Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

German Heer 1935-1945.

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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; the story follows....

The 4. Gebirgsdivision.

“Unternehmen Barbarossa” Jun - Oct 1941. From the San to the Mius.

The conquest of the Donez Basin.

The 4 GD close the ring from the west tightened it more and more till it was strangled. The enemy’s remnants were eliminated around Ssemjonowka by the GJR 13 and 91. On October 10 1941, the fight was over being destroyed the last enemy’s troops. The General Kübler told in his Day’s Order:

My soldiers! The Dnjepr river’s campaign has been won. The Soviet 9 and 18 Armies had been destroyed. At Antonowka you have destroyed the enemy’s bridgehead there. At Timoschewka you have rejected all the enemy’s attacks. At Belosjorka you have endured the attack counterattacking with success. At Mogila Tokmak the enemy’s fled was over and it was destroyed. I thank you to all with my whole heart.

Russian soldiers surrendering to the troops of the 4 GD.

During the period that lasted from 06 September to 10 October 1941 the casualties, mainly within the GJR 91, reached the figure of 644 men, among them 12 Officers and 148 NCOs and Enlisted Men were killed.

Sources: "Enzian und Edelweiß / Die 4. Gebirgsdivision 1940 - 1945" Julius Braun. ... GebD-R.htm
FotoAlbum Gebirgsjager. Subasta eBay Nº: 230215413603 (finalizada).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Russians POWs.
Russians POWs.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; the story follows....

The 4. Gebirgsdivision.

“Unternehmen Barbarossa” Jun - Oct 1941. From the San to the Mius.

The conquest of the Donez Basin.

After finishing off the encirclement, the XXXXIX Geb. Korps got another interesting mission, within the framework of the 1. Pz Armee it should went ahead to Rostow. The Mountain Corps had the following task: to seize the industrial area of Stalino – Makejewka in order to secure the north flank of the thrust.

So the combat groups belonging to the GJR 13 and GJR 91 (both reinforced) under Oberst v. Thayssen and Oberst Ritter v. Stettner, followed its march towards Stalino rejecting several soviet counterattacks along its way. On Oct 15 1941, the situation was as follow: the CSIR had reached Bol. Janissalj and the 4 GD’s vanguards had seized Jelissawetowka and Annowka taken 100 POWs. On Oct 16 1941, the GJR 91 (reinforced) had conquered Jekaterinowka, Konstantinowka and Michailowka. Taking in account the general framework the gebirgsjägern marched 30/40 kilometers daily through the steppe.

Through the steppe ...........

Sources: "Enzian und Edelweiß / Die 4. Gebirgsdivision 1940 - 1945" Julius Braun. ... GebD-R.htm
FotoAlbum Gebirgsjager. Subasta eBay Nº: 230215413603 (finalizada).

Cheers. Raúl M 8) .
In march through the flurry of snow - October 12 of 1941.
In march through the flurry of snow - October 12 of 1941.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; the story follows....

The 4. Gebirgsdivision.

“Unternehmen Barbarossa” Jun - Oct 1941. From the San to the Mius.


In the foggy morning, On Oct 20 1941, the germans could see the city of Stalino and 12 kilometers eastwards, close to Makejewka, the factory of Kirowo. The gebirgsjägern (mountain hunters) had expected a heavy fight within the city, but nothing of this happened, in spite of its name, and that very day the german troops entered the town.

Environs of Stalino...........

industrial suburb...........


Suburbs of Stalino........

Sources: "Enzian und Edelweiß / Die 4. Gebirgsdivision 1940 - 1945" Julius Braun. ... GebD-R.htm
FotoAlbum Gebirgsjager. Subasta eBay Nº: 230215413603 (finalizada).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The city of Stalino.
The city of Stalino.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; the story's last part....

The 4. Gebirgsdivision.

“Unternehmen Barbarossa” Jun - Oct 1941. From the San to the Mius.

On the Mius River.

On Oct 23 1941, the Enzian Division proceeded towards Dmitrijewka, which was located 80 kilometers far to the east of Stalino on the Mius river and almost 100 kilometers norwest from Rostow. The new task was now to establish a bridgehead on the river’s eastern bank at Nowo Pawlowka.

However a new danger had materialized on the Italian sector where the Russian pressed towards Djakowo and only after heavy fights the enemy could be driven back over the Mius.

Enjoying of a break – Mius stelleung. Oct 1941

Sources: "Enzian und Edelweiß / Die 4. Gebirgsdivision 1940 - 1945" Julius Braun. ... GebD-R.htm
FotoAlbum Gebirgsjager. Subasta eBay Nº: 230215413603 (finalizada).

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Winter's positions on the Mius River.
Winter's positions on the Mius River.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; now the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

The 1. GD and the 4. GD, together with the 125. ID, the 97. le ID and a Slowakian Fast Brigade formed the XXXXIX. (Gebirgs) Armee-Korps for oncoming advanced into Russia. Commanding General of this Army Corps was General Ludwig Kübler while the 1. GD had changed from General Kübler to Generalmajor Lanz. The GJR 98 was now commanded by Oberst Picker. The Commanding Officer of the III. Bataillon, was Major Salminger.

After the campaign into France the 3rd Regiment (Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 100) of the 1. Gebirgs-Division was used as the „nucleus" to form the 5. Gebirgs-Division. Thus, the 1. Gebirgs-Divison had to go into battle in the East with only two Jäger-Regiments, the 98th and the 99th.

