The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 18, 1939.

The I./ IR 12 was still cut off in the area of Polesie and rejected enemy attacks mainly in the sector of the 8. Coy during the day. Enemy forces reached also the regimental HQ. Heavy fighting against attacks from north, west and southwest. Planes could drop ammo at Gorki and Polesie shortly before the regiment runs out of ammunition. Air attacks on enemy forces around Polesie lower the pressure on IR 12. The II. and III./ IR 12 attack north towards Gorki to relief the pressure on the I./ IR 12. The two Batallions encounter heavy enemy fire and have to stop at height 90 at the Puszcza-wood. In the meantime enemy forces attacked positions of the 6./ IR 12 elements of 13./ IR 12, 14./ IR 12 and I./ AR 31 from the north and west. After further reinforcements the southern elements of IR 12 marched towards Leszno while Polish forces still try to break out under heavy losses.

History of the AR 31: After a calm night on September 18, the Poles attacked again from the north and south of Buscza forest. In Polesie the I. / IR 12 moved back further into the encirclement. Polish projectiles from the snipers located atop the trees fell on the Regimental HQ. By Radio the Commander of the Infantry Regiment ordered that the II. and III. Battalion were to attack through the Buscza forest in order to release the I. Battalion. The attack of both battalions from Gorky through the forest progressed although suffering heavy losses and reached 1 km south of Polesie. In these fights fell Maj. von Stamford with his rifle in hand while fighting on the front line.

Only about 140 men from both battalions reached the regiment's HQ, including the FO of the 3. Battery, Hauptmann Sonntag and the Orderly Officer Leutnant Stütz. While Oberleutnant Gröpler with his gunners retained Gorki. On the night from 18 to 19 Sep, the 2nd and 3rd Batteries retreated south and gathered in Lescno south of Kampinos Forest. The 1. Battery with the I. Battalion stayed at Polesie.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 19, 1939.

The IR 12 was still cut off around Polesie and had to defend against several enemy attacks mainly from south and southeast. The regiment captured 7 officers and 350 men until now which were guarded by the Reiter platoon (Cavalry). The forward line of the division ran about six kilometers southeast of Polesie. The 2. lei.Div. with KSR 6 attacked in the sector of the division reaching the Vistula and then turned towards Polesie in order to release the pressure on IR 12 there. In the evening 15 tanks of the 2.lei.Div. reached Polesie and liberated The Inf. Rgt. which was ordered to assemble at Borcencin-Duzy. Others elements received order to march via Leszno-Blonie and Domaniew. The IR 12 marched from Secyminek via Kromnow west then south and continued via Krolewski – Karolinow – Granica – Kampinos.

History of the AR 31: After a calm night on the morning of September 19, the Poles attacked again at 09:00 hours. The artillery ammo was increasingly scarce. Planes dropped ammo and food. In the afternoon came at last one light armored reconnaissance vehicle from another division. It brought the order to break northwards to the Vistula. Yet we had to repell another flanking attack from south and southeast. The 1. Battery furnished support with one Platoon (two guns) firing southeast. During the night we took an all-around position and endured harassment fire from the Polish artillery between 24:00 and 04:00 hours.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 20/21, 1939.

On September 20, 1939 and covered by the morning mist the regiment broke contact with the enemy. Rearguard of the infantry and a howitzer of the 1. Battery provided protection during the maneuver.

The retreat went out without interdiction of the enemy. Finally by the Vistula at Secymin the marching column established liason with a German regiment of a light division. The march continued south, through the Buscza forest, by Krommow to Komorow.

After a short rest at night on September 21, 1939 the march continued for Leszno to Ozarow west of Warsaw. Meanwhile the bulk of the 31. ID defended wit its front to the Polish capital.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Army Photo Album - Czech., Poland, Belgium - 31 Inf Div.
Army Photo Album - Czech., Poland, Belgium - 31 Inf Div.
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 22, 1939.

The 3. lei.Div. were relieving parts of the 31.Inf.Div. at Warsaw.

History of the AR 31: On September 22, two companies carried out an attack from Babice to the Ossiedler? forest against a strong Polish fortified position located in to the radio towers. Forward Observer went back to the front line and paved the way for the attacking infantry through the fire. In the afternoon the two companies were suddenly attacked from the front, flank and even in the rear by Polish forces. Therefore had to retreat again to the departure lines.

Story of the IR 82 (I think 13. / IR 82): On the evening of September 22, we changed our position. It was a lot of work to bring the whole gear to Sluzewiec.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 23-25, 1939.

