Axis history forum down???

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Post by Retaliator »

Also this is a thread about AHF and it's downtime problem so why the @#% are you posting in here Patty? Stay the hell out of here, we don't want to hear your negative bullshit and childish lies. Go to your own ugly forum if you want to keep it at that level.

And learn some goddamn webdesign, it looks like crap.
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

If you're not careful, "Retaliator", I will go back to my "shitty" forum, open up the closed sections to the general public for a while and post links to every thread in them about the AHF and, while we are at it, the WAF. :D


Post by Retaliator »

Go ahead you loser, that's all you can do, spread lies like a bitch. Why don't you take it like a man for once in your life you puzzy.
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

"I will circulate Wendel's address to my comrades"

you think you're going to go around and intimidate people like that?
Last edited by Beppo Schmidt on Tue Feb 07, 2006 5:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Well, Beppo, the management of the MCF website has always made it clear that we do not necessarily agree with what our members post but that we operate an non-censorship policy. I have already stated here in a civil exchange with "Commissar Dave" that I did not take the allegations of "Bjorn Staerk" seriously. If you think that Nazism died sixty years ago, you clearly do not look at the news. Probably too busy playing with your Sony Playstation...

Last edited by Paddy Keating on Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

Anyway, the Swedish Nazi Party didn't burn down the Wendy House
not yet, but for what purpose would "Dietrich Eckhardt" circulate Wendel's address to his "comrades"?
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

Oh, sorry, I moderated my own post - further proof that Feldgrau needs no moderators to deal with likes of you kiddies. I do not know why someone using the name of Adolf Hitler's political guru would give Marcus Wendel's address to his comrades. Maybe they just want to go around there and sing the Horst Wessel outside his house or something. Why don't you send "Dietrich Eckhardt" an e-mail asking him yourself?


Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

or maybe they just want to throw rocks through his windows like the cowardly children they are
Paddy Keating

Post by Paddy Keating »

And you lot aren't cowards, hiding behind false names to insult and threaten people on the internet?

Here you are, you numbskull, calling me a Nazi. The fact that I am not a Nazi aside, do you not understand that tarring me with that label simply gives credibility to the allegations made about some of you AHF people, from Wendel downwards?

You, Nordwind and Manss..sorry...Retaliator are a bunch of wankers. Sorry to be blunt and sorry if the word offends some members but there it is: wankers. You know it, I know it and 99% of the people watching your antics here know it. Nordwind was already banned once from Feldgrau for being a dick.

That whole "Bjorn Staerk-Wendel" thing had slipped into oblivion on MCF but now it is right back in the public eye because of you three morons. There are more than forty people reading those threads now, only seven of whom are MCF members.

And there is nothing you can do about it. I mean, what can you do? You've probably already given my name or my names to Searchlight or some such anti-Nazi group. Why not have a laugh and register me on some gay websites. That is your style, after all, isn't it?

Now piss off back to the AHF and leave us all in peace.

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Commissar D, the Evil
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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Hi Paddy, don't believe for one moment that anything Retaliator or anyone else says on this thread against you is either sanctioned, supported or encouraged by AHF or it's moderators.

My humble opinion is that anyone who behaved as badly towards a member on AHF as these guys have towards you on this forum would have been banned ages ago on AHF.

I've tried to stay out of this fight--as it is a Feldgrau matter--but it ticks me off that any casual reader might get the impression that AHF has any hand in these tacky personal attacks against you.

This nonsense doesn't even have the saving grace of being funny. It is childish and cowardly and reflects badly on those that continue it. I don't blame you for reacting strongly to it, so would I.

Best Regards,
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Beppo Schmidt
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Post by Beppo Schmidt »

David, in my opinion Paddy had no business posting someone's address for the world to see, whatever Nordwest or Retaliator said.

And for your information Paddy, I have never heard of Searchlight, I'm not some henchman of anti-Nazi groups, and no I haven't been running around registering you on gay websites.
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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

Beppo, I'm totally ignorant of whatever happened between Paddy and Northwest and Retaliator.

What I don't like is AHF's name being tossed around like that forum was somehow a part of this fight. I also believe that there comes a point when an argument should not be be conducted publicly and that hounding a person from one thread to another, day after day, hour after hour obscures whatever justified complaint a party has.

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Post by Commissar D, the Evil »

P.S. Beppo, I've also personally experienced a member of this site harassing me on another site for a perceived insult. I don't have a heck of a lot of sympathy for people who follow someone around the net for no other reason than to reignite a fight or settle a grudge.

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Post by Groscurth »

[quote="Paddy Keating"]OK :D

[url] ... wforum=407[/url]


Great link, says all about Allan Milcic, the notorious Ustashi on AHF!
Many thanks for this link, I'll forward it to all Russian, Serbs and Western Europeans that have enough seen of this "Mod".Thank's :idea:
BTW I allerady know by the posts of our beloved Commissar and Beppo that you're not from the extreme right wing like some "agents provocateurs" say here.
And know thatI am really the oposed against both sides. I am for a independant Palestine with the dream of the return of the refugees (as a born Belgian, I dream in fact of a nation there like Belgium, with 3 nations in one, works there without war!) , for a State like Israel (altough stolen from Arabs, I know), against all the violance towards Israeli citizens, against the Iraeli state terrorisme that still killed more Arabs then vice versa in that big at the other side of the new berlin-apartheidwall, against the war for oil and.... against our own dirty tricks...(Congo, Leopold, The French in Algeria or Indochine, our blood diamonds in the west, the double standard in non proliferation of nukes when it comes to Jews/Arabs aso.)

All the best to all here, but please don't make it necessary to have mods here, have some respect towards one another. When it does not work, just ignore the other one (best tactic and best in the long term).

BTW @#% why don't my "quotes" are in a white, this is the only site in wich it does not work for me. (Worked well in the old days, enleighten me please...)
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