Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

German campaigns and battles 1919-1945.

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Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; a series of stories about it..............................

Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941 - Kremenchug.

On August 28, at 8:00 p.m., the Command of Army Group South issued, together with Order Ia No. 1850/41 gKdos, Directive No. 7 "for the continuation of Operation Barbarossa." Point 1 of this order dealt with the general situation of the enemy, that the Soviets were probably evacuating the Dnieper sector and therefore immediate pursuit action by Army Group was necessary.

2. In this situation it is important to get the most out of the troops and attack regardless of supplies or other difficulties and defeat the enemy where he is.

3. I order, therefore, that the fronts of Panzer Group 1, Armies 17 and 6 will immediately attack and determine in detail:

a) The attacks must be carried out independently of each other and without consideration of the neighbours. Where the troops have crossed the river, they first have to gain tactical bridgeheads.

b) When successes are achieved, the supply priorities will be formed with the available transport space and with the respective available supplies.

c) The crossing of the Dnieper must, as the enemy has repeatedly shown us, be carried out at as many points as possible using all means.

4. Tasks of the armies and Panzer Group 1:

a) 17th Army:
Center of gravity for the river crossing near and below Kremenchug. Once the tactical bridgeheads have been won, advances must be made immediately to form the operational bridgehead that the army is striving for.......

b) 6th Army: ---

c) Panzer Group 1:
... The other units of the Panzer Group must be brought from Kremenchug as soon as possible. Task of the Panzer Group, depending on how the situation develops, it will be able to advance in the direction of Kharkov to meet the enemy retreating to the east and, if necessary, interact with Panzer Group 2, which on August 27 crossed from the section Dessna near Konotop and south of Novgorod Severssk in a southerly direction".

the LII. Army Corps (General d. Inf. von Briesen) is at the beginning of September 1941 in the bridgehead won near Derijewka. In the days that followed, the Soviets found time to move substantial formations to the northeast of that location. Therefore, it is certain that the Russians are not willing to give in at this point, but have decided to annihilate the bridgehead sooner or later.

The army and corps recognize this dangerous situation and try to build solid bridges as quickly as possible so that more and more of their own formations can position themselves on the bridgehead. There is still a plan to use Panzer Group 1 from here for a new attack to the east in the direction of Poltava. Therefore, an 8-ton war bridge is ordered to be built.

Sources: ... 7Armee.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Environs of Kremenchug - Situation on September 1, 1941.....................<br />
Environs of Kremenchug - Situation on September 1, 1941.....................
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Re: Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.............................

Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941 - Kremenchug.

The Commanding Officer of Pi.-Rgt. 700 will be in charge of executing this work. To this end, they were subordinated:

Sturmbootkommando (Assault Boat Command) 902 with 73 boats,

Pionierbataillone (Engineer Battalions) 50, 97, 100, 157, 176, 651, 658,

Brückenkolonnen (Bridge Columns) 4, 8, 9, 13, 16, 97, 99, 100, 111, 125, 176, 209, 298, 2./410, 537, 539, 602, 610, 612, 630, 639 , 660, 667, 672, 995, 2./60,

Baubataillone (Construction Battalions) 51, 403, OT (Organisation Todt) unit 59,

Straßenbaubataillon (Road Construction Battalion) 551.

The construction of the bridge begins on September 2. On this day, strong Luftwaffe units attack the Soviets' rear communications to prevent them from bringing in reinforcements. The Kremenchug - Poltava and Kremenchug - Lubny railway lines are broken and destroyed by various bombs in many places.

The sappers provide all the necessary ferries in a short time so that the material can be transported across the river. The bridge over the northern branch near Derijewka was already fully deployed on the night of September 2. Now it turns out that there is not enough plank material for the plank driveway.

However, the plank road is important to cross the sector of sand dunes in "snails island". Otherwise, it would be impossible for vehicles to pass through. However, in the evening of that day, the Chief of the sappers can report on the completion and liberation of the 1,253 m long bridge. With the start of the actual attack, the bridge will become a 16-ton bridge on September 08. Engineers complete this conversion in 3 hours and 45 minutes!

Sources: ... 7Armee.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
German troops waiting to cross at Kremenchug...................<br />
German troops waiting to cross at Kremenchug...................
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Re: Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.............................

Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941 - Kremenchug.

the LII. AK was at that moment in the toughest defensive battle on a 32 km front. The 76. ID (Generalleutnant de Angelis) was on the right wing not far from the Vorssklya estuary to Purubay. The division defended itself until 10 September against attacks by the 14th, 28th, 34th Cavalry Divisions and the 47th Tank Brigade. The Soviets were able to temporarily break through between Purubaj and Osiony, but were repulsed on all sides in violent counter-attacks. The 97. Iei.Div. (Major General Fretter-Pico) was in the central sector. Against it marched the 3rd Cavalry Division, the 37th and the 110th Tank Brigades. The enemy attacks were always directed to the right sector of the division, which the Jäg.Rgt. 204 fiercely managed to defend and hold.

