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Unique Military History Resource

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 6:07 pm
by thewaryouknow
Greetings to theĀ forum community! I am starting a new thread which announces The War You Know, a unique military history resource that hopefully proves to be of reference value to the membership here. The link to The War You Know:

Please allow me to emphasize that everything at the above website is free and it generates no revenue. There is no advertising involved and the site has already had more than 1,800 first-time viewers. Further, I am not attempting to build a parallel membership base. The sole purpose of The War You Know project is to educate and generate discussion by exhibiting original wartime primary sources such as letters, diaries, telegrams, newsreels, period military films, and etc.

Please consider visiting the site and join me in going back in time to study past conflict. I welcome your comments and will constantly strive to make The War You Know better for everyone's benefit. Thank you in advance for your time and interest -


Site Manager

The War You Know

Re: Unique Military History Resource

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:05 pm
by David W
Do you plan to include any of the other combatant nations of WWII?

Kind Regards,

Re: Unique Military History Resource

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 7:40 am
by thewaryouknow
Hello, David:

Thank you for asking an excellent question about The War You Know and for checking out the website. Yes, I will eventually be including other Second World War combatant nations in the resource aside from the U.S. but have another phase of the project to complete before I can start. Transcription and translation will also take some time. In the interim, I hope you will enjoy and benefit from the more than 100 unique stories I've already published, to include original wartime material directly connected to the RCAF, France, and England. There will be some additional wartime period material from Belgium, the Netherlands, and the Philippines posted soon as well.

I hope this answers your question and please consider reading all of the stories and viewing all of the period film already on the website, as they form a memorable and historically accurate picture of U.S. participation in the Second World War. Have a nice Sunday -



Site Manager, The War You Know

Re: Unique Military History Resource

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 11:11 am
by David W
Thanks for the very detailed reply Fred. :D