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Moderator: Commissar D, the Evil

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Post by gerhard2 »

"I was not a Waffen-SS hero, I was just a plain Obergefreiter" you could be talking about me except I was called a Rottenfuhrer.
One of those you describe "6-8 years Schule, Torfstecher, Hilfsarbeiter, Arbeitslose, ALL these simple men were recruted, onboard the SS." and furthermore with a "Fancy black uniform, leather boots, a visor cap with a Totenkopf on the shield, and, *blitz*, out of a sick, and out of an instable person, became a person of power..
Sorry my uniform was gray and I had very little power. For being unstable I suvived being wounded twice in my two years of war and managed to get through 4 years as POW. About 10 years later I finished my education at a prominent university where I live.
As for all that B/S I read at the address you gave I read something very similar about 65 years ago, I am sure HaEn did too. When you say "you know very little about the german Bundeswehr'" you are right one lot of German Armed Forces was enough for me.
Elite, are you ?, you better not meet up with one of those Radfahrer-Einheiten especially the ones I have seen.
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Double post
Last edited by Paddy Keating on Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Ah yes...abuse from André alias Cott Tiger plus posts from the banned Knieptang/Nordwest plus complete indifference from the management...

Good one, guys. Well, here you go: http://www.feldpost.tv/forum/viewtopic. ... 5&start=15

I suppose, Cott Tiger, that you would like me to tell you bluntly what to do with yourself so that you could get me banned from this website...again.

Sorry, mate, but I ain't going to give you that pleasure. However, you understand Anglo-Saxon, don't you? Figure it out.


Cott Tiger
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Post by Cott Tiger »

Crikey Paddy, it was bit of light-hearted fun. Have you got out of bed on the wrong side or something?

Not sure how you could interpret a picture of Inspector Clousteau as “abusive”.

You usually have a sense of humour (albeit a bit dark) but it seems to have deserted you on this occasion.

Apologies if it offended you though.

A rather puzzled,

Up The Tigers!
Cott Tiger
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Post by Cott Tiger »

I really think you guys need a holiday or something. The paranoia seems to be getting to you.

Chill out guys,

Up The Tigers!
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

No, I was plastered, André. Hadn't yet made it to bed. Fair enough. Sorry for the heavy reaction. I withdraw my remarks.

I don't think Erik is being paranoid. I think he's simply asking some valid questions. He was given, and gracefully accepted, a warning for being rude to someone - cos we "nazis" aren't allowed to be rude to people, of course, although they're allowed to be rude to us - and then he was banned. Yet there are people who have been far more abusive than he was and they haven't been sanctioned in any way at all.

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Troy Tempest
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Post by Troy Tempest »

Yes, it is puzzling, the apparent double standards regarding Erik here. I don't understand why Chris von is allowed to be here, after his atrocious language and abuse which resulted in the David Hicks thread being locked, yet Erik is given a warning, which he accepts, and then is promptly banned! I know it's not my site, but I don't think it's too much to explain to someone why they are banned from a site, and to explain why others, who on the face of it, are still here despite apparent worse behavior. With great power comes great responsibility! (with apologies to Spider-man! :D )
Hello from sunny Port Macquarie
Cott Tiger
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Post by Cott Tiger »

Paddy Keating wrote:No, I was plastered, André. Hadn't yet made it to bed. Fair enough. Sorry for the heavy reaction. I withdraw my remarks.

No problem Paddy.

All the best (and sleep well),


PS: I will answer your comments about Erik by PM.
Up The Tigers!
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Post by haen2 »

Knox wrote:
Waffen SS vet. - joined summer 2002 -
posts: zillions :-)
Einst wird es wieder Helle !
"Einst wird es hier helle!", but NOT Helle, Herr "knows-it-all-haen2"


Thank you for the compliment that I know everything :D :wink:

"Wollt nimmer von uns weichen, uns immer nahe sein,
Treu wie die deutschen Eichen, wie Mond und Sonnenschein!
Einst wird es wieder helle in aller Brüder Sinn,
Sie kehren zu der Quelle in Lieb und Reue hin.

is a part of the Hymn "Wenn allen Untreu wirden"

B.T.W. I am a ex Hollander, so perhaps I make mistakes in spelling now and then.
p.s. actually this song precedes the Waffen SS by almost half a century; but was adopted by us.

And before you find fault with my typos, I use the "hunt and peck"sytem, due to rheumatism in my hands. After all I AM an octagenarian :(....
meaning an old vart :roll:
Last edited by haen2 on Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
joined forum early spring of 2002 as Haen- posts: legio :-)

Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think !
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Knox = Knieptang = Nordwest.

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Post by Reb »


I once had a fellow working for me who was roughly your age. He was quite spry and claimed he'd had big problems but solved them by drinking a glass daily of apply cider vinegar in cold water with honey. Can't tell how true it is but thought I'd pass it along.

I'm getting a bit older myself and starting to take this kind of thing seriously! :D

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Post by Landser »

Knox wrote:

The former guards in the KLs, they were mostly NCOs, simple minded men, with very little education, so it was here in the Emsland.

6-8 years Schule, Torfstecher, Hilfsarbeiter, Arbeitslose, ALL these simple men were recruted, onboard the SS.

Fancy black uniform, leather boots, a visor cap with a Totenkopf on the shield, and, *blitz*, out of a sick, and out of an instable person, became a person of power...

And they used this "Power", and they abused it, for their own good, everyone of us would do the same, about this, I am very sure.


Most remarkable!!!

The "Ostriesische WasserKoeppe"from your area.Since you're a proud member of them,I admire your lofty statement. :D
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Post by Reb »


"...everyone of us would do the same, about this, I am very sure. "

Speak for yourself sir!

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Commissar D, the Evil
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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Paddy Kezting wrote:

"Knox = Knieptang = Nordwest."

Well, perhaps persistence is its own reward..... :wink:

At any rate, I am not bound to ask Tom to ban anyone, except for the offensive words that they say.
Be Well Gentlemen, argue in PEACE, and without personal rancor and you will be safe and protected.

If Nordwest has re-appeared, well, he knows that he was banned and can either take the honest approach and resign or simply not be offensive to others, IMHO.

Neither I nor the other Moderators has the time (except in exceptional circumstances) to track down IFP codes or any other bulls**t. Every man has the responsibility and the duty to act honestly and with honor.

Very Best,
~D, the EviL
Death is lighter than a Feather, Duty is heavier than a Mountain....
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Post by phylo_roadking »

5. Re-admission to Feldgrau. Banned members may be readmitted only by contacting Jason after a suitable “cooling down” period decided upon by Jason. Banned members who rejoin without permission under a different user name, will have their accounts immediately frozen. Re-registering under a different user name without permission from Jason Pipes renders a banned member ineligible for re-admission to Feldgrau
Is this now in abeyance?
"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Malcolm Reynolds
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