The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Foreign volunteers, collaboration and Axis Allies 1939-1945.

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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


June 1942

June 3, 1942: the 361a Squadriglia was assigned to the XXI°Gruppo and joined it at Stalino.

June 27, 1942: the four Squadriglie of the Gruppo and its 33 Macchis were transferred from Stalino to Borvenkovo ​​(or Borwenkowo). Other sources indicate the transfer of only two Squadriglie, that is to say 23 Macchis only. The aim is to ensure air protection for German-Italian troops when crossing the Donets near the town of Izyum.

During this month the Italians carried out several escorts of German aircraft, especially He-111s.

July 1942:

July 1, 1942: a formation of 15 Macchis clashed with 40 Soviet bombers above Artemowska (or Artemovska). These were “Martin” bombers (SB-2) or A-20 Bostons. There were also single-seat Il-2 Sturmoviks. Two bombers and one Il-2 are shot down, while Sergeant Aroldo Burei has to land his damaged Macchi in his lines.

July 9, 1942: The XXI°Gruppo, whose 382a and 386a Squadriglie were transferred to the Makejevska (or Makejewska) runway to follow the advance of the German troops engaged in Operation Blau. The German advance continued and on July 23 the large mining town of Rostov on the Don was recaptured.

July 23, 1942: the 356a and 361a Squadriglie leave Borvenkovo ​​to join Voroshilovgrad/Worohilowgrad/Voroscilovgrad, which is present-day Lugansk. On the airfield a unit is sent to prepare the runway and expand the pre-existing barracks for the movement of Italian units. Other sources indicate that this transfer took place the next day.

Sources: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Macchi C.200 photographic reconnaissance, 356a squadriglia, Voroshilovgrad, July 1942..............
Macchi C.200 photographic reconnaissance, 356a squadriglia, Voroshilovgrad, July 1942..............
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


July 1942:

July 24, 1942: the 382a and the 386a Squadriglie were transferred to the Tazinskaia (or Tazinskaja) runway, in order to provide escort for the Stukagruppen of Luftflotte 4.

July 25, 1942: 9 Macchis C.200s escort Ju-87Ds of the 6./StG 2. Parties attacked Kalatsch. The formation meets at 15 Lagg-1 (Italian name of LaGG-3). The Italian pilots attacked the enemy and shot down three, but Sottotenente Gino Lionello was injured.

July 26, 1942: the mission of the day before repeats, 9 Macchis again escort Stukas of the 6./StG 2, but this time it were 20 LaGG-3s which attacked them and brought down Tenente Francesco Peroni (killed), Sergeant Arrigo Zoli (killed) and Sergent Maggiore Adrio Gismondi (parachuted). The Russians only lose one LaGG.

July 27, 1942: planes of the 356a Squadriglia face LaGG-3s again in the Kalatsch sector. Three LaGGs are claimed as destroyed, but the Italians lose the commander of the Squadriglia, Capitano Virginio Teucci and his wingman Sottotenente Carlo Ricci.

July 28, 1942: the 382a and the 386a Squadriglie continue to follow the advance of the troops and land at Obliwskaja (or Obliwskaia) on the banks of the Tschir.

Fuentes: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Ju-87 D Stuka of 6/StG.2 (sky knights badge) escorted by Macchi C.200s during the summer of 1942....................
Ju-87 D Stuka of 6/StG.2 (sky knights badge) escorted by Macchi C.200s during the summer of 1942....................
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


August 1942:

August 4, 1942: the XXIº Gruppo Autonomo as a whole was transferred to the Kantemirovka (or Kantemirowka) field. That same day, 10 Italian Macchis escorted German bombers, they shot down 4 LaGG-3s.

It was on August 3 that the 38a squadriglia of the 71st Gruppo OA received its first three Fiat Br.20 M. This twin-engine bomber, which was theoretically to replace the Ca.311, will be used in all roles on the Russian front: reconnaissance , observation, ground troop support, high and low altitude bombing, transport and liaison. Bombing missions are generally carried out by a single aircraft, without fighter cover, with 50 kg bombs and packs of 36 grenades.