For the advance into Russia those two regiments, which represented the backbone of the division, were reinforced by detachments from the divisional artillery (Gebirgs-Artillerie-Regiment 79) and by some further divisional troops. Both reinforced regiments formed so called Gefechtsgruppen (Battle Groups) that where named after the respective regimental commanders „Gefechtsgruppe Picker" and „Gefechtsgruppe Kreß". A third „Gefechtsgruppe Lang", was named after the Commander of the Gebirgs-Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 44 (Divisional Anti-Tank Battalion). This Gefechtsgruppe acted as an advance group. The remaining units of the division formed the divisional staff, an Artillery Group „Artillerie Gruppe Winkler.

Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Situation at the opening of Barbarossa.
Situation at the opening of Barbarossa.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all ; more on the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

On the morning of 22nd June 1941 Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 98 was positioned around the little village of Dzikow in the southern part of what was Poland until September 1939. At 03:15 hours in the morning Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98 advanced across the German-Soviet demarcation line which had been established in October 1939. Its first objective was the Polish town of Lemberg (L’vov)

The hostile defensive positions along the border were broken and the mountain hunters’ spearhead reached the high ground located one kilometer south of Futory.

Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Watching the battlefield around Futory - Jun 22 1941.
Watching the battlefield around Futory - Jun 22 1941.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all ; more on the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

The Commander of the II. /GAR 79 Major Baron v. Le Fort briefing the Commander of the Gefechtsgruppe (Oberst Pickert?).

From the first moment the assault guns had furnished support for the advance.

On 25 June, before the division reached Lemberg, III./ GJR 98 encountered heavy Russian tanks (KW-1 and KW-2)for the first time and also by the well armoured and agile T-34’s near Jazow Stary. Again the German anti-tank guns (3,7 cm) weren't able to stop them. This weapon soon was nicknamed by the Landsers „Heeresanklopfgerät", which could be translated as „The army’s door-knocking device". Luckily there were also some 88 mm anti-aircraft guns on the spot who engaged some of the T-34’s.

A soviet destroyed tank..............

More victims................

One of the Jägers, the prewar Ski World Champion Feldwebel Gustl Berauer (See Photo), from the 13./III. Bataillon stopped 3 of the T-34’s with his squad. One was stopped by Berauer by placing hand grenades into the muzzle of the gun. Another one was finished off by Berauer by lobbing a hand grenade into the open commander’s hatch. This day a total number of 28 tanks were killed in close combat by the Jägers of Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 98.

A light tank BT-7............

A T-34 being checked by gebirgsjägern............

Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Generalmajor Lanz did congratulate the hunters after its success in Jazow Stary on June 25 of 1941; Felwebel Berauer is in the center.
Generalmajor Lanz did congratulate the hunters after its success in Jazow Stary on June 25 of 1941; Felwebel Berauer is in the center.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more on the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

On June 27 of 1941, the II. /GAR 79 (attached to the Gefechtsgruppe Picker - GJR 98) reached the south-east of Borowusy.

An OP of the II./ GAR 79................

Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A mountain artillery piece emplaced and masked in a wooded zone.
A mountain artillery piece emplaced and masked in a wooded zone.
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Me-109 Jagdfleiger
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by Me-109 Jagdfleiger »

Nice collection of photos and info, thank you for sharing :[]
Cheers Jonathan,
Only the spirit of attack borne in a brave heart will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.

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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

You're welcome and thanks for joining pal :wink:. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more on the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

On Jun 28 1941, the advance continued through the wooded land around Janow towards Lemberg.

Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A mounted patrol riding past a destroyed soviet tank (T-28?)
A mounted patrol riding past a destroyed soviet tank (T-28?)
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Going forward, in the foreground a Sd Kfz 10 with an antiaircraft gun and a motorcyclist
Going forward, in the foreground a Sd Kfz 10 with an antiaircraft gun and a motorcyclist
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more on the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

On Jun 29 1941, the Combat Group reached Zoruiska and then it was organized for the fighting; the attack pressed on quickly.


Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Combat’s trace, a tank BT-7 knocked out.
Combat’s trace, a tank BT-7 knocked out.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more on the 1. Gebirgs Division..................

The 1 GD on the Eastern Front.

On Junio 30 of 1941. A 52 ton KV-II Soviet tank out of action in the neighborhood of Lemberg.

A knocked out Russian T-35.

Bilderserie. Mit der II./ GAR 79 im Feldzug gegen Russland. Maj. Baron v. Le Fort, Ow Kelle, Ogefr Wengert +, Ogefr Schweizer, Ogefr Heil. Hagridmerlino.
German Mountain Troops in WW II. Roland Kaltenegger. ... Div1-R.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A destroyed Soviet tank - Lemberg Jun 1941.
A destroyed Soviet tank - Lemberg Jun 1941.
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Me-109 Jagdfleiger
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by Me-109 Jagdfleiger »

Oonce again some great picks, I sure would not want to be a lone landser and come across one of those kv-2's :shock:
Cheers Jonathan,
Only the spirit of attack borne in a brave heart will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.

— General Adolf Galland, Luftwaffe.
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Re: Gebirgsjägern in Russia 1941-42.

Post by tigre »

Thanks pal :wink:. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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