25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

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25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by big_buddha »


I'm researching the 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division, does anyone have any info about this unit and any others of 7th Panzer, I'm looking for details of weapons, equipment, and their activitites between 22nd June invasion of Russia and the end of 1941, the end of Operation Typhoon.
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Post by Marko »

7th Panzer division (Fhr. v. Funck), also known as the Ghost division, started the Operation Barbarossa as part of Schmidt's XXXIX.Pz.Korps (Pz.Gruppe 3/AG Center) together with the 20th Pz.Div. and 20th Inf.Div.(mot.). The division's Pz.Rgt.25 had the following strength on 22 July 53 Pz.II, 30 Pz.IV, 174 Pz38(t), 8 Bef.Pz. = 265. The Regiment was organized in 3 Abteilungs, each of them having 4 companies (stabskompanie, 2 light and 1 medium) 3 of which were equipped with Pz38(t).

Oberst Rothenburg - 28.6.1941
Oberstlt. Thomale 28.6. - 3.8.1941
Oberstlt. Ostmann v.d. Leye 3.8. - 21.8.1941
Oberst Hauser 21.8.1941 - 1/1943

Hptm. Schulz 3/1941-Summer 1942

II./25 (disbanded in July)
Major Dr. Schirmer 6/1940-7/1941

Oberstlt. Thomale 3/1941-8/1941
Major Straub 8/1941-10/1941
Hptm. Schroeder 5.10.1941-15.3.1942

The division was involved in a very big tank battle at Olita on the very first day, where it destroyed 82 Russian tanks (5th Tank Division), but also lost half of its tanks in the process. Oberst Rothenburg described this day as the heaviest in his life. He's killed on 28 and two days later division reports 149 panzers operational, after a number of them had returned from the repair shops. II./25 was disbanded at this time because of heavy losses. The division then advanced through Wilna (23./24.6), Witebsk (10.7.) to Jarzewo (26./27.) NE of Smolensk where they linked up with the Pz.Gruppe 2 and closed the Smolensk pocket. It remained in this area until the Operation Typhoon and served as a »fire-brigade« to help the infantry divisions holding the front line, while most of the other panzer divisions took part in the offensives on Kiew and Leningrad.

If you're interested I'll post some more info, otherwise there are several great books on this division: v. Manteuffel (text and bildband), Scheibert (Die Gespenster Division), Huber (So war es wirklich, das letzte Kriegsjahr an der Ostfront), Rothe (Panzerregiment 25 1938-1945) and v.Egloffstein, et al (Details zur Regiments- und Divisionsgeschichte 1944/45). I can personally recommend you Manteuffel's divisional history (not the pictorial) and Huber's So war es wirklich, both are really great especially the latter, which is actually a war diary of a Pz.Rgt.25's member.

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Post by big_buddha »

Thanks for the info guys especially Marko, that info is very helpful, please feel free to post anything relevant its much appreciated.

You can check out the website I'm building to present the research I'm gathering, its in its early stages so far:

http://mysite.freeserve.com/Ians_Portfo ... index.html
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Post by Wolfkin »


There might be something on this site that can be of help.


I hope this helps!


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Post by Marko »

Hi Ian! I'll post some more info shortly (hopefully this weekend).
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Post by Marko »