August 6, 1942: Italian Macchis were sent to machine gun and bombard Soviet troops with 50kg bombs. Bf-109s fly with them. They were intercepted in the attack zone by Yak-1s from the 183 IAP. Lieutenant Ivan Yakovlevitch shoots down a Macchi and a Bf-109. First reconnaissance and bombing mission of a Fiat Br.20 M of the 38a squadriglia above the Don, against military installations near Werech Mamor.

August 13, 1942: today a delegation of senior German officers from the 4. Luftflotte came to reward 9 Italian pilots with the Iron Cross of the Second Class for their bravery.

August 21, 1942: no sortie was carried out that day due to bad weather.

August 22, 1942: this day the Macchis carried out 18 sorties, without any combat with the enemy. At that time Italian planes were based in Millerovo.

Between the 13th and 28th of this month, heavy fighting opposed Italian troops of the ARMIR and Soviet troops during the crossing of the Don.

Fuentes: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Macchi C.200 of the 382a squadriglia in Voroshilovgrad.................
Macchi C.200 of the 382a squadriglia in Voroshilovgrad.................
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


September 1942:

During this month, the Italians increased ground strafing in support of the troops fighting on the ground. Between the 1st and 10 of September, a La-5 (the first appearance of this fighter on the front) crashed near an Italian field, allowing them to discover the remains of one of their new adversaries.

September 6, 1942: The Italian command sends 12 more modern Macchis C.202 fighters to the XXIº Gruppo to confront the latest Soviet fighter models. The "Folgore" arrived on this day at Voroshilovgrad, before being transported to the advanced bases at the rate of three aircraft by Squadriglia.

September 30, 1942: This day the Italian Macchis carried out several missions. At 10:20 a.m., 7 Macchis took off for a ground strafing mission in the Jagodni area. At 14:50, 7 Italian fighters take off from the Millerovo base for a free hunting mission in the Bolsckoij area.

October 1942:

During this month the Gruppo's activities continue during the first 10 days: 158 missions are carried out, whether escorts, free hunting, strafing on the ground... But as of October 11, all flights are suspended due to bad weather and the first heavy rains of autumn.

October 5: a Br.20 M is attacked by 3 MiG 1 and a Yak 1. The twin-engine fighter manages to shoot down 2 Russian fighters and returns to Kantemirovka with a wounded man on board. The Br.20 Ms then withdraw to Voroshilovgrad.

Fuentes: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Macchi-Castoldi MC.202 Folgore..............................<br />
Macchi-Castoldi MC.202 Folgore..............................
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


November 1942:

In this month winter arrived and snow covered everything. The Russians launch their great winter offensive with Operation Uranus, whose objective is to reconquer Stalingrad by surrounding the German troops. On November 19, the offensive began and from November 22, the encirclement in Kalatsch on the Don was closed. To confront Soviet troops and aircraft, the Germans only have 125 fighters from JG 3 and JG 52. As a result, Germany's allies, Hungary, Romania and Italy, must increase their missions.

During this month all the Italian aircraft and in particular the Macchis C.200 and C.202 (32 C.200 and 11 C.202 are available) carry out strafing, bombing and escorting to confront the Russian troops and armored vehicles. I don't have specific dates for these missions. The weather becomes very bad at the end of the month. On this date, the Italian aircraft were concentrated in Voroshilovgrad, although a Squadriglia of fighters and another of Fiat Br.20 M bombers were maintained by successive rotation over the advanced terrain of Kantemirovka.

November 14, 1942: at 8:50 a.m. 4 Macchi C.200 VII CB took off from Kantemirovka to bomb and strafe the Russian lines at Nikolaiwka. Everyone returns to their base at 9:50 a.m. It is the first time that Italian Macchis were used as fighter-bombers on the Eastern Front (not all sources agree on this point, but this date seems the most likely).

