German Bombers as Transports

German Luftwaffe 1935-1945.
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German Bombers as Transports

Post by wiltaz »

I've read that many variants of early German Bombers were pressed into service as transports, especially the outdated models. I know there were models of the He 111 specifically built as transports, but what I'm referring to are bombers that were flying as bombers 1 day and flying supplies to Stalingrad the next.

How did they operate as transports? Did they load up with supplies stuffed in the fuselage and have to land to unload? Or did they load up somehow that they could airdrop supplies over the target?

And what generally was the capacity of the aircraft when hauling supplies? I know they could lift in weight equal to their bombload, but I dont' see supplies packing in as nicely as bombs designed to hang in the bomb racks. Plus the same weight in supplies would take up more space than a iron bomb I would think. Any educated guesses or some figures from someone who may know more about the supplies being delievered during Stalingrad would be appreciated.
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Post by wiltaz »

Nobody has a guess or information or is it no one is around?
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Mitch Williamson
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Try these Forums

Post by Mitch Williamson »

Sorry but I don't have the expertise to answer your questions.

Best try these two forums




If they don't answer I know a German Luftwaffe forum whose Moderator is an expert in Transport aircraft.

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