On 23 Jun the regiment continues with the advance., but is hampered by poor road conditions and difficult terrain (huge forests, with numerous road blocks and forest fires). Nevertheless they (with AA37) capture the important bridge at Chasbiejewicze intact (10km W of Wilna), cross it and consequently secure the heights SE of Wilna. In the late afternoon Pz.Rgt.25 controls the eastern part of Wilna. The city is captured the next day with the cooperation of K7.
On 26 Jun. Pz.Rgt.25 continues the advance, along with SR7, further to the east and reaches Radoszkowice, where they finally meet some resistance in the early evening hours. Fighting nonstop for the past five days and suffering heavy losses the soldiers are completely exhausted. But they don't have time to rest, reconnaissance reports a hole in the Russian defenses. Oberst Rothenburg quickly orders a night attack. Pz.Rgt.25 and I./SR6 make a quick breakthrough and manage to cut highway Minsk-Moscow at 2200 hrs and Smolowicze at midnight. There they wait for the rest of division to catch up and secure their rear. With this spectacular attack the northern pincer of Minsk pocket is formed, now it's up to Pz.Gruppe 2 to seal it. Quickly recognizing the threat the Russians attack with a tank division supported by an armored train. On 27 Jun. Pz.Rgt.25 reports a complete victory (one armored and transport train, carrying 20 tanks, 15 trucks, 5 paks and 6 guns destroyed), but with heavy own losses. Due to the heavy losses suffered so far, the regiment is reorganized in two battalions (I. and III.).
On 28 Jun. Minsk falls and the pocket is sealed. But this is a sad day for 7. Panzer Division, for they lost one of their head figures - Oberst Rothenburg - a Pour le Merite and KC holder. He is wounded by an explosion from the burning armored train. Since the regiment is still isolated from the main body of the division, first a Fiesler Storch and then an 8-wheel armored car are offered to him to carry him back to the main dressing station, but he refuses both and also a panzer escort (doesn't want to weaken his already depleted regiment) and decides to drive with to cars back to the rear. On his way through the enemy occupied land he is killed and his body is discovered the next day. Oberst Karl Rothenburg was admired and loved by his soldiers and maybe it's not surprising that the regiment received an honorary title »Panzerregiment Rothenburg«, which is also commonly accepted by its members. The commander of III./PR25 - Oberstlt. Thomale (a future KC holder and the last Inspector of the Panzertruppen) takes over the command.
The division (along with other panzer units) continues supporting infantry units in destroying the pocket till 30 Jun.
In the first few days of July the division tries to find a decent place to cross Beresina. On 3 Jul. they finally get lucky when II./SR7 (some guy called v.Manteuffel) an intact bridge near Lepel. The main body crosses the river on 5 Jul. The division is now fighting in the so-called Stalin line between rivers Beresina and Dvina and is faced with stiff Russian resistance, which delays the establishment of a bridgehead over Dvina. Moreover the division is now attacked by ferocious Russian counterattacks. In the next few days KG Thomale (III./PzRgt25, AA37, 6./SR6), deployed on the southern front, manages to destroy around 60 Russian tanks, while the remaining elements of Pz.Rgt. are called to support I./SR6 (6 Jul.), which is threatened by heavy tank supported attacks to the North. The Russians deploy 3 newly arrived divisions (2 of which are tank divisions) but all attacks are systematically defeated and caused them heavy losses in men and equipment.
On 10 Jul. the Russians began retreating, II./7 noticed this and makes a swift advance, which enables the division to capture Witebsk on 11 Jul. and establish a bridgehead over Dvina.
On 12 Jul. the division reaches Smelewa (50km SE of Witebsk) - Pz.Rgt. suffers heavy losses, on 14 Jul. Demidow.
15 Jul. in a brilliantly executed attack Pz.Abt. Schulz (I./Pz.Rgt.25) and KG Sch.Brigade 7 (Oberst Fhr.von Boineburg - KC holder; I./SR6, 3./Pz.Pi.Btl.58 supported by artillery and flak elements) reach W of Jarzewo, just north of highway Minsk-Smolensk-Wjazma and shell enemy movements, destroying huge numbers of trucks and other vehicles. A Russian attack on 2./SR6 is defeated with a cooperation of all heavy weapons.
Now the battle for Smolensk begins and with it another pocket is formed but because of increasing resistance, especially in the south at Jelnja (Pz.Gruppe 2), prevents it being closed. The Russians start with massive counterattacks to destroy German units at Jarzewo (7.PD and 20.PD) and Jelnja (SS-Reich, 10.PD and GD) and thus enable the units trapped at Smolensk to retreat. In the meantime the rest of the division finally arrives.
In the afternoon of 18 July a Russian attack with around 100 tanks and infantry support is repulsed. Preparations for another attack in the evening hours are disturbed by heavy artillery fire - 30 tanks destroyed. In another tank attack against the divisional northern front another 25 are destroyed. The attacks continue in the next morning, Unteroffizier Güldner (5./SR7) destroys 5 tanks with his Pak and Panzer company Richter another 23.
21 Jul. the division reports tank losses: Pz.I.- 7 (of which 3 in repair), Pz.II.- 24, Pz.38(t) - 112 (78 ), Pz.IV.-15 (10), Pz.Befw.- 8 (5).
Russians continue attacking the division's defenses at Wop in the next days especially at Jarzewo and at the road bridge - Pz.Rgt.25 is heavily involved.
22 Jul.- Kdr. of K7 v. Steinkeller is wounded.
25 Jul.- his successor Hptm. Kleinschmidt is also wounded and is replaced by the divisional adjutant Hans von Luck (a future KC holder and author of the book »Panzer Commander«)
The Russian make repeated breakthroughs but are eventually repulsed by counterattacks (K7, AA37, Pz.Rgt.25).
In the afternoon of 26 Jul. the division launches an attack southwards, bypassing Jarzewo and Pz.Rgt.25 along with I./SR6 and I./SR7 reach Dnjepr. In the meantime the fighting at Jarzewo still continues but the front is held by the support of panzer.
On 25 Jul. the Russian units trapped in Smolensk start retreating and thus put the division's southern front under great pressure. The terrain is mostly swampy covered with huge forests on both sides of Wop and Dnjepr. The fightings reached its climax the retreating Russians desperately trying to break the front and cross both rivers. Simultaneously the Russians launch attacks south of Jarzewo
On 5 Aug. the battle for Smolensk is finally over and the division is relieved by an infantry division.
In the three weeks of fighting the division held the line against repeated enemy attacks (mainly in battalion strength) but suffered heavy losses (SR7 alone lost over 400 men and one of its companies numbered only 37 men) in the process. Several times the Russians achieved local breakthroughs but these were eventually stopped by direct artillery fire and counterattacks (PzRgt.25, AA37 and K7). The divisional commander Gen.Maj. Fhr. von Funck received the Knight's Cross for the division's actions so far in the Operation Barbarossa. OberLt. Horst Ohrloff (Chef. 11./Pz.Rgt.25) and Hptm. Herbert Oll (Kdr. I./AR78) also received the KCs in this period.
On 7/8 Aug. the division finally receives some well-deserved rest.
On 19 Aug. the division is alerted and ordered to defeat an enemy breakthrough in 161. ID front.
On 20 Aug. the front is restored with an attack by PzRgt.25, SR7 and Flak.Abt.94.
21 Aug. the Russians again build a bridgehead over Wop and the division again destroys it, but with heavy own losses (30 panzers-the Russians leave the panzer to roll over them and then fire on them from behind with their heavy weapons).
22 Aug. Oberst Unger (commander of SR6) is killed, Oberstlt. v.Manteuffel takes over the command of the regiment.
26 Aug. the division is again called to destroy an enemy bridgehead at Boldino, which is reinforced with strong infantry elements and around 50 tanks. Once again the bridgehead is eliminated but takes a heavy toll on Pz.Rgt. mainly due to the poor cooperation with infantry.
27 Aug-17 Sept - the division is resting.
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a little complement here...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