Fuentes: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The winter is harsh, the crews and their machines suffer from the Russian cold.........................
The winter is harsh, the crews and their machines suffer from the Russian cold.........................
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


December 1942:

I have little information about the December flights, which are mainly dedicated to supporting ground troops, but which are nevertheless still limited due to bad weather.

December 5, 1942: during a transfer flight to Voroshilovgrad, a Br.20 M of the 116a Squadriglia hit the ground with a wing and caught fire.

December 6, 1942: no flights today due to bad weather.

December 11, 1942: During a ground attack, the Macchi C.202 of Tenente Gino Lionello, already wounded in combat on July 25, is shot down by the Soviet AA defence. However, he is able to parachute out. Tenente Walter Benedetti, who had taken part in the first campaign within the 369a Squadriglia and who had apparently continued his service in Russia with the 361a Squadriglia, was also shot down by the AA defence while flying his Macchi C.200. He crashed with his aircraft.

Between 11 and 16 December, the Russians broke through to the ARMIR front and on December 18 the Italian retreat began.

December 18, 1942: The last Italian aircraft leave the advanced Kantemirovka airstrip before it falls into Russian hands. All aircraft are now based at Voroshilovgrad. During this transfer, a Br.20 M suffered an engine failure and had to land over enemy lines, not far from Nova Merkova. It was destroyed by its crew to prevent it from falling into Russian hands. On the same day, another Br.20 M, attacked by 4 MiG 1s, shot down one of its pursuers, at the cost of the death of one of the crew.

December 20: Tenente Leonardo Aiuto's Br.20 M does not return from a reconnaissance mission.

During the month of December, Italian aircraft increased attacks against Soviet troops and armored vehicles to support their own soldiers surrounded on the Don, while the Savoia S.81s resupply as many as possible.

At the end of the month, the XXIº Gruppo received 5 Macchis C.202s, which increased the number of Folgores available to 14, while only 23 C.200s were able to take off.

Sources: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Savoia Marchetti SM.75 aircraft equipped with 1000HP Fiat A80 RC41 engines, supplying ARMIR units...............................
Savoia Marchetti SM.75 aircraft equipped with 1000HP Fiat A80 RC41 engines, supplying ARMIR units...............................
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


January 1943:

The Macchis continue their ground attacks but in reduced numbers due to the harsh weather and logistical conditions.

January 17, 1943: 16 Macchis C.200 and 9 Macchis C.202 carried out the last war mission against the Russians by strafing a Russian mechanized column near Millerovo to support the Italian-German troops. At that time, 30 Macchis C.200 and 9 Macchis C.202 were operational.

January 18, 1943: XXIº Gruppo leaves Voroshilovgrad.

February 1943:

February 6, 1942: XXIº Gruppo Caccia leaves Stalino for Zaporozhye and then continues retreating to Odessa.

Sources: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
One of the 17 Macchis C.202 sent to the USSR during the winter of 1942-43. In the background, we see a German Heinkel He-111................
One of the 17 Macchis C.202 sent to the USSR during the winter of 1942-43. In the background, we see a German Heinkel He-111................
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Re: The Italian Aviation Command in the Soviet Union.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more..............................

The XXI° Gruppo Autonomo Caccia, May 8, 1942-early 1943.

Chronology and march diary.


March 1943:

March 27, 1943: Tenente Pasquale Castallaneta of the 382a Squadriglia is killed at the controls of his Macchi C.202 in Odessa. This is the last loss of the Gruppo in Russia.

April 1943:

The XXI°Gruppo is repatriated to Italy this month.

Thus ends what Hans-Werner Neulen calls the "Ukrainian intermezzo" of the Regia Aeronautica. The entire Commando Aviazone claims the destruction of 134 Soviet aircraft, both in the air and on the ground. The small Macchis C.200 Saetta alone are credited with 88 aerial victories at the cost of 15 of their own, i.e. a victory/loss ratio of 1 Macchi lost for 6 Russian aircraft shot down. All this without counting the numerous ground targets destroyed by planes that were not made for that given their rather insufficient armament. The Italians therefore particularly held up against the Soviet army.

Sources: ... csir2.html (offline) ... front.html

It's all. Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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