On September 13, the division disabled a total of 138 Russian tanks. The left wing of the Corps was defended by the 100. lei.Div. (Major General Sanne). This division had to fight against the 199th, 300th and 304th Rifle Divisions. When the Soviet 132nd Tank Brigade then appeared on the Kremenchug - Poltava railway line, the German fighters had to face the approaching "T 34" and "Kw I". the LII. AK destroyed 176 Russian combat vehicles in the first ten days. The army did everything possible to alleviate the situation of the corps. The 57. and 295. ID were finally displaced over the bridge at Derijewka towards the bridgehead.

Meanwhile, however, the German attack on the LII. AK's left started up. The XI. AK (General d. Inf. von Kortzfleisch) with the 101. Lei Div. (Generalleutnant Brauner von Haydringen), 125. ID (Generalleutnant Schneckenburger) and the 239. ID. (Generalleutnant Neuling) crossed the Dnieper on both sides of Vorowskowo beginning on September 4. Shortly after the first crossing, sappers built an 8-ton K-bridge near Vorowskowo.

Oberstlt. (Lieutenant Colonel) von Alfen, Commander of Pi.-Rgt. 617, was in charge of Pi Btl.73., 74., 260., 257., 239., Bau-Btl. 109 and RAD Group 107. On the same day, engineers and staff from the Labor Service (Arbeitsdienst) moved the bridge equipment, built access routes and exits, cleared of mines the so-called "dam island" and performed riverine guard duty.

The XI. AK reached the Psiol from its mouth to the Kremenchug - Poltava railway in three days. The 101. Lei. Division as a wing unit at Galeschchina Station, provided the link to the LII. AK, which was located on the right. The Corps ordered the crossing of the Psiol from the march beginning on September 7. The 125. ID stormed the railway bridge across the river before the Soviets blew it up. The division irresistibly continued to the northwest, leaving Kremenchug on the left.

The 239. ID crossed the Psiol on September 7 on the 8-ton K bridge built by the Pi.Btl. 125 and 239. The division was prepared for a frontal attack on Kremenchug from the east. The Corps formed a heavy strike group led by the Oberstlt. von Alfen. This combat group consisted of 1 Btl each of the 125. and 239. ID, 1 IG-Kp. (infantry howitzer company) of the 125. ID, 1 battery of assault guns, the Pi.-Btl. 260, Bau-Btl. 109 and 3 bridge columns.

Sources: ... 7Armee.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.............................

Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941 - Kremenchug.

The Soviets are surprised by the German attack through the Psiol. They succumb to their own miscalculation. They had the bulk of their divisions deployed against the LII. AK and exposed the front in Kremenchug. Only the 297th Rifle Division is located in the city and on the river bank. The Soviet 38th Army Command, which is headquartered far away in Lubny, immediately orders to move the 300th Rifle Division from the Galesdhtsdiina section across the Psiol to the west. But it's also too late for that!

The 257th Infantry Division under Generalleutnant Karl Sachs shows up on the bright summer night of September 8, ready to attack near Taburishche, west of Kremenchug, on the south bank of the 4,000m-wide Dnieper. The Army and Corps lead strong artillery forces, including rocket batteries, in the divisional sector. The Pi.Btl. 257 together with Pi. Btl. 295 as well as 1./Pi.Btl. 73 and 1 bridge column begin pushing 68 assault boats and 150 bags of rubber boats into the morning mist.

At exactly 06:00 they cross on both sides of Taburishche. Field howitzers and rocket launchers send their streams of fire to the enemy shore. As the deadly grenades tore through the morning sky, the assault boat engines rattled. The men of IR 457 and IR 477 jump out of assault boats and rubber boats. The enemy was surprised by the powerful barrage of fire, and before they rose to defend themselves, the infantry and engineers landed.

The resistance varies locally. In some places, the German soldiers rapidly advanced, in other sections, the Russians, led by fanatical commissars, defended themselves to the last cartridge. So the II./IR 457 under Hauptmann von Caprivi fought for hours on the right wing for the village of Kriwuschi until it was finally in German hands. The 257th Infantry Division established a bridgehead 5 km deep and 12 km wide by the evening of September 8! 1,000 Russian soldiers are trapped with little loss of their own.

The night brings a big storm. The swampy landscape on the north bank of the Dnieper turns into a puddle of mud in just a few minutes. Own movements are almost impossible. Therefore, a crossover of the heavy weapons is not advisable and cannot be done at all, since only a small part of the assault boats are operational. The fighting at the bridgehead begins at dawn. Contrary to expectations, the opponent is stronger than the day before. The 5./IR 457 (Hauptmann Rosenbrock) which had been brought forward therefore remained at Mudrowka. The Russians, outnumbering the Germans twenty to one, attacked the company, which was unable to advance in this swamp. On the other hand, in the afternoon, at Pechanoye, contact was established with the 239. Infantry Division, which had passed Kremenchug to the north.

The Soviets must now see that a dangerous situation is developing north of Kremenchug. They relocate the 212th Motorized Division between the 297th and 300th Rifle Divisions. This temporarily strengthened the enemy's front and also halted the advance of the 257th Infantry Division. But Kremenchug fell into German hands without a fight after the last Russian formations felt trapped between the German divisions. The city garrison abandons the fight.

