wound, meaning that if those of you noticed & had observed carefully, you'd noticed that the pictures of exit wounds of those guys were shown but not the entry wounds, and the only explanation is that the Iraqis have shot our brethren from behind after their capture.

Man, how I wish I could go there now to avenge their death!!!!! Damned ******* IRAQIS BASTARDS!!!!!!!!

Das :x

NB: Das has left the building...

(Slightly edited by The Commissar)

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:58 am
by Baltasar

I can't see any evidence that these huys were shot from behind by their own troops. It's as good as saying the US did it.


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:19 am
by Tom Houlihan
I'd like to add a comment regarding those two poor SOBs in the hole. Admittedly, due to the field of view in the photo, we can't see any evidence of any air attack. However, we also can't see the condition of the bodies, so we cannot determine how they were killed simply from this photo. I would submit that one way of killing, especially from larger bombs, is from concussion, which obviously would show no major external wounds!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:32 pm
by Benoit Douville
Henrik Krog,

What news are you following??? The Iraqi put the white flag up and when the U.S. soldiers arrived they decided to shoot at them, they were ambush.