Considering the total forces of the 7. Pz with 250 tanks and the 20. Pz with 227 tanks, the Germans had numerical superiority on the Soviet 5th TD wit 268 tanks, however considering that the German divisions did not have on hand any Pz Kw III and the bulk of their forces consisted of the tank Pz Kw 38 (t ) with little armor and a 37mm gun, which was practically useless in the fight with the T-34 and also the carcass was riveted so with any impact the screws mutilated the own crew; the reality was that the against the Soviet 50 T -34, both German divisions could only oppose a total of 61 Pz Kw IV equivalents. Apart from this it was assumed that the Germans would come forward in marching formation, while the Soviet division could wait deployed in ambush positions and supported by anti-tank guns. However this did not happen and the Germans crossed the Niemen on the first day of war taking intact the bridges in Alytus and Merkine and most importantly the armored divisions kept intact its ability to combat and rapidly continuing their operations into the Soviet territory.

In June 1941 the 5th Tank Division ( TD ) was quartered south of the city of Alytus on the western bank of the river Nemen; in those days it was the largest garrison in the northwest of the Soviet Union and only had a similar garrison at Brest- Litovsk. According to accounts of the local people around 18/ 19 June 1941, the division was put on a high level of alert and redeployed on the eastern bank of the river. The tanks were located on the edge of the forest at a distance of 300/400 meters from the river in the area of ​​the towns of Kanyukay (between the road and the tributary of the Nemen) and Muyzhelenay (between the river and the road).

By that time the PR 25, reinforced with Pz. Abt 101 (F), occupied a readiness area on the border north of Osinki. Although the SR 6 and SR 7 would carry out the first assault across the border of the Soviet Union, the PR 25 should surpass quickly both regiments and together with the Kradsch . Btl 7 and the Pz AA 37 was to conquer intact the bridges over the Niemen River in Alytus.

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
The deployment of the 5th TD around Alytus..........................
The deployment of the 5th TD around Alytus..........................
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

On June 22, 1941 at sunrise Olita was bombed by the Luftwaffe (at least three raids), however any bombs fell on the deserts barracks; especially severe was the attack in the eastern sector of the city, in whose northern edge was located the airfield. Also suffered bombing the wooded area where it was deployed the 5th TD astride the road, after which the Soviet division made ​​a change of position.

However none of the tanks of the 5th TD crossed the river, although the commanding heights of the western margin afforded good observation and shooting on the roads leading to the city of Alytus. For these avenues of approach marched two German armored divisions, the 7. Pz and the 20. Pz.. At 03:05 hours the 7. Pz began its operations with strong artillery support; at 03:37 hours schw. Art. Abt 620 opened fire on Kalvarija, at 03:53 hours schw. Art.Abt. 733 with two batteries on Height 436 and between 04:22 and 4:36 hours concentrations on the path to Kalvarija. At 08:00 hours was conquered Kalvarija.

