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Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:56 pm
by haen2
The people [whom you no doubt would call "sheeple"] spoke. Like it or not, a lot of things are going to change. In my humble opinion, probably for the better.

I see you listen to Michael Savage too 8) :D

Not to worry; with my racial background I can't afford to be a racist :wink:
But yes , too many people are "sheeple" :D :(

Oh well, let's stop this thing, before it gets out of hand.

Let's see what he, Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama, can pull out of the hat; other than socialism or worse, marxcism.


Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:39 pm
by Hans
I don't give a damn whether this man is green, blue or ginger. Nor do I care if he is a Muslim, Jew or Pagan. What I care about is that he gets his troops out of wherever they are and lets the citizens of those countries solve their own problems, even if they kill one another [better than being killed by a foreigner], compensates those families and countries that have suffered under Bush's moronic mania, hands Bush over to a War Crimes Tribunal and if found guilty hangs him himself. Oh yeah, and we would like our money back Mr. Obama.

Seriously though folks, nothing is going to change, not for the better anyway. Do I really care? Not really.

- Hans

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:49 am
by phylo_roadking
YOUR money?
Seriously though folks, nothing is going to change, not for the better anyway. Do I really care? Not really
Given that Australia is the 51st State of the Union-in-waiting....I'd care...

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:02 am
by Piet Duits
they DO have a dollar as currency :D
That's a start, or isn't it :D

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:31 pm
by Hans

Where have you been old son. Since the Socialist scum took over in November last year we are a province of China. Not that our windbag of a PM has not got his eye on ruling the world. Must say he is incompetent enough to do it too.

Why do you really care though people, we live in democracies and our leaders only do as we ask them to. They have no other wish than to serve us, the people, their masters :D :D :D :roll:

- Hans

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:02 pm
by phylo_roadking
Why do you really care though people, we live in democracies and our leaders only do as we ask them to. They have no other wish than to serve us, the people, their masters looks like you live in Oz - the Marvellous Land Of, rather than the antipodeal continent of that name...

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:07 am
by Ron251
Maybe I see things a bit too much on the dark side, but I give the man 6 months, a year at the most, and then he'll be dead.
He is too much of a thread to those in real (financial) power and I somehow have the feeling that his way is not their way.....
I mean how can the top-capitalist-pigs get their claws on more cash without a good war or 2?? (Haliburton for example). And God forbid he would do something for the enviroment. The sheeple need to burn the oil for others to make a profit, right?
And why do we need healthy and well educated people, when dumb, sick ones are more easily controlled??

six months...... %E

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:41 am
by HeinrichFrey
Hi Boys,
a very interesting thread indeed. My English doesn´t allow to take part in a way I would like to do. In the German press O. is glorified as new messias.He is compared with Kennedy. And his wife is so intelligent so cute. The black Kennedy. And Joe Biden is the new Lyndon B.?
All the best for You and Your country!

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:05 pm
by phylo_roadking
I mean how can the top-capitalist-pigs get their claws on more cash without a good war or 2??
Simple - they put on their rags and do an Oliver Twist say please give us a bail-out using taxpayers money, but don't expect to be able to tell us what to do with it...
The sheeple need to burn the oil for others to make a profit, right?
That's about to stop, very very soon. For the oil companies don't matter quite as much in job numbers' terms as the car companies in the US do - and THEY are about to vanish in a puff of smoke....

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:39 pm
by HeinrichFrey
Hi Roadking,
the stock exchanges may make american cars puffing. Me, I still drive Opel which means to be a sucessful daughter of GM. An a Landrover. But my gun is german.
And as I remark: Ex"change" will be something new. Try to bring your boys back home.

Re: Feldmarshal Obama...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:26 pm
by John W. Howard
Hello Folks:
We just went through two years of political campaigning here in the States, and I have had political rhetoric up to my eyeballs, so I am not anxious to hear any more and am locking this topic. If someone can think of one valid reason to keep it going, PM me and I'll reconsider.