With the capture of Kremenchug, the German 17th Army obtains a base from which to continue the offensive across the Dnieper. The chief sapper of the XI. AK received the order on September 09 to begin preparatory work for the construction of a 16-ton war bridge near Kremenchug. The Army Command decides to demolish the previous corps bridge in Vorowskowo. The XI. AK ordered Oberstleutnant von Alfen on September 10:

"From 3:30 p.m., Pi. Rgt. 617 expands the previous war bridge to 16 tons and moves it to Kremenchug."

The Pi.-Btle.73, 74, RAD Group 107 and column of bridges 18 begin at the time indicated with this work, which ends at 12:00 on September 11. The 200 m long, 16-ton bridge near Kremenchug is built!

Sources: ... 7Armee.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.............................

Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941 - Kremenchug.

In accordance with the wishes of the Army Group, Panzer Group 1 was initially not going to directly intervene in the impending encirclement battle. The Army Group War Diary also records September 4:

"After taking possession of an operational bridgehead, the 17th Army has to advance as soon as possible and with the greatest possible force in a northerly direction against the general Mirgorod-Lubny line, here the main effort, with the aim of positioning itself in the middle Dnieper and in the area east of Kiev to destroy the enemy forces in cooperation with the forces of the 6th and 2nd Army advancing southeast across the Letki-Neshin line. The deep eastern flank of the 17th Army will be protected by Panzer Group 1, which is advancing through Krasnograd - Poltava."

Meanwhile, this approach had been changed by the OKH (Army High Command) itself, which now wants to see Panzer Group 1 used as the main effort group to close the encirclement. The Army Group War Diary reports on September 11 about this plan:

"... the forces of Panzer Group 1, reinforced by some infantry divisions, will advance from the Kremenschug bridgehead against the Romny-mouth of the Ssula line, the rapid forces of Panzer Group 2 against the Bakhmatsch-Romny line with the task of enveloping the enemy forces in front the 2nd and 6th Armies in Romen- and the Ssula sector and attacking and destroying them from their rear.

Advance the bulk of the 17th Army to cover the eastern flank in the Poltava-Kharkov direction. . "

This rapprochement of the armored units desired by the OKH was initiated by the Army Group Command in its Instruction No. 8, which had been sent to the AOK (army commands) two days in advance. After this, the Panzer Group had already received the order to turn west towards the Ssula sector and block it between Romny and Lubny. The most urgent task should be to stop and intercept the Soviet breakout attempts, which are certainly expected, until the infantry divisions of the 17th Army catch up. After that, a possible further advance of the armored units could be carried out in the direction of Pirjatin or Yagotin.

Sources: ... 7Armee.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Support of the sappers during the river crossing..................................
Support of the sappers during the river crossing..................................
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Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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Re: Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941.

Post by tigre »

Hello to all :D; more.............................

Bridgeheads over the Dnieper 1941 - Kremenchug.

On September 11, at 00:00, Panzer Group 1 took over traffic control on both Dnieper bridges, as ordered. At the same time, Panzer Group directed the supply movements of 17th Army, which subordinated all supply and traffic control troops to Panzer Group. It is therefore a guaranteed smooth and rapid transition of the XXXXVIII. AK (Mot) and XIV. AK (Mot.) groups.

On September 12, Panzer Group 1 attacked north from the bridgehead near Kremenchug. For now it is the XXXXVIII. AK. (Mot.) the one that begins to move. After the deployment ended for the night, a brief artillery concentration opened the beginning of the bridgehead breakout. The Corps attacked with the 16. Panzer Division on the left and the 9. Panzer Division on the right behind. The order for both divisions was to block the route to the east between Lubny and Kharkov.

The infantry regiments of the XI. AK broke into the first Russian positions, overcame the enemy's resistance and opened the gap through which General Kempf was now pushing his armored divisions. The troops of the Soviet 38th Army under the command of Major General Feklenko, defending a front almost 200 km wide, were surprised by the force of the German attack and did not put up a unified defense.

The muddy and flooded roads demanded more of the motorized troops than the enemy himself. The attack advances quickly anyway. The forward battle group of the 16. Panzer Division (PR 2, 1./ SR 79 and 1./ AR 16) advances northwest despite resistance breaking out here and there. It reached Karpicha. The I./ PR 2 under Major Graf von Strachwitz advances to Semjonowka.

The command post of the Soviet 38th Army is not far from this place in the Vessyolyj Podol station building. German main battle tanks appear to have risen out of the ground. The Soviet sentries are so surprised that they mistake the tanks for their own and direct them to the Army Headquarters! Major General Feklenko and his staff officers can only escape by jumping through the open windows. Then the Strachwitz combat vehicles occupy the headquarters of the enemy army!

The tanks of the 16. Panzer Division have managed to cover a distance of 70 km in the afternoon. They are already 105 km northwest of Kremenchug. The resistance of the Soviet 38th Army seemed to collapse that day. The 9. Panzer Division is not attacking yet, but is currently making the crossing across the Dnieper.

Sources: ... 7Armee.htm

Cheers. Raúl M 8).
Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada. General José de San Martín.
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