need help

German uniforms, clothing, and awards 1919-1945.

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need help

Post by ev0748 »

if anyone can help me out with info one these medals i would be grateful. they were my grandfather's. he was a captain and platoon commander as far as i know.

Mobile Infantry
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Post by Mobile Infantry »

The first medal ist a Honor and Remembrance Cross of the Navy Corps, Flanders.
I found more details on this website: ... eimar.html
- Das Ehren- und Erinnerungskreuz des Marinekorps Flandern (Honor and Remembrance Cross of the Navy Corps, Flanders) also referred to as "Flandernkreuz". This was a non-official decoration awarded during the Weimar Republic, most likely as a commemorative token to members of the Navy Corps stationed on the Flemish coast in Belgium.
This bronze cross has crossed swords between the cross's arms and has on the obverse a central medaillon with, within a laurel wreath, an anchor on the letter "W" (Emperor Wilhelm) and an emperor's crown on top. The cross's arms bear the text "Zur See / Unbe- / siegt / Im Felde" which should be read : Zur See, Im Felde, unbesiegt (on the seas, in the field, unvanquished).
The reverse has the "Kriegsflagge", the German Navy Battle Flag, in the laurel wreathed medaillon and a Flemish lion in the upper cross arm. The remaining arms have the text "MARINE- / KORPS - 1914/18". The ribbon is in the then German national colours.
The second medal with the inscription "Deutscher Krieger Bund" is a non-offical token, too. The writing means "German warriors association" which was one of many unions of former soldiers and veterans. In january 1900 all these unions formed the so called "Kyffhäuserbund" which is still active in germany. On the third of your pictures you can see a small metal plate on the ribbon which looks about like this:
This is the actual symbol of the Kyffhäuserbund. You might compare this organisation to the American Legion.
As all soldiers know since thousands of years death is not noble. It´s just very final.
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