The 31.ID was to attack Warsaw from the south. On Sep 24 the 8.Armee was regrouping for the attack against Warsaw and prepared the artillery bombardment on vital areas of Warsaw. On Sep 25 artillery continues to bombard vital areas in Warsaw.

History of the AR 31: On September 25, the city of Warsaw was freely bombed by artillery and the Luftwaffe.

Story of the IR 82 (I think 13. / IR 82): Finally, that was done (change of position) and after a ride that was one big detour, we finally arrived in the early hours of 23 in Zaluski. Here three beautiful days of rest were still allowed. We used them to bring our stuff in order again.

On Sunday, 24 September our comrade Kessler had unfortunately with an inflamed thumb to the infirmary. The next day the matter was then immediately cut. Comrade Kessler regretted very much that he had to leave us so close to the end and did not come along to Warsaw.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
German airplanes approaching Warsaw.....................<br />Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. dt. Flieger Anflug Warschau. Ebay
German airplanes approaching Warsaw.....................
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. dt. Flieger Anflug Warschau. Ebay
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 26, 1939.

The 46.ID reaches the daily objectives while the 31. ID falls back.

History of the AR 31: Finally on 26 one group of the AR, together with the infantry were shifted to Fort Ezezesliswice, 5km southwest of the west rail-station of Warsaw in order to support the incoming assault. On 26 the infantry attacked the heavily fortified positions in the suburbs of Warsaw. Two heavy and one light battery, combined with the heavy weapons of the infantry fired in this section against any target opposing the infantry. Both heavy batteries fired on the sheds on the embankment while the light battery fired on the Polish War School.

To the right the brave infantry regiment was stopped in a block of houses. The howitzers' fire were shifted there and the infantry was able to move ahead. In the evening was reached the next objective, a point in the street leading to the rail station from the southwest. The infantry got a heavy flanking fire so the artillery furnished fire support against this new enemy and the infantry could seize the objective.

Story of the IR 82 (I think 13. / IR 82): At dawn on September 26 we put our heavy weapons in the assigned positions. The Company Commander went with us also and shows us the targets on the grounds and some buildings in the city of Warsaw. At 8 clock the attack was to begin, but long before that our heavy guns hits a worthwhile goal: a brick factory in the foreland, which has just been occupied by a polish detachment. Thanks to our well adjusted fire the Poles were soon chased out there. Our ammunition column provided us with plenty of ammunition. At about half to 8 we were on our way to the B site (OP). The Poles could see us perfectly, but we did not notice that. They quickly zeroed on us and 4 man, including myself, got two hand grenades that exploded in our close proximity. Uffz. [Sergeant] Schulz had splinters in the back, Uffz. Bramburger in the leg, the Oberleutnant one in the calf and I a number in the lower leg just below the knee. For Uffz. Schulz, Uffz. Bramburger and me the war in Poland ended prematurely.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Destroyed area of Warsaw............<br />Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. zerst. Stadtteil Warschau
Destroyed area of Warsaw............
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. zerst. Stadtteil Warschau
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

September 27, 1939.

The 31.ID attacking along the road Raszyn – Warschau pushed into Ochota. At 09:00 hours, the IR 12 attacked Fort Szczensliwice after heavy artillery preparation fire. At 13:30 hours came the order to stop fire by 14:00 hours.

History of the AR 31: Infantrymen and artillerymen shed their blood together for the great cause, and as next morning (27 Sep) Warsaw fell, infantrymen and artillerymen shook their hand. Thank God that he had given the victory to their weapons. The jägern (hunters) supported by artillery, succeeded, in reaching deep into Warsaw.

September 28, 1939.

Warsaw capitulated today at 13:15 hours!

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Warsaw tram...................................<br />Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. Warschau Straßenbahn 1939.
Warsaw tram...................................
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. Warschau Straßenbahn 1939.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

The 31. ID in the Polish Campaign - Fall 1939!

October 5, 1939.

The best reward was given to them (the men of the 31. ID) on October 5, when they with other assault troops could take part in the big Warsaw ground parade.

Zur Geschichte der Garnison Halberstadt und ihrer truppenteile 1623-1994. 4. Band. ... r_1939.htm (closed)

It's all folks. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Taking a rest before the parade in Warsaw...........................................<br />Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. Ruhe vor Parade in Warschau. ebay Auction
Taking a rest before the parade in Warsaw...........................................
Foto Original 31. Inf. Div. Ruhe vor Parade in Warschau. ebay Auction
image022.jpg (45.71 KiB) Viewed 1921 times
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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