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Road to Kalvarija.....................
Road to Kalvarija.....................
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

Around noon the vanguard of the 7. Pz reached the heights west of Alytus and steadily continued its advance through the town on fire, winning by 12:45 hours the bridge within the city without opposition.

After that, it managed to establish a bridgehead, securing the suburbs and accesses on the eastern shore. In this part of town, the German found resistance from some fractions of infantry and the occupants of the airfield. On the northern edge of Muyzhelenay were burned out 2/3 tanks BT-7 (possibly as a result of the aerial bombardment).

At the same time was also captured intact the bridge over the Niemen located on the road to Kanyukay and after crossing it, the Germans came under fire from the Soviet tanks waiting in ambush on the eastern shore.

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A Soviet T-34/76 entrenched near the Niemen.....................
A Soviet T-34/76 entrenched near the Niemen.....................
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by Die Blechtrommel »

Great Raúl! :D
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; thanks for your comment pal :wink:. Now, more follows...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

The 5th TD fought valiantly to regain both bridges, the 9th Regiment on the north bridge and the 10th Regiment in the south bridge. Particularly intense was the action in the area of Kanyukay for there the fight developed at short distances due to the terrain compartment, and in the heat of the battle the T-34 simply ran over the lighter Germans Pz Kw 38 (t) . But soon came the Luftwaffe in support of the 7. Pz and carried out ​​at least two attacks against the Soviet forces.

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Two T-34 destroyed across the Niemen ...............
Two T-34 destroyed across the Niemen ...............
image008.jpg (45.96 KiB) Viewed 15285 times
Traces of the drama................................
Traces of the drama................................
image010.jpg (52.61 KiB) Viewed 15285 times
German cyclists passing beside a half-buried T-34, possibly by the effect of the aerial bombardment ............
German cyclists passing beside a half-buried T-34, possibly by the effect of the aerial bombardment ............
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

The fighting lasted between 14:30 and 20:00 hours. In the north bridgehead fought the PR 25 (less its II. Abt), the Kradsch. Btl 7, the I. / AR 78, the 1./ Pz Jäg Abt 42 and the 1./ Pz Pi. 58; on the south bridgehead the Pz AA 37, the 6. / SR 6, the Pz Abt 101 (F), the II. / PR 25, the 2. & 3. / Pz Pi 58. At 19:30 hours the PR 21 (20. Pz) reinforced the north bridgehead.

The PR 25 losses amounted to 11 tanks, of which four were Pz Kw IV (out of 53 Pz Kw II, 167 Pz Kw 38(t) and 30 Pz Kw IV). While the Soviet 5º TD lost 82 tanks (out of 18 T-26, 170 BT-7, 30 T-28 and 50 T-34).

Below one Pz Kw IV of the PR 25 destroyed on the bridge over the Niemen River in Alytus (I think it is the north bridge) leading to Muyzhelenay..............

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Front view from the east bank ..............
Front view from the east bank ..............
image018.jpg (34.09 KiB) Viewed 15249 times
Rear view from the western bank............
Rear view from the western bank............
image020.jpg (26.24 KiB) Viewed 15249 times
View from the river's side.................
View from the river's side.................
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

Some photos of destroyed tanks in the area, this time I think it's in the south bridge, on the road to Kanyukay........

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
A wrecked German tank beside Alytus, Lithuania. Photoraphed by a German military photographer on June 23, 1941.................
A wrecked German tank beside Alytus, Lithuania. Photoraphed by a German military photographer on June 23, 1941.................
image004.jpg (57.12 KiB) Viewed 15200 times
A Pz Kw 38(t) which was disabled by an anti-tank mine?......................
A Pz Kw 38(t) which was disabled by an anti-tank mine?......................
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A Soviet victim, a BT-7; seems rather bogged down and abandoned by its crew...............................
A Soviet victim, a BT-7; seems rather bogged down and abandoned by its crew...............................
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Re: 25th Panzer Regiment of 7th Panzer Division

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more follows...................

Alytus, the fight that was not.

Some photos of another Pz Kw IV destroyed in the south bridge, on the road to Kanyukay (I guess)........In the last pictures, a Soviet light tank BT-7.

Fuente: http://www.solonin.org/other_s-egelyavi ... -m-solonin
The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia 1940-1941. by Dr. Russel H. S. Stolfi.

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
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image004.jpg (42.63 KiB) Viewed 15111 times
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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